Show Hill Harper some love!

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FAYLINN.. is it me or does it look like Hill waxes his arms?! they are so shiny n look silky smooth! hehe Arm!P0rn!!!!
hehe here is the famous " you're going to that creepy place again sid" lol :lol:
:lol: You showed the picture, so I have to share the banner I made with it. :p (It's kinda blurry, but...)

dociscookingbannerv2.jpg know, like the thing they used to say for the Rock and he'd do that eyebrow thing... :eek: Maybe it's just me then. :lol:
chelliyah said:
hehe here is the famous " you're going to that creepy place again sid" lol :lol:
I LOVE that! Great line. Great delivery. Great expression. Two thumbs up.

A few posts back someone was talking about his accent. Maybe that one line may have sounded like he has an accent (I don't remember hearing it), but I've heard him speak in person and he doesn't have a midwestern accent. At least, not in my opinion.
^ Me too. Kinda makes me want to go to that "creepy place" with him. :devil: Whisper freaky s**t in his ear and see if I can get that expression out of him. :lol:
me too.. have you actually ever seen his chest?! **looks around** i hope it aint as hairy n big as his beard... wat a thought lol
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