Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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Ohh.. Well then his descision is to save the guy.. Omg, thats his big decison.. Does that mean hes going to be really really hurt? Im scared now.

waitt what!? Is there a promo for Fannysmakin' or did I miss read something? :lol:
Don't be. Hes ultimately going to be fine (I'm pretty sure.) But I figured the "big decision" is to save the guy.. but thats a little bit of a stretch to say it may "impact his live forever"... i mean, i know they like to exaggereate but.. I don't know. Either they are REALLY trying to get people to watch (I don't they would have a problem with that) or there is something more to this situation.. but idk... whatev.. we'll see won't we?
no.. no promo yet.. that i know of. and im fairly cofindent that i would know.. at least about this epi. but i think its too early anyways. they must have finished filming it not too long ago.. so probably not for a while... :(
"impact his life forever" That part makes me curious. Thanks for the press release. Now, I'm wondering if it's a physical or an emotional injury that could impact him for life... And if it is supposed to continue to affect him, we better get those writers to read each other's work to keep up the continuity!
I think where he does help and gets hurt that can impact his life, forever, not sure though, but it may leave him with some lingering physical disability or, what I'm thinking, a psychological one. That explosion in the lab had it's effects on him, but I think this time, they'll delve more into it, plus, it's out in the field--when there is the option to go back into the lab, not that I'd want to see Greg back in the lab, he worked so hard to be out in the field, but that is what it may come to. Plus there may be reprocussions later on, with who was involved in the beating, maybe him stepping in starts a ripple effect?

Thank you so much for the description of the episode!!
I think what happens can impact his life forever. Not the actual decision to save the guy - that's made quickly. What impacts him is the aftermath; there will be a lot of questions raised. 'Do I stay in the field or go back to the lab?' 'Do I get a gun or not?' 'If I get a gun, could I accidently hurt someone?' 'Could I shoot someone if I had to?' It's how Greg answers these questions that will have an impact on his life foever ... at least in my opinion.
I agree with you completely.anne_wolfe. I have speculated before that I wonder if Greg would have to decide to carry a gun. Whatever it means I am anxiuosly looking forward to finding out.
Me too! I hope this "difficult decision" thing doesn't get glossed over. I want it to play out all season. Greg has matured so much. I'm going to enjoy watching him do some self-analysis, trying to figure out what he really wants out of work and life in general.

Greg has such a kind heart, I think that he will really wrestle with the decision of whether or not to carry a gun.

It would be really cool if Brass would take Greg out and show him some self-defense moves, in addition to teaching him how to handle a weapon.
Oh, I totally agree, I think those questions can impact his life forever, he has to question what he is capable of..will he chose to stay in the lab, will he decide to go back out in the field, will he carry a gun and is he willing to use it if the situation arises or will what he endures cause him to use it too quickly and does he fear will definitely leave him questioning a lot of his decisions and that can really make him look inside and effect the rest of his life.
Toots said:
From the Cheers & Jeers section of new issue of TV Guide, dated Sept. 18-24, 2006:

Jeer of the Week to CSI for casting Kevin Federline in an upcoming episode as a teenager who hassles Nick and Warrick at a crime scene. We know the CBS drama needs stunts to goose its ratings against Grey's Anatomy, but does that merit giving Britney's 28-year-old husband his first speaking role? Let's just hope K-Fed acts better than he raps.

Ouch! This got the "Jeer of the Week" over even some reality crap shows! I gotta say I agree with TV Guide this time. They really scraped the bottom of the barrel with this bit of casting.

Ahh I know!! I just got my TV Guide today and I'm so annoyed how they had all these big stories for Grey's Anatomy only a week before the CSI season premire, and how they said CSI has to "goose it's ratings" to keep up with Grey's... :mad: I REALLY hope CSI comes out on top to prove them wrong! They're saying that Grey's new timeslot might take away the younger female viewers, well I'll be the nonconformist CSI-fan for that part of the population... :D

Also, YES I CAN'T WAIT FOR FANNYSMACKIN'!!!!! I'm so excited to see Greg in action... I really hope it becomes a great Greg episode and continues throughout the season, we could definitely use more Greg eps! :D
I don't know you guys.. I wouldn't be suprised if the ended up making the life long effect something physical.. of course.. it wouldn't be too good mentally either. But, I mean.. this is supposed to last the season, or a good portion of it.. what if it was this whole thing about him hiding something that is hurting him? Because.. well they hurt Nick.. but it was really only mentally (with a few exceptions) but now they are hurting Greg physically.. I dont know.. they already have this "mental battle" going on with Nick.. why add Greg too?

But I totally understand all of your points.. I'm just not completely sure yet.. not as sure as you guys anyways.

haha, I wouldn't be suprised if they didn't really make it anything at all either. Freakin pissed, but not suprised.

I don't know, I guess.. just be very open with things like this...
sherlockanne said:
Toots said:
From the Cheers & Jeers section of new issue of TV Guide, dated Sept. 18-24, 2006:

Jeer of the Week to CSI for casting Kevin Federline in an upcoming episode as a teenager who hassles Nick and Warrick at a crime scene. We know the CBS drama needs stunts to goose its ratings against Grey's Anatomy, but does that merit giving Britney's 28-year-old husband his first speaking role? Let's just hope K-Fed acts better than he raps.

Ouch! This got the "Jeer of the Week" over even some reality crap shows! I gotta say I agree with TV Guide this time. They really scraped the bottom of the barrel with this bit of casting.

Ahh I know!! I just got my TV Guide today and I'm so annoyed how they had all these big stories for Grey's Anatomy only a week before the CSI season premire, and how they said CSI has to "goose it's ratings" to keep up with Grey's... :mad: I REALLY hope CSI comes out on top to prove them wrong! They're saying that Grey's new timeslot might take away the younger female viewers, well I'll be the nonconformist CSI-fan for that part of the population... :D

Also, YES I CAN'T WAIT FOR FANNYSMACKIN'!!!!! I'm so excited to see Greg in action... I really hope it becomes a great Greg episode and continues throughout the season, we could definitely use more Greg eps! :D

Well atleast we know when FannySmakin' airs, all the Greg fans will be watching!!

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe the impact on his life could be phisical. Like in CSI: Miami when Ryan gets the nail in his eye. He was almost not able to work anymore becuase of his sight. I really hope that doesn't happen to Greggo :(
Toots said:
It would be really cool if Brass would take Greg out and show him some self-defense moves, in addition to teaching him how to handle a weapon.

See, that's something I'd definitely love to see, and I think any decision Greg makes, he's gonna have the whole team supporting him. I just hope he sticks through this one. A sweet guy like Greg seems like the one to roll with the punches (no pun intended ;)). He won't let anything hold him back emotionally.
Yeah, I kept hoping that this season that Greg was gonna have to train to use a gun and he ends up being REALLY good at it or something and they're all impressed at his hidden talent... :D You never know, his ancestors coulda been ninja warriors for all we know! (he seems to have a pretty interesting family history to begin with!)
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