Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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what is the outcome of the trial?
why could they think that he did it on purpose? why did he drink before work? isnt that against the rules?
He was not on the clock and besides, when this comment about him drinking comes up, he like completely throws it in their face (calmy.. well they called it 'steadily') with a whole bunch of facts that make sence.

To sum that up, he pretty much says that he only drank half of the glass, and with his weight (150 pounds for anyone that cares) even without food, the efects of the drink would have worn off 7 hours before this happened. So, this is thrown out right away. I couldn't help but smile when I read this. Too cool.

Um.. I don't really want to say what the outcome was because it was Wojo that brought it up in the first place, and I don't want to steal her thunder. So.. its not bad.. really. It could have been much worse though.
Okay: I know this is the spoiler thread but do you want to be totally spoiled by knowing the outcome?
(which I read on another reliable forum)?? Black tie affair, which is a forum dedicated to Gil & Catherine. HERE

If you don't want to know then don't look down any further:

The result of the inquest: the verdict was that Greg's action was "Excusable" meaning he did a lawful act with
no intention to kill.Greg is free and clear of any wrong doing.

thanks szmanda_lover for not stealing my thunder!!

anne-wolfe - yes I am worried about that. esspecially if Eric does not renew his contract. This could be the death of Greg! :eek:
Hahaha no problem. Its all you. :) Im almost a Lab Technician everyone!!

Anyway.. yeah. Im so happy he wasn't found guilty but then again it would have been nice for the crime to be justifiable or whatever it was. But this is fine too.
Wojo, you don't think they would really kill Greg off if Eric doesn't renew his contract, do you? That's too horrible to even think about.
I don't think they will. I mean, everyone says the Greg-lovers will love this season.. I don't know about you other Greg-fanatics, but I DEF don't want him to die..

But thats just me. I'm not going to get too worked over that yet.
Wojo said:

I just read on YTDAW that the 7th episode is called 'Post Mortem'...ok now hold your breath. In the FannySmakin episode in order to save the victom from his attacker Greg runs one of the gang members over with his Denali - killing him!!! He is then pulled from the Denali and beaten up. Greg will go through an inquest/trial concerning the death of this kid. Also the kid was black so race becomes an issue. It becomes a media circus too. So the Greg saga continues and does not sound too good for him! :eek: :eek:

Both NIck & Sofia testify in his behalf.

WOJO!!!!! OMG!! HE KILLS PEOPLE! My eyes are actually watering right now. Holy crap. :eek: :eek: (Thanks btw :)) :eek:
He kills ONE person. In order to keep another person alive.I'm sure he did not mean to kill him, only stop him.

anne-wolfe I hope they would not kill Greg but anything is possible. I like to prepare myself for the worst. That way what really happens turns out not to be that bad. I hope Eric doesn't leave. I would not enjoy CSI without him. :(
Oh ok, well im still freaking out :eek: :lol:

Im glad everything works out though. That will impact his life forver. He will have to life with the guilt of killing someone, even if that means saving someone. I know him, he will feel so bad :( Poor Greggo *cries*

They better not kill him off. The writters said it was a season for Greg lovers so that would be totally horrible for them to say that and then kill him. Why has Eric not signed it yet? :confused: :(
Wojo said:
He kills ONE person. In order to keep another person alive.I'm sure he did not mean to kill him, only stop him.

anne-wolfe I hope they would not kill Greg but anything is possible. I like to prepare myself for the worst. That way what really happens turns out not to be that bad. I hope Eric doesn't leave. I would not enjoy CSI without him. :(

Yeah.. I don't think he made the decision to kill him, just wanted to stop him.

And if Eric left, I wouldn't watch CSI anymore.
sandersidle said:
Why has Eric not signed it yet? :confused: :(

Don't know, that may have changed by now (anyone heard any different?). But I read that Eric, Gary D, and William P (WP is most likly leaving CSI) have not signed yet. Does not mean they won't, or they could have after I read this.

Marg, George, & Jorja have re-rsigned.
Hmm..Oh well. Im sure he will sign. If they kill him off Im not watching csi anymore. Maybe the few episodes after he would get killed off just to see the affect on the team. (if there would be one :rolleyes:) but after that.. No more CSI:LV.
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