Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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Poor Greg has trouble sleeping during this whole ordeal, but Sophia, who experienced something similar last year in "A Bullet Runs Through It" gives him advice.

It's too bad it's not Brass giving him the advice. I mean, his experience is a lot closer to Greg's than Sofia's was.
Mel23 said:
Laci said:
snickergeek said:
nick'll get a new g/f...

I read most of the spoilers in this thread. But maybe I'm missing something... Nick getting a girlfriend? Hmmm... not that I mind the idea.

I'll volunteer to play her if they don't go Catnip or YoBling lolol <g>. *drool*

LOL! I was just curious was all.

But no, I wasn't worrying about if anyone was dying, I was just wondering what the deal was with the contracts. I pretty much figured that they've all probably re-signed by now. So, I'm not going to worry about it.
beaujolais said:
Poor Greg has trouble sleeping during this whole ordeal, but Sophia, who experienced something similar last year in "A Bullet Runs Through It" gives him advice.

It's too bad it's not Brass giving him the advice. I mean, his experience is a lot closer to Greg's than Sofia's was.

You know I'm really glad that they are giving lots of Greg angst.

But Nick spent 24 hours in a box and they barely touched on his recovery!!!!!!
Toots said:
Poor Greg has trouble sleeping during this whole ordeal, but Sophia, who experienced something similar last year in "A Bullet Runs Through It" gives him advice.

Didn't Sophia give Greg advice before in Season Five's Spark of Life? Is Sophia, the detective, now suddenly Greg's mentor?
I've always thought the team, Brass and Sophia see Greg as a little brother. So it would stand to reason that they give him advise.
Yeah, I think hes the little brother too. Except with Grissom.. I think there is another relatioship there but anyways...

Yeah, I like that people are giving him advise. Its just sometimes, I wish it would be more with the CSI team, than with Sophia.

You know what I want?! I want to see Warrick and Greg together. Not like that together, but where they have interaction, maybe help eachother out. There is hardly ever any of them together... and hardly ever any of them at all. Of course, Greg seems to be doing better this season though..

I don't know. I've been wanting a story line for Greg for some long, and hoped it would be angsty and now I have both. So.. I feel that complaining (for me) about more things I want should be a sin.

So.. from here to 7x07, I am content!!
Drumchik said:
Does anyone know if Billy has resigned for further on than Season 7?

No sorry. But I really hope that he does, cuz he's basically the entire show. Without Billy, there is no Grissom. And with no Grissom, there is practically no show. I would probably still watch it if he left, just to see what happens to the show, but I don't think it would be that interesting to me. And I also think if Grissom leaves, Sara leaves to. And that's no good either. But what I think would be really cool if Billy did leave, is if he wasn't full-time on the show, but visited sometimes. And then on the day that he leaves he and Sara reveal their relationship, and every so often someone'll just say "So how's Griss doing these days?" and then he'll come and visit occasionally.
They can't just completly drop him from the show and never have him back. That's just wrong.
Toots said:
Well what I want to know is, where is Grissom in all of this mess involving Greg's inquest? You'd think that as his supervisor, Grissom would be there backing Greg up and protecting him. So where the heck is Grissom?
I think I said this before, but there's supposed to be a cute scene (yeah, I thought it was cute when I read about it) between the two while they're in the hospital. Greg's gonna feel as if he let Grissom down, but I think for the most part, Grissom's gonna be there telling him its okay. Awwww.

Jordan, I most definitely agree with you on that. What is CSI without Grissom? Sure, I'd watch, but eventually, we'd reach the end of things :(. I think WP might sign to do like half of season 8 or maybe just few episodes, so he could just pop in once in while, and maybe the dating subordinate rules wouldn't apply. Hey, Geeklove exposed...? When the show ends though, hopefully they'd get all the original cast members to do the last episode, and pull off a bittersweet ending. Deep down in my heart, CSI will never end. ;)Boy, I need to get out more.
Well I don't agree that CSI would be nothing with out Grissom. It will not be the same true, but the show will go on. CSI has shown it can survive witout him with the episodes 'GumDrops' and 'The Usual Suspect' both were excellent episodes.

WP has had health problems, he stated in an interview (on this sights's new section) that he is tired and wants move back to Chicago and do theater. WP most likey won't be back.

SO CAN WE PLEASE CONTINUE DICUSSING THE SPOILERS?? isn't that whay we are hear. PLus Destiny has already comein here once to ask us to do so.
So, here are my two cents to the spoilers. :D
I was a little shocked to see that we maybe get to see some continuity to what will happen to Greg. You know I love Greg, but I would wish that TPTB would give us some GD continuity, I mean how long do we have to wait for it. I know, some of you maybe have enough of the whole GD thing, :rolleyes: but I'm a Nick fan and it makes me angry that TPTB destroy all the great storylines Nick could have. :mad:
I did read in an article I found (please don't ask me where -I can't recall) that The Nick GD danger story is supposed to be contiuned some way. NIck is still dealing with it. Sorry I don't know more but the article was nor specific.

So, you just might get your wish. I hope so too. (I mean I might have spent time in a mental ward after that!) :)
I think I said this before, but there's supposed to be a cute scene (yeah, I thought it was cute when I read about it) between the two while they're in the hospital. Greg's gonna feel as if he let Grissom down, but I think for the most part, Grissom's gonna be there telling him its okay. Awwww.

Yes, I know about that part, and I love it too, but I'm talking about where is Grissom when Greg has to appear in court before the judge, prosecuting attorney, jury, the dead boy's hostile family, etc? I read that Nick, Sophia, and Doc Robbins will be there testifying, but you'd think that Grissom would be there in the courtroom too, if nothing more than just offering moral support. I mean, this is one of his guys fighting to avoid being tried for manslaughter. I'd think that would be a little more important than say, office work or admiring his bug collection.
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