Show Hill Harper some love!

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Thanks AlyssaluvsDanny! Oh, I hope you can get your scanner to work! I would love to see that picture!
Oh Jesus, that's a beautiful man-sandwich! :p
I obviously agree totally. ;) :lol:

Fay, don't worry about the oreo cookie thing. Everyone knows the creme filling is the best part. ;)
*cough* I hope they'd agree with that as well. :devil:

I was wondering if anyone saw Hill on the cover of Jet Mag??.
Ooh! Hill's on the cover? *walks nonchalantly down the magazine aisle at my local Walden's* I'd love to check out that picture. *cough*hint*cough* ;)
Bumping this up as a reminder--please send me your messages for Hill ASAP so I can get them printed up and put in a scrapbook for him! :)
I hope Hill loves the scrapbook! :D :D :D

I found this picture and thought I'd share it with y'all.

He's so yummy in jeans. ;) (And he's totally giving me the eyes--you know what I'm talking about. :devil:)

By the way, I've been looking for movies that Hill has been in, and I found this schedule for "Lackawanna Blues" on if you have all of those snazzy extra HBO channels (like I do ;)), you can check it out soon in case you haven't already seen it. If you can, I'd recommend watching it--Hill's not really in it much, but it's such a great movie. :D

I'll be looking for showtimes for other movies as well. :)

Edited to add: Alright, I've been searching for movies/shows/etc that Hill has been in, and so far I found listings for "Love, Sex and Eating the Bones", which, er, is described like this: "Screwy, offbeat comedy-romance centers on a porn-addicted photographer (Hill Harper) who falls for a celibate ad exec (Marlyne Afflack). " *cough* I haven't seen it yet. :eek:

Edit #2: :rolleyes: I should have just searched his name first. ;) On (which I guess is only for those in the US, like the other schedules that I posted, I suppose), this is the list of appearances for him.
Fay - Thanks for posting Hill's upcoming TV schedule and that yummy pic. Love the look on his face. You know the photographer said, "Alright, now give me your best 'I wanna !%@* you so bad' look." :lol:

The description of Love, Sex and Eating the Bones has got my attention. *runs to Blockbuster*
*cough* Er, it might have helped if I'd mentioned that the listings are for where I might have to change the location to see when the stuff is coming on for you. :eek:

Here's a loverly cap of him that I stole from that page. ;)
I speak first-hand when I say that, in person, Mr Hill Harper is as sweet and charming as he is good-looking. More to follow!
Khanada said:
I speak first-hand when I say that, in person, Mr Hill Harper is as sweet and charming as he is good-looking. More to follow!
Duuuuuude! What kind of a freakin' tease are you? Pony up the info, girl. We want all the glorious details. :D
The newspaper had an article about him today, he's apparently book signing out here in Chicago.

*pouts* That's three of the actors that have been here and I can't get to see any of them! *sniff sniff*

Good article though. He even had a teaser headline or whatever you want to call it, preview, on top of the front page.
Yup, I was there, along with Top41 and jkladis. We listened to him speak to the crowd for an hour. He discussed his book and answered questions. He then went over to sign autographs (his book).

So we get in line and wait our turn. Soon as Top41 identifies herself to him (from CSIfiles), he's on his feet, hugging her like long lost friends. She gave him the little burgandy book (large book more like it; she did a fantastic job on it with the letters from the fans) and he was thrilled! It was fantastic. Of course, he was joking about us bringing him LaPerla! He then told us to come back in about 45 minutes (when he'd be done signing) for photos, which will be coming onto the board as soon as Top can pry them out of her camera. (hint, hint boss).

I found him extraordinarily funny, charming, sweet and very passionate about his book and the contents. As well he should be too! We really had a good time today.
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