Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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eszmanda_luver said:
I know Wojo.. but you know they are probably going to start hinting at Yo!Bling and do you know why? Its not really so that Warrick will have more scenes, that is just an added plus. They want more scenes for Catherine. Hahaha I'm such a sore loser.. Don't think that makes sense here, but whatever. Oh, and it's raining in the Sunshine State. Haha, I love that one. But it really is raining.

Now, back on topic. I do think that this will be for "Warrick drama". Which sucks. It seems that there is this odd belief that in order for it to be a good show where you're characters have good storylines, they HAVE to be unhappy in some way, shape, or form. Warrick could still have screentime, and be happy for a change. Greg is not the only one that is allowd to be happy. They could show him going on happy picnics... or maybe even start a family.. hahaha God forbid, right? Well, all you peoples that are totally against babies, let me tell you that if this show continues longer, someone will have a baby. I personally would prefer it to be Warrick and Tina than Griss and Sara (I'm not against GSR though, so don't yell.)
Hmm.. I think I am wondering off topic here, but really, I agree with you. Its time they make some characters happy.
The only people who are happy is Greg (for now anyways) and I guess you could say Griss and Sara, but I still think there are some things between them that need to be worked out. Again, my opinion but whatev..

Peace, Love, and Crabs

Warrick has had happy scenes.. with tina,cath,nick you know had a couple rough times.
Greg.. A little to perky and happy..He's almost preppish.I don't like preps. Which is why I hope he isn't so peppy in this season.
But yeah..
Hospital gown or scrubs, either one is fine by me. I really think during the admition to the hospital or the processing that has to be done, it will be the gown though, that's just standard procedure.

And what they are going to go through, my guesses..

Greg-we know.
Catherine-what started in the first part, and then add in Sam's death.
Warrick-his marriage is pretty much over and I think someone said something about gambling again.
Nick-I think what happens to Greg sends him right back to Grave Danger.
Sara-I think that people find out what is going on between her and Grissom.
Grissom-I think he gets a little burnt between what happened to Nick and now Greg, he may just need to take a break.
i don't know when the 7th season will be aired here in italy, but thanx to you i'm kinda understanding what's going on...And plus, i'm trying to *cough cough* find the episode, so i'won't have to wait until it airs here.
thanx god I know english.
there's just one thing i wanted 2 ask u: why does cath's make-up keep intact even under the shower? i can't really stand it! lol

No, really. I've seen only the last part, so far ( i know it's not actually useful to watch only 5 minutes, but hey, that's what i could achieve) and it was pretty intense.
I'm definitely positive for this season, except for this rumor circulating about Grissom leaving...THAT, i don't like it.
Dardeile said: there's just one thing i wanted 2 ask u: why does cath's make-up keep intact even under the shower? i can't really stand it! lol
That ones easy its probably water-proof, alot of times with makeup you can remove some of it with water, and other times you have to use soap to remove it. She probably wears that type because being a CSI you have to work in rain and like that so this way it stays at least partially intact.

That and the script called for it. :D

Okay for those who are new "Built To Kill Part 1" Has its own thread for the first part of the eps discussion and Part 2 thread is up. lets discuss the two eps in their respective threads. Thank you. ;)
I read somewhere in the tv guide, Carol said, Warrick will spend some more times with someone, it not Catherine, it Nick. I guess Warrick still feel guilty for what happened to Nick on Graves Danger.
Well if Warrick has started gambling again i'm glad he spends a lot more time with Nick as they share a special bond and i think Nick helped him through his addiction last time didn't he. I love seeing the two together even if they're just chatting because of the camaderie between them plus if the spoilers are true it means we might get more screentime for the two of them which can only be a good thing.
I remember reading that some where as well, that the relationships between the csi's are going to be highlighted and Warrick's and Nick's friendship is really going to be shown.
If they're going to highlght all the CSI's and the relationships they have with one another i hope to God they put a scene in featuring all of them hanging out at a diner for breakfast or something. Yes we may have had Greg, Nick, Sara at a diner but it's been awhile since we've seen all of the CSI's together like the end of S1's Strip Strangler. Maybe even have Brass and Doc there because they play an important bond that the team shares too.
but if Warrick starts gambling again, couldn't it be a way to bring him closer to Cath and evolve the whole yobling storyline?

I'd be happy if there were more War/Nick developments this time. They're so cute together. i mean, they're the ultimate example of friends to me, u can see that in grave danger, but then it kinda stops there...
wait what? Warrick and nick get closer... doesn't make sense Grave danger happened like s5-6 why would he just now be getting closer? You would think that he would get closer to Cath because of what happens to lindsay.. which I heard he does.. So now I'm confused.. I think that I misseed something.
since we were talking about character's relationship with each other, I think War and Nick have a true and pure friendship, one that you really would like to have...So it'd be nice to have it back, since it want a bit out of sight recently...
I mean, they're always "THE GUYS"...I liked them working together. it was fun, pure friends' rivalty XD
yeah..but I know but I just don't understand how Warrick could be just now helping and getting closer to Nick because of grave danger. Wouldn't you think he would've done that by now? And plus when he finds out about the whole club thing.. you know what if he doesn't let either Cath or Nick explain any furthur and he gets really PO-ed? What if the relationship their talking about isn't getting better. Maybe him and nick have to do alot of talking. you know IDK just a thought.
Oh, well, it wouldn't be properly a "consequence" of Grave Danger, because I know there's a huge gap in there; but it would still be nice to see them together, I think...ol'times, ya know?

But probably that's just something that won't happen...i think writers will take care of yobling least! :)
yeah.. not bringing ships in here but the whole "Warick's marriage is going 'down the drain' thing" I think that they are going to do something with yobling too.. espically with the whole lindsay thing. =]

and Yes. I think it would be great if Warrick and Nick's relationship got alot stronger.. it would be awsome. But I have this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach it won't get that much stronger. =*[
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