Show Hill Harper some love!

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chelliyah said:
me too.. have you actually ever seen his chest?! **looks around** i hope it aint as hairy n big as his beard... wat a thought lol

Uhm, I have, and -- trust me here -- it's not. He has the most beautiful chest I've ever seen.
Faylinn said:
Er, are you thinking about AJ instead of Hill, chelliyah? :lol: Wrong thread, dear. :p

Mmm...I think we might have to conduct an investigation on the guys. All of 'em, just to be thorough ( even though we know Carmine and Eddie are pretty hairy :lol: )
lmao **rofl** oh my god hehe how stupid am i?! duh!!! **slaps myself on the head**
i was jus soo mesmerised me DETECT's banner... mmmm!!!!
lol i think you jus may be right there!!!.. where are u from? we may jus b long lost twins tryin to spread the love of "bumfluff buckley" hehe
check out hawkes with glasses...i love those glasses on him...oh yea, there's carmine too! carmine, you're not the only one who looks hot with glasses, k?! :p

Eh I think his glasses are ok. If he wore a different style I think he would look sexy. However, he looks like a sex god whenever he wears that pair of aviators. They give him this sexual esscense that just makes me want him even more :devil:.


I just want to hump his leg or something right there. :lol:

Another pic of him in glasses

Oh god I love his eyes & lips! I've always been attracted to men with big, thick red lips & soft brown eyes & Hill seems to really fit that description. He would look his best if he wore his aviators & nothing else :devil:.
Ooh...that's a naughty image...:devil:

Do you think if I humped his leg he'd be nice and let me do something else? ;) Heh heh...
thanks Faylinn for posting more "Hawkes with glasses" pics...i don't know what it is about those glasses i like so much, maybe it just makes him look even smarter and sexier or something... ;)
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