Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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that's too bad, I know. They could easily be the life o'the party...
Oh well, we always have Greggo who brightens up the day XD
Maybe it's because of what happens to Greg, Nick starts remembering or dealing with what happened to him, Warrick is going through stuff..maybe that is what draws the friendship out.
I think Nick and Warrick's bond is the strongest on the show. We've seen it develop in so many ways from Season 1, when they were so competitive, but even waaaay back in "Blood Drops" Warrick still checked up on Nick after he punched the door. Through out the series thier banter, ribbing and just being there trhough Season 2's "Stalker" and Warrick's near relapse to gambling and even "High and Low" to a lot of great stuff in Season 5 esp "Swap Meet' etc.

Honestly from the spoilers we've all seen, I think the stuff that happens to Cath is dropped like a lot of storylines..the whole idea that anyone would be pissed at Nick would be giving the writers too much credit..I mean eppy three "Toe Tags' is a 'creative' eppy and filmed before BTK parts 1 &2. What kind of fall out can we expect when it was filmed out of order ot begin with?

Then eeepy 4 is Greg 's story arc beginings.....I sense very little fall out from BTK.

I don't know how they'll pull GD stuff out...Carol has been known to spout off things that never materializes. I can only think of Rick's marraige issues or his gambling that would cause them to hang out more. I miss thier interactions, since I think they have one of the best male friendships anywhere.
I really like their friendship as well, like you said, it started off with a little rivarlry, but even then it was more a fun sort of rivalry..and slowly they have built it up, they do care about each other, I think they all care about each other and so far what happens to Cath and then Greg sort of makes them circle the wagons around each other.

I think that Warrick has got to ask Nick if he's okay because even though what happens to Greg is different than what happened to him he was still injured and I think that that is going to be what makes Nick think about what happened in G.D. plus Warrick looks just as concerned/pissed in the opening credits when he crosses that police tape (I think that was from Fannysmackin') as he did when he showed up at the scene asking what they wanted him to do in G.D., so there has got to be some emotions going on there as well, between what happened to Cath and what happens to Greg a lot of their emotions are going to be running high. They are one of their own, like family and when something happens to family, nerves are stretched, memories come creeping back and emotions come to the surface.

Plus there probably a feeling of not being able to protect their own that may be biting at them as well.

Basically, I think what happens to one them effects all of them (and I too don't think anyone would blame Nick for what happened to Cath, they may ask some questions but not put the blame on him) and may be Warrick's marriage and those rumors about him gambling or wanting to gamble get Nick and Warrick talking more.

I do want Nick and Warrick to be the ones that go after that gang that attack Greg though, now that should be wonderful to see.
I hope that Eric Szmanda gets interviewed on the tabloid shows and on the CBS Morning Show during the week that "Fannysmackin" is supposed to air. It would be smart of TPTB to get him on those shows to promote the episode.
I hope he does too, they usually have them on when there is a big episode, and I'd really like to not only see what he has to say about the direction of Greg's character but how he feels about really exploring that role even more.
I am hoping for the same. Entertainment tonight talks about CSI regularly, so I hope they do the same for Eric's center episode. Seeing him interviewed on other shows would be cool. I hope he's on the cover of TV guide again too, or at least they do a story about him and the episode.
lol.. yeah that is not what I expected it to be.. but okay.. thank you pabzi but I really feel stupid today. lol. havin a blonde day. =]
Another forum I visit. 'Black Tie Affair' refers to it as TMTB. Which means The Morons that be...funny.

I need more spoilers, no new ones yet!!
here'sa spolier I heard.... Grissom and Sara's relationship is revealed in one of the first 5 ep. =] That's what I heard.. dunno though..if he keeps gettin her veggie burgers.. might be soon. =]
i hope Catherine and Warrick gets closer! they were so cute together in S5! and they were still flirting in S6... :p until Hodges told Warrick, something along the lines of "you're married, don't flirt." :p :p they really have chemistry together. i think they would make a great couple... but if warrick and nick gets closer, i guess they wouldnt have time for more cath&warrick :/

EDIT: and i don't mean to ship! omg. sorry.
siew said:
i hope Catherine and Warrick gets closer! they were so cute together in S5! and they were still flirting in S6... :p until Hodges told Warrick, something along the lines of "you're married, don't flirt." :p :p they really have chemistry together. i think they would make a great couple... but if warrick and nick gets closer, i guess they wouldnt have time for more cath&warrick :/

EDIT: and i don't mean to ship! omg. sorry.

Yes you shouldn't be shipping in here....but I totally agree. SRY MODS. But any way I think that it is true.. If warrick and nick get closer not only will he not get closer to cath.. but any of the team members.. same with nick.. soo sad. =*[

I just added something to this.. and if anyone saw that.. I read underneath that.. it was 2005 so never mind. =*[
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