Show Hill Harper some love!

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Thanks for the welcome, Mrs. G! I feel right at home here and I'm glad you think a poll is a good idea! Personally, I like him better with the facial hair but he looks more than fine without it, too!
The facial hair poll is a great idea! The man asked for our opinion as his fans...and our opinionated asses definately have an opinion on it! My vote is for the hair, obviously..however, if he came to my door without the facial hair, I would still invite him inside........or to my bedroom and inside something else. :lol:
Yeah, that was tough because of my wording in the third choice. I edited it to say that it's assumed you'd all do him either way. ... And then, of course, there's the Carmine choice. :lol:
With facial hair, without it...he's still the best lookin' black man on the planet. He's just beautiful ( and he TOTALLY has better abs than Carmine -- although Carmine's are good ).
:lol: Don't get me wrong, Mrs.G, but Hill wins the bod competition.

Also, was it my imagination, or did his accent slip a bit on 'building' when he said, "doesn't look like he was thrown from the building" in Live And Let Die. I don't know if anyone remembers, but I thought it was pretty cute.
I dunno, I don't think I've ever heard that Midwestern accent on him in any of his movies... I'll have to keep a special ear out for it.
Hmm, I've never noticed the accent either...of course, I'm not sure what a midwestern accent sounds like anyway. :lol:

I went looking for this picture because, well, it's hot. :lol: It was originally posted by BlueGirl. :)

Hill with a wee little mohawk
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