Show Hill Harper some love!

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There are pics of Gary's ass out there? :eek: Who'd want to take those? Musta been from one of those annual old man prostate exams or something. :lol:

Hill looked damn hot last night! Hawkes and Danny are so much fun together and I am LOVING Hawkes and Hammerback! I think secretly Hawkes likes it when Sid goes to the "creepy place". ;) ... I know I do. Hawkes also seemed to have good chemistry with the new detective. "Looks like Angell got her wings." That was a cute line and the delivery was great.
god love ya mrs. g! ;) :D

hahaa....i don't need to see those pics of gary's arse either... :lol:

i do have that same feeling about hawkes secretly wanting to know about hammerback's creepy place.... :lol:
lol yeah i love it when hawkes n hammerback get together lol
i remember in season2 whre hammerback was talkin about that threesome hehe that was classic!!! :lol:
I"m with Mrs G...PLEASE warn a sister before you post Gary's ass again. LOL Me no likey that!

Hawkes definately needs to get laid..I agree. I guarantee NO doctor, as fine as he is, would be without some action.
It's getting ridiculous CSI! Even my Mom was like, "Why don't they get Hill a woman to lay up with on this damn show?"
i also agree Hawkes need to get some this season he is too fine a brotha to not be gettin' any.

BTW: The Hill Harper Show episode 4 is now on so don't dawdle but run over to YouTube.
Hill mmmmm was looking very sexy on wenesday love it when he wears those type of shirts.
I"m with Mrs G...PLEASE warn a sister before you post Gary's ass again. LOL Me no likey that!
No worries ladies, i don't wanna hurt your eyes.
Hi everyone - I've been reading all the threads for a while but decided it was time I put in an appearance. Didn't Hill mention in his interview that he wanted to know how the fans react to him without the facial hair? I think we should run a poll and tell him the results! I'm waaay too new to do this but, if you think it's a good idea, perhaps someone will set it up?
hey im watching fresh prince.. :eek: :eek: I had nOOOOOO idea that hill played some dude who was friends with wills ex lisa!!!!!!
he looks ssooo cute!!!!
I"ve recently seen that episode again of Fresh Prince with Hill on it...I'd forgotten that show because it had been so many years. Hill was a definate cutie. I'm loving the fade haircut. If I'd seen him strolling around LA with his hair cut like that back in the day, I would've tackled him...I LOVE the way he looked on that episode.
shaofu said:
Hi everyone - I've been reading all the threads for a while but decided it was time I put in an appearance. Didn't Hill mention in his interview that he wanted to know how the fans react to him without the facial hair? I think we should run a poll and tell him the results! I'm waaay too new to do this but, if you think it's a good idea, perhaps someone will set it up?
Welcome to the board, shaofu! Hope you enjoy it here. Great idea about the facial hair poll. I'm multi-tasking like a mad woman at the moment and don't want to start a poll while not paying 100% attention for fear of screwing it up, but I will definitely get a poll going. The man did say he wants to know what people think. :D
chelliyah said:
hey im watching fresh prince.. :eek: :eek: I had nOOOOOO idea that hill played some dude who was friends with wills ex lisa!!!!!!
he looks ssooo cute!!!!
I had no idea either, i didn't see it his bio.
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