Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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So, just wondering since there won't be CSI eps for two months later on does that mean that the cast gets a little break at some point too? Not Just curious...
myfuturecsi said:
Is it just me, or is there a lack of Nick this season?

Maybe I should head over to the Grey's Camp if this is the case.

NIck will be working om a case with Greg next week. You know the cast is pretty big now, they gotta share screen time. It's a little early to judge, the season just started. BUt if you want to go to the dark side...
I forgot that this next epi is when Greg and Nick work the case together, and then the week after...Fannysmackin', I'm a mixture of looking forward to that epi and at the same time not--only because it's great to see Greg get a hell of a storyline and Eric totally shine in it, but, it's what's leading to that storyline that causes the trepidation.
angeldreams said:
So, just wondering since there won't be CSI eps for two months later on does that mean that the cast gets a little break at some point too? Not Just curious...

Wait what? theres going to be CSI eps. in the next couple months? Are you talking about the summer? Cause if you are then I would think that they get a few weeks off, but then they are givin their scripts for then next season.. not to mention, start shooting too. so They probally get like a couple/few weeks off then its air time again. =] Correct me if I'm wrong anybody.
no it should be few mounths off for the actors, too, during the summer break as the filming usually stops at the end of April and resumes at the end of July.

The discussion thread for the episode "Toe Tags is now up and open for discussion. Since this is for future episodes please direct all "Toe Tag" conversation to that thread. Thank you. :)
After Post Mortem airing Nov 9 it looks like there is going to be an almost two month break. Happenstance and Living Legend (the next eps) will be on Jan 1 2007. Ofcourse things could change but that's what it says on
Two months without CSI! I will go through withdrawl...that just sucks. Hope its not the case though.

It could mean they are going two months without filming, maybe they will double up and have new episodes anyway?
Has anyone noticed that you can look at the miniture crime scene thing on the CBS site..? Its pretty cool and its exactly the diner pic.. hmmm? Another clue thing? No.. probaby not.. haha whatever. Just thought I would let you all know just because.
Why would they do that? CSI is their best show and it is always at the top for the ratings (Well except for 2 weeks ago) and they put it on hiatus. Chanels are stupid first House and now CSI!! thats crazy!
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