Show Hill Harper some love!

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I'd make him wear him a baby pink lacy thong. Of course, there would be some areas that allow me to get a little peek everyone and then :devil:. Anyway, I love a man with a good sense of style:


He had dumps like a truck, truck, truck
thighs like what? What? What?
Baby, move your butt, butt, butt
I think I'll sing it again
Let me see that tho-o-o-ong oooo yeah, that thong thong thong thong thong

Actually, believe it or not jkladis didn't include himself in that threesome! :eek: What's with that, jkladis? :confused: The third man shouldn't be too hard to guess--he was Carmine's date for the Steppenwolf gala in Chicago in April. :D I believe jkladis was commenting on how all the ladies of the forum want to see this threesome, but of course he, jkladis, is indifferent. *cough*Sure he is.*cough* ;) :devil:
Top41 said:
Actually, believe it or not jkladis didn't include himself in that threesome! :eek: What's with that, jkladis? :confused: The third man shouldn't be too hard to guess--he was Carmine's date for the Steppenwolf gala in Chicago in April. :D I believe jkladis was commenting on how all the ladies of the forum want to see this threesome, but of course he, jkladis, is indifferent. *cough*Sure he is.*cough* ;) :devil:

oh my gosh...i don't even know what to's getting hot in herrreee.... :p

He had dumps like a truck, truck, truck
thighs like what? What? What?
Baby, move your butt, butt, butt
I think I'll sing it again
Let me see that tho-o-o-ong oooo yeah, that thong thong thong thong thong

That ROCKS!!!

Hill, if you're reading, I will gladly pony up a La Perla ... on the condition that you wear it for me. ;)

I love that jkladis mentioned our desire for to see a Hill/Eddie/Carmine three-way! :lol: :lol: :lol: Poor Hill. You know he's gotta be like, "WTF? Where's a Melina and Anna three-way?" :lol: Hmmmm, he does seem to be quite the ladies man. That could be a fun fanfic. I'd be tempted to take a stab at that one except that as I was erotically depicting Anna and Melina with Hill, I'd be freakin' kicking myself for not going the Eddie and Carmine route.
I'm going to have to chuck my keyboard at somebody--I keep picturing Hill in a leopard-print thong. :eek: (and that damn song is stuck in my head!! :rolleyes:)

:lol: Why didn't I think to mention the three-way in my letter? I did inform him that Hawkes gets a little slash-loving of his own on here, but I didn't say with whom. ;) Maybe he'll get curious and cruise the shipper forum. :devil:

Hell, why don't we just have a big NY-team orgy? Then we can skip the decision of choosing who to involve in a three-way? :devil:
^ Hill in a lepord print thong eh? *Rawr* The man can be my Tarzan anyday :devil:! I'm game for some good jungle lovin'.
Damn, I need to come over here more often! Hill and LaPerla thongs- broken in no less ;)

Does Hill also want a bra to go with that thong?
Nah--skip the bra and buy him a whip. *crack!*

Hot jungle lovin' = :devil:


On a more serious note:
I'm more than halfway through "Letters to a Young Brother"--it's such a great book. If you haven't already picked it up, I'd highly recommend it. Hill is so open and honest on each and every issue that he writes about. Even if you don't get it for yourself, definitely get it for a young man in your life; it's full of sound advice and encouragement, and let's face it--even if he's just saying the same things you and your family have said, aren't young people a little more inclined to listen to someone they're not related to (especially if that person just happens to be a successful celebrity)? ;)

I was thinking that I'd read somewhere that Hill was going to write a similar book aimed toward young women, so I went looking for information. He is, indeed, planning on doing a book titled "Letters to a Young Sister," but whether or not it gets published depends on the sales of "Letters to a Young Brother." I found this interview with Hill where he talks about the books and some of his plans for the future--if you read it, you'll see that he has the potential to make a great impact on the youth of America. Right now, an easy way for each of us to support him in that goal is to buy the book. Here's a quote from that interview that jumped out at me because, even if he's talking specifically about needing sales so that the publisher will move forward with "Letters to a Young Sister," it's also true for the book in general:

"I need your support on this; I need you to buy this book as a gift and give it to any young man that you know. Whether it’s your boyfriend, husband, your son, your nephew, and your godson, it’s a perfect graduation gift..."

