Show Hill Harper some love!

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Hill: What are you saying about me and Carmine?

wow interesting afro! :lol: yea hill is sexy but i can't decide if i like him or carmine more. can i have both?

btw i looooove his sense of style! :D thanks for the nice pics. :)
i really like hill a lot.., a lot - a lot! i think another thing that makes him sexy is his intelligence! wow, i was scared of him when i first found out he went brown and harvard!
messinwithmesser said:
i really like hill a lot.., a lot - a lot! i think another thing that makes him sexy is his intelligence! wow, i was scared of him when i first found out he went brown and harvard!
There is truly nothing sexier than intelligence. The multiple ivy league degrees can make him a bit intimidating. I'm well educated myself, but his background has the same effect on me. What I really enjoy though is that he doesn't come off sounding like some pompus ivy league ass. He sounds completely normal and down to earth when he chats with us.

Top and Khanada - Loved hearing about your meeting. Hill sounds fantastic! *swoons* Can't wait to see the pics. I'm really, really impressed with how great he was to you guys. That's awesome. He wants more La Perla's, huh? :lol:

Okay, girls, give me your honest opinion on this. If I do manage to catch his San Francisco book event, I would possibly consider parting with a La Perla for him. However, here's why I'm asking your opinion. I do own a couple La Perla bra/thong sets. I shelled out $700 for each of them. Though the cost isn't the root of my dilemma. I was once told by a brilliant female litigator that she always wears fabulous lingerie under her conservative dark suits at trial because it does wonders for her confidence. I followed that advice and prior to my first two trials, I shelled out big for my undies. And they do work wonders for a girl's confidence! ;) Unlike the woman who gave me that advice, I can't afford to wear LaPerla every single day for a two week trial, but I do wear it for opening and closing arguments. Consider them my "lucky" undies, but not for the usual meaning of the word "lucky". :lol: So, here's the question - do I part with one of my lucky thongs for some guy I don't know, or is that just completely retarded? Besides, I'd never wear the matching bra again because I'd be missing the panties and I can't replace the panties because they change the colors/patterns seasonally. Thoughts? Give up a LaPerla for Hill, or not? ... Or, if I do catch him in San Francisco, do I just buy another pair specifically to give to him?
Heh only suggestion is to take a picture of yourself in the LaPerla and give it to him. ;) Then you both win. :p :lol: (tee hee hee, I'm so naughty. :devil:)

But I have to agree that intelligence is so sexy, not just 'oh, I have a degree' intelligence, but...I dunno, it's more of an intangible sort of quality. I haven't met Hill, but it's obvious that he has it in abundance. I think I'd be intimidated by him initially, but he just seems so damn nice! I doubt it would take long to be comfortable in his presence.

...that, and I want to make babies with him. :eek: ;) :lol:
wait, he's going to be in SF???? whoa! i am sooo there to see him! (hopefully it won't be while i'm away on business...)

about the LA PERLA thing, i agree with Faylinn! that would definitley knock his socks off! :p

from what TOP & Khanada mentioned, he seems like a pretty nice guy. i'm glad he doesn't come off with that "i went to an ivy league school" attitude.. :)
messinwithmesser said:
wait, he's going to be in SF???? whoa! i am sooo there to see him! (hopefully it won't be while i'm away on business...)
That's right! Your location used to say "la - sf", didn't it? Would love to meet another fan. :D I live in Sacramento, but will certainly get my ass to the city for that book signing. Hill made passing mention of the SF event at the end of the last chat he did with us. I'm gonna bug the hell out of Top to call for info on that. *nudges Top* ;) :lol:

About the LA PERLA thing, i agree with Faylinn! that would definitley knock his socks off! :p
:lol: :lol: :lol: You girls are evil! I'm beyond ballsy and wear my undies well. In theory, I don't have a problem giving him a pic of me in a La Perla set. I'm not modest and it would at least be different than simply copying what someone else has already done. Originality is good. The problem with that lies in the fact that I can't exactly photograph myself and I'm guessing my boyfriend would be none too thrilled to assist me with that. :lol: Sure, I have close girlfriends who could take the pics for me and the boyfriend would be none the wiser, but I'm a "no secrets" kinda girl who just can't pull that one off. :(
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Sure, I have close girlfriends who could take the pics for me and the boyfriend would be none the wiser, but I'm a "no secrets" kinda girl who just can't pull that one off. :(

The question is then, if you told your boyfriend, how would he react? I'l all for taking the photo and sending it in - then you both win and maybe he'll come looking.
yes, MRS. G, I am currently in SF at the moment.

I would definitley love to see Hill if/when he comes here. My co-workers already think I'm crazy, coz I go on and on about these lovely CSI: NY seeing Hill with another CSI: NY aficionado would be great! :)
How about that: Being honest with the boyfriend about the pic for Hill, declaring your undying and unfaltering love for him (boyfriend, that is, and not Hill), getting a girlfirend to take the pics and make two sets. ;) One 'behaved' one for Hill and a slightly more 'adult' version for the boyfriend.

Then, of course, I might not be the most reliable source on that, since ... well, I'd do it just to see the look on his face. :devil: I bet he's adorable when he blushes. :eek:
I finally have pictures! :D But first...I did specifically ask on Saturday about the SF date and even got my hands on his current (as in, currently outdated apparently! :lol: ) tour schedule, but didn't see a single SF date on it! :( I will try to give the tour manager (at least, I assume that's who's number they gave me!) a call tomorrow to see if I can find out more.

On the LaPerla--I'd recommend getting a new thong just for Hill. Wear it once or twice before to make it personal ;) and that way you can keep your lucky sets and give Hill one all of his own! :devil:

Now, pics! :D I'll do these in two posts so they're not overwhelming...


Hill speaking! (The flash didn't work so well in the tent)


Another shot of Hill speaking. The man gave a very compelling talk!


Hill signing!


Another one of Hill signing, for none other than CSI: NY Superfan, jkladis! :D
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