Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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A Reminder from the first post on page one
Short Spoilers are good, But for the Long ones please give a short summery, a link to the spoiler & the episode name. -- Please be mindful of the *Copywrite* rule. If the site says it is copywritten its better to check if you can copy and paste and how much. Also be mindful of the Video rules as posted in the "Help Guide" located in this forum.

Folks we ask if you have not read the guidelines for this thread as I said located on page one in the first post, I urge you to do so. If you have I ask that you periodically refresh your memories. Thanks.
Thank you darx2mint4 I did. ;)

sandersidle No harm done, we have that rule for a couple reasons, one by doing a summery you are bringing in the folks who want to know a little but not always all of it, not to mention by being shorter they get the general Idea, and the link to the site gives them the choice to read the rest, and give the site credit/traffic. Again no harm done, it takes some getting use to. :)
I keep thinking that the lingering effects are both psychological and physical..the beating may effect him that way, all it takes is on hit, one punch in one particular area and it really can cause a life long injury.

Either way, it's going to be painful to watch, like everyone has said, Greg is such a good soul, he really has a great heart, you just don't want to see anything happen to him at all.
hey! Its my first post, not that i havent been reading everything but i finally decided to speak my mind so hear it goes.... i think that its going to be more of a physical effect causing greg a lot of pain that in turn will give him psycological effects. we never really saw how hurt he was in play with fire. He was in the hospital yes but the next episode he was back at work with just a bandage on his neck. Not a lot was ever said about that.
Well it had to be at least 5 days after if happen, because Cat was syspended for 5 days for "helping" blow up the lab. I think it was 5 days at least.
And can't you just imagine, Nick running to the scene of the attack yelling: "Leggo my Greggo!!"

I just read on YTDAW that the 7th episode is called 'Post Mortem'...ok now hold your breath. In the FannySmakin episode in order to save the victom from his attacker Greg runs one of the gang members over with his Denali - killing him!!! He is then pulled from the Denali and beaten up. Greg will go through an inquest/trial concerning the death of this kid. Also the kid was black so race becomes an issue. It becomes a media circus too. So the Greg saga continues and does not sound too good for him! :eek: :eek:

Both NIck & Sofia testify in his behalf.
Wojo said:

I just read on YTDAW that the 7th episode is called 'Post Mortem'...ok now hold your breath. In the FannySmakin episode in order to save the victom from his attacker Greg runs one of the gang members over with his Denali - killing him!!! He is then pulled from the Denali and beaten up. Greg will go through an inquest/trial concerning the death of this kid. Also the kid was black so race becomes an issue. It becomes a media circus too. So the Greg saga continues and does not sound too good for him! :eek: :eek:

Both NIck & Sofia testify in his behalf.

OMG I hope that's not just a rumor... If that's true, I think I'll die from excitement until then... :eek:
Well this season seems to be great for Greg fans, but it seems Greg luck isn't doing so well. poor greggo, i hope him killing that boy is a rumor, but most likely not some other post talked about a coloured boy getting killed by a member of the CSI's. *sheds a tear*
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