Show Hill Harper some love!

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Not sure if I said it here or not yet, but does anyone else think he looks WAY hotter without the stubble on his chin from early S1? I like him a lot better when he got the beard better trimmed later know, like he is now.
Here are a couple early Season 1 pics.

From MIA/NYC Non-Stop (pilot)

Personally, I don't really see a difference in how he looked from S1-2...with the exception of the pilot....

Caps from Past My Shoulder
I really don't care if he goes clean shaven or not he still looks super good to me. Although the goatee does bring out the sexiness of his lips. :devil:
Hm, lets see...he looks good with or without the hair??? ...the smooth or the rugged look??? ...uh, awww, hell, Hill looks good either way! But,...a neatly trimmed moustache somehow speaks for itself...keep it!!!
I really like the clean shaven look he's currently sporting, but the dirty girl in me is kinda partial to the facial hair because I imagine it might tickle. ;) :devil:
I'm ticklish in exactly the right spots ;)

Edit: The Hill Harper Show over on YouTube has been updated with episodes two and three. Enjoy!
thanks Springmoon I'm going to YouTube right away.

Just saw the second episode and OMG!!! It was hilarious especially the part when:
he was dancing with the dancers on the stage I nearly pee on myself :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks so much for the YouTube update, Springmoon! :D I hustled my ass right over there and now I'm back to discuss. I don't want to be mean because I'm all about showing Hill some love, but, um, is it just me or were those episodes not nearly as good as the first? :eek:

Here are my thoughts:

Episode #2: The intro is waaaay too long. It took a full two minutes before Hill spoke and given that the entire clip is less than three minutes, I found that kind of annoying. The dance sequence was funny and I liked the little clip at the very end. Love me a dirty boy! Hill, next time you want to strap on that dog collar and get spanked, call me. ... You kept those props, right? I know you did. ;)

Episode #3: The only amusement found here is the hints at Hill's dirty humor. Again, love me a dirty boy. Otherwise, this was lame. :( ... The factoid was good though.

After viewing the first episode, I thought a development exec at VH1 must have been smoking some serious crack the day they passed on The Hill Harper Show. Today, it made a little more sense to me. Anyone else? What do you guys think? Hopefully, some of you enjoyed episodes two and three as much as I enjoyed the first episode.

Despite my less than enthusiastic response to episodes two and three, I'll still trot my butt over to YouTube the instant I learn of all subsequent episodes being posted. I still LOVE Hill's writing.

EDIT: Youngrebel edited her post while I was typing that. I'm glad to see someone had the reaction I'm sure the show deserves. Yay! :D
I agree MrsG. The first episode was hysterically funny, but two and three were... okay.

Three was better than two though, but I have to ask the question: were these meant to be full-length 24-minute episodes or little pieces that ran in between the other VH-1 shows? That would have worked! If they were meant to be stand-alone episodes to be expanded upon, then, not so much. I still loves me some Hill, though! He looks so young in these episodes even though they were produced not that long ago!
I believe this was originally produced as one 30 minute pilot that has been cut into seven short vignettes. I guess it's kinda hard to see how the whole episode would flow when it's cut up like this. To be fair to Hill, a 30 minute program isn't gonna have you rolling on the floor the entire time. There will be funny segments and not so funny segments. Hopefully, we see some more greatness in the remaining episodes. I really loved the first one.
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