Show Hill Harper some love!

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As for the bra size, I'm thinking he might need a C cup. He does appear to have a pretty sweet rack. :lol: Actually, here's some props for Hill. I think his pecs are bigger than Carmine's. :eek:

Top - I think jkladis enjoys the CSI manly lovin' too much to throw Carmine to the side for Hill. I think he's gonna keep his baby's daddy around for good, but perhaps sneak Hill a little lovin' on the side. ;)

On a more serious note, going back to the great stuff that was posted about Hill's book a few posts back. I strongly encourage you all to support Hill's book. I enjoyed it and I'm not a member of his target demographic. He's trying to make a difference in the world and we should all support his efforts. He's got a strong pro-education, anti-bling message he's trying to deliver to a demographic that really needs to hear it. So, help him. He won't be able to do the companion book for sistas unless this book sells well. Let's make sure it does. :D
:lol: jkladis , that was brilliant! Cookbooks they are not! ;)

Hill's pecs bigger than Carmine's? Does Carmine know about this? He may get upset! :eek:

I am sold on purchasing Hill's book, as soon as I get paid next week ;)
Since my birthday is coming up on the 24th(eek) I'm gonna ask if I could get Hill's book as a gift. It sounds really good!
^ Fantastic imagery!

*imagines Hill and Carmine shirtless, checking each other out*

I think Hill's pecs may be bigger, Hill claims his abs are better. I'd, uh, like to continue that comparison a little further south. ;) :devil: Is it true that ... :devil: ... Nevermind, Fred will never allow me to continue down that path. :lol:
Ha ha, I have this lovely mental image of Hill and Carmine standing there, shirtless and staring at each other's chests. Then Eddie walks in, makes a funny sort of face, and is immediately pressed into service as judge. Five minutes later, Melina walks by, looks in, and is mortified to see Eddie with one hand on Carmine's chest and the other on Hill's, saying "well, you know Carmine, his really do feel bigger." :lol::lol::lol:

And I have to second the motion that we check a bit further south. :devil:

Back to Hill's book ( ;) ), I'm glad to hear that so many people are planning to buy it. You won't regret it, I promise. ;)
Here's another photo of the most sexiest and smartest man alive:

I've got to put a plug in for Hill's book as well! I'm a woman (obviously :lol: ) and in my 20s, so not the target audience, but I found his advice sound and helpful for anyone. The part about not getting into debt for anything but school or a home? That's good advice for everyone. Same with a lot of stuff in the book. The parts about going after your dream were totally inspiring to me personally, too. ;) :)
Top41 said:
I've got to put a plug in for Hill's book as well! I'm a woman (obviously :lol: ) and in my 20s, so not the target audience, but I found his advice sound and helpful for anyone.
I just got a copy of "Letters to a Young Poet" and I'm hoping to pick up a copy of Hill's book before I head home (I've got a 3 day bus ride a head of me- need some good reading! :D)
The part about not getting into debt for anything but school or a home? That's good advice for everyone.
Good advice. Also makes me feel better about the debt I have from school! :lol: ;)
I love his advice about debt from school--he emphasizes how the degree is worth it, and will eventually lead to the paying off of that debt--and the ability to earn so much more. Definitely very sound advice.
^ Very sound advice and it's good he drew a distinction between debt for good causes and detrimental consumer debt. Don't want to scare anyone off student loans ... which I personally will be paying on until hell freezes over. :lol:

:D Top, I love this picture of you and Hill, because it kind of looks like you have a come hither look going on! :D

EDIT: MRSG , I just remembered the extent of my student loans yesterday and almost cried! But as I told my mother, I will be paying on them until the day I die.
Damn. AXN will show Trapped and the entire G**D*** spotlight is on Danny. When will Hawkes have his Glory Days? (Sigh) Things you get for being an under dog...

See, that's why I like Hawkes more than Danny. He shows off more intelligence than attitude. (Not that I have anything against Danny, I'm just voicing out my opinion.)
I hope Hawkes will get his own episode next season. I mean, Flack, Aiden, Stella, Mac & Danny got their own episode and Lindsay sort of did. I want to learn more about why Hawkes wanted to go from the morgue to the field.
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