Show Hill Harper some love!

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It's time for another photo of the gorgeous man:


I can't wait to buy his book!
jorja_fan86 said:
I hope Hawkes will get his own episode next season. I mean, Flack, Aiden, Stella, Mac & Danny got their own episode and Lindsay sort of did. I want to learn more about why Hawkes wanted to go from the morgue to the field.
I so agree with you, I really hope some point during the next season we will get to see an episode centered around Hawkes. I mean, so far we really don't know all that much about him. It would be great to get some sort of family background and what’s more Hill Harper would totally be able to hold his own episode, he is such a talented actor. :)

By the way, gorgeous picture jorja_fan! :D
ThumpyG said:

:D Top, I love this picture of you and Hill, because it kind of looks like you have a come hither look going on! :D

You can't see, but my hand is on Hill's ass. :devil: But then, so is jkladis's... :eek: :lol: ;)
:lol: ^ I am so not surprised that your hand is on his ass! :devil: Mine would be too! I think that if you are given such opportunities to grab or touch fine men's asses, then it must be done. As for jkladis 's hand on Hill's ass too...I am a little disapointed that he would do that to Carmine. I mean he does have a love child with Carmine, but I can understand, it is a hot CSI:NY man!
Tinkerbell said:
jorja_fan86 said:
I hope Hawkes will get his own episode next season. I mean, Flack, Aiden, Stella, Mac & Danny got their own episode and Lindsay sort of did. I want to learn more about why Hawkes wanted to go from the morgue to the field.
I so agree with you, I really hope some point during the next season we will get to see an episode centered around Hawkes. I mean, so far we really don't know all that much about him. It would be great to get some sort of family background and what’s more Hill Harper would totally be able to hold his own episode, he is such a talented actor. :)

By the way, gorgeous picture jorja_fan! :D

Exactly! I want to know if he's an only child or if he has any brothers or sisters. Did he do any extra-curricular activites in high school? There is so much to learn about this beautiful man!
Ooh yeah. I'd plant a kis on those lips anyday, anytime. He has fantastic eyes as well. He has a great package :devil:.
jorja_fan86 said:
He has a great package :devil:.

My mind just went straight into the gutter, as it's a bit slow right now and it translated 'great' with 'big' and 'package' with ... *coughs* well, let's just describe it with 'south of the belt'. :eek:
Actually Bunny your reaction isn't that special. I'm sure most of us thought of the same thing when we read 'package', but that's normal y'know? ;)
:lol: You guys are bad. I was talking about the fact that he has the smarts, the looks and the body.

... That didn't work huh :p.
jorja_fan86 said:
:lol: You guys are bad. I was talking about the fact that he has the smarts, the looks and the body.

... That didn't work huh :p.
Doesn't appear to have :lol:

I just picked up Hill's book today (unfortunately, no sale at Chapters...good news for Hill, bad news for my wallet! ;) :p)- can't wait to read it! (as I mentioned before, I'm saving it for my trip home this weekend). :D
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