Show Hill Harper some love!

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AmbersDream said:
Girl! You saw the man in person. Spill the damn beans! Are you holdin back on me???? :lol:

Don't worry, ladies, you will get to know the details (or at least some of them... *insert evil grin here* )

I'm writing a summary of my 'close encounter' and will post it as soon as I get some pictures to go with it. My friend took them with their cameras because I was too focused on the man and the whole experience to notice so I'm just waiting to get them. It's worth the wait, trust me. ;)
I respect him so much, especially after reading his book -- my poor copy is so dog-eared and battered, I should probably buy another one just to have a nice one. I have passed on his words to so many of my male and female friends because they made such an impact on my heart.

Anyway, I can't imagine meeting Hill Harper! I bet he's a pretty chill guy, but you can definitely tell that he has boundless energy.
Springmoon said:
Okay, so I am a complete moron. I talked my boss into postponing my trip by a day and what did I do.... got pissed!drunk last night and slept late - now it's too late to head up to Baltimore for the book festival since Hill's appearance starts... now! Gah!
OMG! :eek: Hope that was some damn good booze, woman. That sucks! :(
I'd LOOOOOOVE to find out just how much boundless energy he has....Naughty thoughts ya'll.... :eek:
By the way, Episode 5 is up on YouTube.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
OMG! Hope that was some damn good booze, woman. That sucks!

Well, it was :lol: but I will be on the lookout for future opportunities. And I will *not* f*** them up.
AmbersDream said:
I'd LOOOOOOVE to find out just how much boundless energy he has....Naughty thoughts ya'll.... :eek:
*steps into that line as well* :devil:
By the way, Episode 5 is up on YouTube.
Thanks! Ran right over to check that out. None of them have made me laugh like the first one, but episode 5 is pretty good. I notice his dance moves come up in a couple episodes. Looks like the man's got some skills. I wonder if he actually got his mom to do a brief cameo in this one? That part was really funny.
Aw, springmoon I know exactly how you feel!!

I found out Friday about Hill's appearance at the book festival but had already committed to cheering on our beloved Ravens here in Baltimore at M&T Bank stadium. I was only five minutes away from the man and was ready to say screw the football game...

I am very depressed that I couldn't go see him today - I hope he comes back soon!!!
Episode 5 is very good! I thought that part with the mirror in the bathroom was hilarious. I don't think that is his Mom though...atleast that didn't look like the same lady from his book.
He can move! That was sexy as hell. You saw the man in person, you could've gotten him to do the electric slide or something. LOL
Well, I did get to see him on G. Garvin tonight instead - what a sweetheart!! I never would have guessed that he couldn't cook but now he has one more talent to use to woo the ladies. I wonder if I can wrangle an invitation over to his house for some... er, fish?
I suppose someone out there thinks I'm cute and I'm about as tan as Hill is. I was hoping to be let in for more than just fish, of course.
AmbersDream said:
You saw the man in person, you could've gotten him to do the electric slide or something. LOL
Screw the electric slide. My interests lie closer to the 'horizontal bop'. ;) :devil:
^Hmmm it must be a new dance 'cause I never heard of it before :lol:. If Hill was to ever do a book signing here in Vancouver I'd get him to autograph something else besides his book :devil:.
^ :lol: Yeah, I'd love to ask him to sign my ta-tas, but wouldn't want to embarrass myself with the ... uh, lack of writing space. :lol:
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