See, I think Hill is even making that sexy little pouting face at you right now. ;) You know, that look that says, "if you're thinking about it, go ahead and order it." And who can really say no to the sexy little pout? ;) :p

Anyway, you can order the book for only $13.00 on :)


Now, er, back to your regularly scheduled thong-discussions. ;) :lol: And here's a picture: Am I the only one who wanted to jump on him in "Stuck on You" when he had the sunglasses on?...*drools* ;)
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Hey, jkladis, any chance you might care to entertain the rest of us with your message to Hill?

In the name of science, I shall reluctantly agree. PM me or the boss-mod for details. ;)
Here is jkladis's brilliant missive! :D

Dear Mr. Harper,

Congratulations on your book and thank you for taking the time to read my letter. My name is Jim Kladis. You may have come across my internet handle, jkladis, at the Talk CSI boards. I am naturally a fan. My friend Kristine Huntley was always talking about the show, so I picked up on it
during mid-first season. Your work on the series has been very impressive, and I'm very glad to see your character move up in the ranks. You deserve props.

It's great to see you working with all your fellow male leads, particularly Carmine Giovinazzo and Eddie Cahill. I have just one question about that. I've heard these "rumors" on the internet that the producers are considering a potential pairing of the two characters
romantically. Any thoughts to this? In addition, some friend of mine, who's name I can't recall right now, came up with the idea that the pairing would evolve into a threesome with none other than Dr. Hawkes, who himself could no longer resist such an endeavor. Would these stories be unfounded?

Not that a heterosexual guy such as myself would be interested in such rubbish. Ha, perish the thought.

Anyway, if such a fictional relationship were to be manifested, to what graphic detail would on-screen interaction would we be treated -- I mean *subjected* to, and do you think that it would be something that might
extend itself into reality? Not that I would know about any of that stuff, but when you've got three young, muscular and potent men, the imagination can run wild. I am, of course, referring to the imagination of the thousands of female fans of yours. They write these strange fiction pieces. I just know they are not cookbooks -- that's all I'm

Anyway, I hope you have time to write back. I look forward to a very informative response!

Or call me. ;)
^^ That is such a brilliant letter!! :lol:

Not that a heterosexual guy such as myself would be interested in such rubbish. Ha, perish the thought.
;) Terrible idea, p0rn. Especially when it's a Hawkes/Flack/Danny man-sandwich.

Has Hill called yet?
Brilliant letter, jkladis! Really well done. As usual. You rock! If Hill should call to say, I dunno, invite you to participate in that delicious manly threesome, just know you'd better set up a webcam or we'll be really freakin' pissed! :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: excellent letter! :lol:

some friend of mine, who's name I can't recall right now, came up with the idea that the pairing would evolve into a threesome with none other than Dr. Hawkes, who himself could no longer resist such an endeavor. Would these stories be unfounded?

Not that a heterosexual guy such as myself would be interested in such rubbish.

:lol: i think this is going to have hill laughing himself to stitches for a long time! *applauds*

They write these strange fiction pieces. I just know they are not cookbooks -- that's all I'm
they're cookbooks for man-buns and sandwiches ;) :D
Not that I would know about any of that stuff, but when you've got three young, muscular and potent men, the imagination can run wild. I am, of course, referring to the imagination of the thousands of female fans of yours. They write these strange fiction pieces. I just know they are not cookbooks -- that's all I'm saying.

:lol: That is the best part of the letter. jkladis, you should be a comedian. Seriously.

As for a bra for Hill...hmm he looks like he has pretty big pecs so I'm guessing a C cup, maybe a high B cup. There's lots of things to consider such as...does he want a sports bra, push up bra, hooks in the back, front and most easily can it come off?
The cookbooks comment was priceless. :lol: After the chat and the explanation of what "/" stories are, I think that part is just perfect. :lol:

Let's just hope jkladis doesn't throw Carmine over for Hill because that just might break Carmine's heart. :lol:
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