Show Hill Harper some love!

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He actually covered that at the talk! He said that it was "the carrot", ie the pictures used to lure in a casual reader who was just thumbing through the book. Sometimes you have to catch someone's eye and make them think "what's this all about".
Khanada- sounds like you guys had a great time and that's awesome Hill liked the book!!
Can't wait to see the photos :D
Khanada said:
So we get in line and wait our turn. Soon as Top41 identifies herself to him (from CSIfiles), he's on his feet, hugging her like long lost friends. She gave him the little burgandy book (large book more like it; she did a fantastic job on it with the letters from the fans) and he was thrilled! It was fantastic. Of course, he was joking about us bringing him LaPerla! He then told us to come back in about 45 minutes (when he'd be done signing) for photos, which will be coming onto the board as soon as Top can pry them out of her camera. (hint, hint boss).

I found him extraordinarily funny, charming, sweet and very passionate about his book and the contents. As well he should be too! We really had a good time today.

omg *squeeeeeeeeeeee*!!! he seems toooo nice!
i soooo need a plan to get him to come to europe!
i also need to thank Top again for the letters, seeing as they made him so happy! :D :)
Yay! I'm glad he loved the scrapbook. :D He deserves some love, after all. ;) And it's great to hear that he's such a nice guy.

I can't wait for the pictures! *throws a brick with the words "huge freaking hint" at Top* :p :lol:
Hey guys! :D

The signing was awesome! :D Khanada covered the highlights, but I just gotta say, Hill was psyched! :D But he still wants thongs. So...if you guys want to send them... :lol: But I have a feeling, it's LaPerla or bust--he's one high class guy! :D

I have to say, as hot as Hill is on screen, he is even hotter in person! When he was on that stage, I was swooning. :D And the man is so articulate and intellengent--he's the whole package. Quite a great and compelling public speaker.

I do have pictures! :D They should be going on disc today, and then I'll e-mail them to one more tech savvy than I am so that I can post them. :D Did I say how sexy Hill is? Yes? Let me say it again. :D

The other thing people were asking about was tour dates, and I did ask about it, but it seems his schedule is constantly changing. However, I did get the name of a person to call about the tour dates, so I'll give her a call on Monday and see if it's possible to get an accurate list.

A HUGE thanks to everyone who sent in letters! I printed them out and mounted each one on construction paper before putting them in the book, and I think it turned out really well. The letters were fantastic. :D
:lol: There sure are a lot of :Ds in your post, Top.

Glad he liked the scrapbook. ;)
He still wants thongs, though? :eek: Greedy little thing. :lol:
^Hill did concede that Eddie should be next in line for getting a thong since he hasn't gotten any. But, he made it pretty clear that LaPerla would not go amiss. ;) :lol:
Awww Hill sounds like such a gentleman! You guys are so lucky to have met him. I wish he would head up to Canada to do a book signing.
jorja_fan86 said:
I have to admit that I'm slowly starting to like Hill more then I like Carmine :eek:.

Thank God I am not the only one. I stopped being star-struck with Carmine months ago. I'm now star struck with (of course) Hill, Eddie, Randy Orton, John Cena and Rey Mysterio.
I've always had a thing for dark chocolate :devil::

He is sooo hot. Among my other dark choclates: Usher!!! Raja Bell!!! Hot damn! Hate me for this, but I don't care: Hill is hotter than Carmine. There, I said it.
:lol: I don't think anyone will get mad considering this thread is all about the sexy Mr.Harper. Speaking of which the man looks stunning in pink:


Ooh and he has the greatest smile as well!!!
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