Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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speakerset said: A johnnie or johnny is what they give you to wear in the hospital, that cover up that ties in the back.
Otherwise known as a Hospital gown. :)
Ohh myy...Greg finding out that he killed the kid by walking by the room... HELLO EMOTIONAL ANGST HEAVEN!!!!!!!!

*squeals in delight* I can't waiiiiitt!!!!!!!!!
I think Hospital Gown should have been the way to go, I'm just so used to the word "johnnie/johnny" for them, I didn't realize there would be confusion over it, I do apologize for that.

And THE ANGST LEVEL FOR GREG AFTER FINDING OUT THAT THE KID IS DEAD..oh it's going to go through the roof, and the EMOTIONS, words just can't describe what it's going to be like to watch that, I'm a total sucker for the emotional angst as well, but these scenes are are going to knock the wind out of me, I just know it.
speakerset these scenes aregoing to knock me unconsious i think!! LOL!! Ohhhh I CANNOT WAIT!!! I should have never come in here.. now I can't stop thinking about it!!

stupid addictive spoilers... bwahaha... :) :)
eszmanda_luver said:
Greg decides to go see Jessica (one of the other victims) But before he gets there, he hears a woman scream.

And pretty much, Greg walks past the room or something, and sees the kid and the parents, or the dad I think, is stareing him down with hatred. So, I think thats when he realizes that he killed a kid.

Thank you for the interesting spoiler, ezmanda_luver. So Greg must be quite mobile afer his beating. It's a relief to know that he won't suffer from any broken bones. I thought he would be bed-ridden because there is supposed to be a scene where Grissom walks into Greg's hospital room to talk to him, and Greg opens his eyes acknowledging Grissom's presence. So now I'm a little confused. I guess it could be though that several hours have passed before Greg walks by the dead guy's room.

I'm so anxious to see this episode. Plus, we get Greg in a hospital gown! Oo-rah! I'm going to love the scene where Sara processes poor Greg. I love how she cares about him.
i read somewhere and it said something about ALL the CSIs would have issues to deal with in this season.. so far all i've read about is Cath's and Greg's.. and roughly something about Grissom.. but what about Warrick, Nick and Sara? Anyone knows?
Dee They are addictive aren't they, that episode all the way up to Post Mortem..I just can't look away from the spoilers!!

And about Greg being mobile, I had thought he was in a coma or something after the beating, but whent he spoilers came out for the episode, it sounded like he was awake and alert after..or at the very least conscious. So I can see him walking around, but still, that's a nasty way for him to find out what happened.

One thing, until the past few spoilers coming out (when Greg finds out what happened) I thought the only three people hurt then were Greg, the person that gets run over and the initial victim, I hadn't known anything about a woman also being involved--it does give Greg the excuse to walk down the hall though, he would definitely go and see how she was doing.
Mmmmm Greg is a hospital gown, hope that means we get to see his legs!!! Prays to the God's above... :D :D
Warrick's marriage has been mentioned as a potential issue for him. Nick's issue is continuing to deal with GD after effects according to the spoilers. No clue on Sara.
Wow these spoilers have me really excited about Season 7 and i cant wait for Fannysmackin' and Post Mortem just to see Greg get his major storyline.
I've missed goofy Greg in the past but hearing all these spoilers has me really excited for all the angst poor greggo will be going through and i especially cant wait for the other guys reaction just because i think they'd be all so protective of him.

I heard something about Warrick returning to gambling has anyone heard anymore on this rumour as i really want Gary to play a bigger part this season he seemed relegated to the sidelines (like many others) in Season Six and i want him to have a major storyline as much as Greg to show what great actors they both are.
Wojo, I think we will, wasn't one of the spoilers that he gets up out of bed to talk to the man that was saved by his actions--so I'm thinking Hospital Gown...and bare legs, or at least they will be when they have to process him for evidence.
Toots said:
eszmanda_luver said:
Greg decides to go see Jessica (one of the other victims) But before he gets there, he hears a woman scream.

And pretty much, Greg walks past the room or something, and sees the kid and the parents, or the dad I think, is stareing him down with hatred. So, I think thats when he realizes that he killed a kid.

Thank you for the interesting spoiler, ezmanda_luver. So Greg must be quite mobile afer his beating. It's a relief to know that he won't suffer from any broken bones. I thought he would be bed-ridden because there is supposed to be a scene where Grissom walks into Greg's hospital room to talk to him, and Greg opens his eyes acknowledging Grissom's presence. So now I'm a little confused. I guess it could be though that several hours have passed before Greg walks by the dead guy's room.

You're right. This scene actually takes place the next day.. so after the fight. So there was plenty of time for other scenes. And yes, it seems as though he is able to walk painfully, but can still walk. At least, he can walk the next day. But when he is first brought in, he even open his eyes.. so... it could've been worse of course.

Um.. and yeah, I hope we get some hospital gown, but I'm not entirely certain we will. We will definitly get something, but it may kind of like scrubs more than a hospital gown.. but I have no clue. I'm just not going to get too excited about that yet... but I will cross my fingers ;)
Mel23 said:
Warrick's marriage has been mentioned as a potential issue for him. Nick's issue is continuing to deal with GD after effects according to the spoilers. No clue on Sara.

Yepp. Warricks marraige.. is DEAD.
I know Wojo.. but you know they are probably going to start hinting at Yo!Bling and do you know why? Its not really so that Warrick will have more scenes, that is just an added plus. They want more scenes for Catherine. Hahaha I'm such a sore loser.. Don't think that makes sense here, but whatever. Oh, and it's raining in the Sunshine State. Haha, I love that one. But it really is raining.

Now, back on topic. I do think that this will be for "Warrick drama". Which sucks. It seems that there is this odd belief that in order for it to be a good show where you're characters have good storylines, they HAVE to be unhappy in some way, shape, or form. Warrick could still have screentime, and be happy for a change. Greg is not the only one that is allowd to be happy. They could show him going on happy picnics... or maybe even start a family.. hahaha God forbid, right? Well, all you peoples that are totally against babies, let me tell you that if this show continues longer, someone will have a baby. I personally would prefer it to be Warrick and Tina than Griss and Sara (I'm not against GSR though, so don't yell.)
Hmm.. I think I am wondering off topic here, but really, I agree with you. Its time they make some characters happy.
The only people who are happy is Greg (for now anyways) and I guess you could say Griss and Sara, but I still think there are some things between them that need to be worked out. Again, my opinion but whatev..

Peace, Love, and Crabs
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