Show Hill Harper some love!

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The second set of pics...


Another shot of Hill signing! His line was really, really long and he signed for well over an hour. And that big red book on the left, under his other books is the scrapbook! :)


The man of the hour (or more accurately, several hours) was kind enough to ask us to come back afterwards to do pictures for the site. This is one of him and me.


One of Hill, me, and his book! :D


From left to right...jkladis, Hill, Khanada and me. After he took the pictures with me, he wanted to make sure to get a shot with jkladis and Khanada as well! :D

Definitely a fun day, and Hill was awesome! I will post the tour dates as soon as I get them. :cool:
Thanx a lot for the pics! I wish I could be there. Tell him to come to Hungary! :lol:

Love the shades. Looks a lot like Carmine's, but different colour.
Yay! Thanks so much for posting the pics, Top! He is one smokin' hottie! It's awesome that he posed for some many pics and signed for so long. Every single thing I've ever heard about him indicates he's a pretty great guy. Also thanks for any tour info you can get for us. Maybe his schedule changed or SF wasn't a done deal when he mentioned it. :(

Loved seeing the pics of people from the board too. :D It's always nice to have a face to place with the posts (or, in Khanada's case, with the sweet porn ;)). I'm just sad to see that jkladis left baby Eddie at home. :(

I think I'll go for Top's suggestion of giving Hill a new thong (broken in, of course ;)) should I catch his book tour. Though I'd have to think of something else too. Can't just totally copy someone else, even if the man is looking to expand his collection. :lol:

As for the boyfriend, he's very tolerant. Hell, he'd have to be to tolerate me. :lol: He's read all my Carmine porn and loved the Little Black Book idea, so perhaps giving naughty pics to another guy wouldn't be too much of a stretch if the "other guy" is a celeb and not the next door neighbor or anything like that. There's a comfortable distance in that. But I think I'll probably go with the thong and something else, if the opportunity arises.

messenwithmesser - If Hill does do SF, we'll have to coordinate and meet for lunch or dinner or whatever before or after the book signing. :D

Top - What did Hill say when you gave him the scrapbook? Did he totally love it?
Awwwwwww, I loooooove the pictures! :D Aww, you guys look great. Definitely can see you all had a good time. Thank you for sharing the pics. :) Heehee, now I know what Top41, Khanada and jkladis look like! Ah, jkladis ... I can see why Carmine had a love child with ya. ;) :lol:
Awww I know I sound like a broken record but Hill is a total gentleman. Hill, if you're reading this....marry me! I have no problem showing my love for you :D!

*eta* Thanks for sharing those photos Top. You guys look great!
Thanks guys! :D

MrsGiovinazzo said:

Top - What did Hill say when you gave him the scrapbook? Did he totally love it?

I actually gave it to him when we first went up to him in the bigass long line, and he didn't really have time to look at it. He was excited, and called it something like the big red book? He did notice it wasn't a little black book, and that's when he asked where his thong was! :lol: I think he'll enjoy the scrapbook when he gets a chance to sit down with it. He had like four events in one day in Chicago--one that started at 9pm and went until 11:30! And the next morning, he was speaking at a 7:15am church service. *ouch* He probably didn't get a lot of sleep that night! :eek:
I'll send Hill a thong anytime. I just need to know his size and the colour and prefers. I bet he'd look sexy :devil:.
Top41 said:
I actually gave it to him when we first went up to him in the bigass long line, and he didn't really have time to look at it. He was excited, and called it something like the big red book? He did notice it wasn't a little black book, and that's when he asked where his thong was! :lol: I think he'll enjoy the scrapbook when he gets a chance to sit down with it.
That's exactly like when I gave Carmine the LBB. They really don't have a chance to see what's written inside until later.

He had like four events in one day in Chicago--one that started at 9pm and went until 11:30! And the next morning, he was speaking at a 7:15am church service. *ouch* He probably didn't get a lot of sleep that night! :eek:
Ouch! Busy trip! I'm sure he could have squeezed in one more event though. ;) I hope you told him you were available for a booty call at 11:30. :lol: :lol:

jorja - LMAO! He would indeed look good in a thong. :p Gave me a wicked thought. Just for a little fun here, if you ladies could dress Hill in any pair of undies you own, what would it be? Me? Well, I'm not letting him wear my La Perlas until at least the second date ( :lol:) so I'd put him in a kinda sassy Betsy Johnson thong I have. It's yellow lace with black lace trim and a leopard printed crotch on the inside. I think the pale yellow would look great against his skin color and the lace would allow me to see the ... uh ... type of guitar he plays. ;) :devil:
Hill in thongs! :eek: I do have a rather attractive black lace one...

MrsGiovinazzo said:
That's exactly like when I gave Carmine the LBB. They really don't have a chance to see what's written inside until later.

And sometimes that's for the best. I'm sure Hill will enjoy the book when he sits down with it, but he'll probably want to concentrate on reading the letters to give them their due. Not to mention, there's one in there from jkladis that probably is worth a chuckle or seven. ;) :devil:
:lol: Now I have Sisquo's "Thong Song" stuck in my head. He's gonna be so happy to see the a lot of fans love him.
Top41 said:
Not to mention, there's one in there from jkladis that probably is worth a chuckle or seven. ;) :devil:
I can only imagine. :lol: The beauty that is jkladis may be new to Hill so I hope he was broken in gently. Hey, jkladis, any chance you might care to entertain the rest of us with your message to Hill?
^^ i'd like to know too!

:eek: hill in a thong?! i'd LOVE to see that! :lol: :devil:

jorja_fan86 the thong song just made my day! i can see hill in a yellow thong dancing to that song! :lol:
I'll check with jkladis and see how he feels about his letter being posted or PMed, but let's just say there was mention of a delicious manly threesome in it. ;) :devil:
OMG! I am so in love with jkladis right now! I just might have to kick Carmine's ass so I can have jkladis for my own. :lol: I'm sure Hill loved the suggestion of a manly threesome and is now wondering whether he can get the # from Carmine.
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