Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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I knew it, I thought it caused a ripple effect from that other spoiler about the episode where the brother and the mother of a kid that got killed by a CSI was being cast.

Oh, GREG!!! They said the brother is VERY angry about it.
Yeah.. I knew he was going to kill the kid. Omg.. I'm really nervous. I mean I love all the attention he will get.. but its going to be REALLY sad. I mean, I personally see him being totally torn up. Like, I know he did it to save a guy, but it will hurt him. Becuase he killed someone and I think he will take that super hard. Ah man... there are going to be some serious scenes with him in there.. We may even see him crying.. omg.. I'm really excited, but really nervous too. Ugh... oh love and fear...

And personally, I will be really pissed if Warrick treats him like crap. Like, I really really will be..
Ahh I know!! I just got my TV Guide today and I'm so annoyed how they had all these big stories for Grey's Anatomy only a week before the CSI season premire, and how they said CSI has to "goose it's ratings" to keep up with Grey's... I REALLY hope CSI comes out on top to prove them wrong! They're saying that Grey's new timeslot might take away the younger female viewers, well I'll be the nonconformist CSI-fan for that part of the population...

Yeah, that made me mad too. A whole lot of the new issue of TV Guide was dedicated to Grey's Anatomy, the new "it show." I guess since CSI is several years old, it's considered to be old news.

On a related matter, I just finished watching Charlie Rose, and he was interviewing Les Moonves, who is the head of CBS, and he mentioned CSI versus Grey's Anatomy and the ratings game several times during the interview. The part I most vividly remember is that Les told Charlie: "Look, Grey's Anatomy is going to do phenomenal, and CSI is going to take a hit, no question about it." He went on to say that CSI will do okay though. :confused:

Geez, if the head cheese of CBS is worried, I'm a little worried too!

It would be great if the CSI ratings went through the roof and topped Grey's Anatomy's when the Fannysmackin episode airs. :devil:
Okay i've bet this has been posted but it's John Mayer and his video of "Waiting on the WOrld to Change". It features a lot of CSI in it for the new season. Here's a link to it on youtube: ME RIGHT HERE!

OMG! Is that Sophia on the morgue table?
I just saw the promo for Vegas Thursday. Wait... that was the 'sneak peek' they had. But it was all a blur to me. Went too fast in my opinion. But reading the spoilers here, it seems we're in for an interesting season.
*falls over and dies*

AHHH!! MY GREGGO!!!!!! *laughs evily* bwhahaha, oh myyy. this season is going to ROCK!!! first we get Greggo beat to a bloody pulp, then some super duper emotional angst!!!!

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! who's excited? I AM!!!
I forgot to mention that before Greg stops the attack he is smart enough to call for back up first. So glad to hear that, I was worried that TPTB would make Greg out to be a dumass or unprofessional.
So that is obviously why is not killed, he is rescued. Since Nick & Sofia testify in his behalf I wonder if they are the ones who save his ass? (I hope Nick saves him)

Before shift Greg had a drink (alcohlic drink) this plays a factor as well.
One of the gang members was holding a rock and was ready to whack the head of the victim so Greg had to do something.

Doc Robbins also testifies and well as the man who's life Greg saved.

I also found out the outcome of the inqiry. Do you want to know?
I know it too!!! I was so happy!!

And yeah, I know for a fact that Sophia saw all this happen. So I'm guessing Nick did as well.

Omg, these are going to be some awesome episodes!

I wonder whats going to be going on with Greg in 7x05 and 7x06.. I think thats right.

But Greg did see the dead kid in 7xo4, so.. he knows what happened...
Ah... cannot wait :eek:
Wojo and eszmanda_luver, I have a question since we've seen and read the sides. Do you think that in a later episode the brother is going to do something to Greg? I mean, the family was saying that there would be way or another. (after ... is how I ended the statement. The sides don't really say this.)
anne_wolfe said:
Wojo and eszmanda_luver, I have a question since we've seen and read the sides. Do you think that in a later episode the brother is going to do something to Greg? I mean, the family was saying that there would be way or another. (after ... is how I ended the statement. The sides don't really say this.)

Oh man.. I havn't really even began to thinnk about that will all this new info. But.. yeah this could definitely be something that comes up later in the season. I hghly doubt it will be too soon after, which in reasonable. But yeah.. its definitely a possibility. Which is why they might of introduced the character of the brother at all.

wow, this is could really be something horrible for Greg. More so than it already is..
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