Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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i love greg, but i dont think that there is anything that will make me stop watching.
if they do take him off ill be very sad though.
I hate to say this but i they did kill Greg off, i won't watch it anymore. I think that show would lose of lot of ratings or whatevr there called, if they killed him off.
Folks lets not jump the gun while speculation is good, nothing has been said about Greg getting killed off, as to contracts alot of stars don't want the info released either until a certain time, or ever, and the other possiblity is that they are still in negotations, which can go in while they are shooting episodes.

Examples is back when George and Jorja were fired for a short time before being rehired back (for more on that do a search for those threads), at that time the negotations were also going on for William, Marg, Gary, Eric, Paul as well. All that was released on that at the time was that GD, ES, & PG all agreed to take a tiny raise and more air time, where as JF and GE fineally got rehired back but did not recieve the same offer but rather came back as they were before. WP and MH's Contracts were settled as well. -- But while the negotations were going on, the actors signed a paper agreeing to work until all parties finialized their negotations.

As to my comment about not jumping the gun, a season or so back there was a rumor that they were going to kill greg off in that season, and it turned out to be just that a rumor. Like I said while speculation is fine, lets remember that getting to far ahead is only cause confusion, ect.
Besides there are other ways if a contract is not re-signed that a character could leave and that would be by choice, Greg could get an offer to work at a private lab, he could get an offer out of state, ect. The thing is we just don't know and getting upset about it, while its of opinions, could be getting upset for nothing in the long run.

I personally and sticking to the spoilers and eps, each at a time, and not getting to far ahead. As to the "Casting Sides" I am not real sure how realiable they are considering they are for the purpose of casting and may not actually reflect the actual out come persae, why would they release all that information to someone testing for spot only to have them in turn not get the part, get ticked off and post it online. That just wouldn't make sense to me, My guess is they reveal only a little and more then likely its all un-edited, so then anything in that could be changed, like spoilers they are also un-edited and subject to change and should be treated as what might happen and not what will happen.

Again thats just my opinion. :)
Yeah Destiny , you are right as usual. We should just concentrate on the spoilers we have now and not worry about something that may or may not happen. I will try and remember that from here on out. Let's focus on what we know (or what we think we know from the spoilers) :)
It is hard not to speculate though, with the spoilers, with the ripple effect that could occur, with so many shows and movies that lead to two possible endings when something like this (the situation) happens.

But I love the spoilers, I love that the outcome of the inquest, that he appears to totally take care of himself there..he's got those smarts so he can call them on the drink and such, and that he calls for backup first, that they realize it was an accident, but I still have to say, on the one hand I'm thrilled that this season will be FANTASTIC for Greg lovers, but at the same time, it still is going to be painful to watch. Greg is such a kind soul, you just hate to see him in pain.
if they really wanna kill someone off it prolly be greg, eversince him and billy are the only ones not resigning their contracts as far as i know. but billy makes the show, so if he leaves, they need him to return in case the quotes are too low. so they need him.grissom won't die. and they said someone will die.

and because they're lining up on GSR now sandle is in the way so they have taken two hints on one hit.

nick'll get a new g/f... sara can hook with grissom and greg is out of the way.

csi is turning into a really rediculous soap opera, not really worth watching.

they said as they saw the pics with cath/nick from the promos...

"Now it's just not the father and daughter (GSR) but mother and son (CatNip)"...

so we'll see what happens.
snickergeek said:
nick'll get a new g/f...

I read most of the spoilers in this thread. But maybe I'm missing something... Nick getting a girlfriend? Hmmm... not that I mind the idea.

But in reference to Greg, why would they kill him off? He's been there since the beginning. So it doesn't make sense. Especially if Eric did sign to renew his contract. But from reading the posts here, it sounds like he still hasn't.

Or... maybe I'm just confused. Wouldn't be the first time.
Again, I don't think that we should be getting worked up over this. If anyone dies, it more than likely will not be this year; and things could have definitely changed. I mean, think about it: Eric is getting a pretty big season, something he has been wanting for a while. He stayed with the show when his agents told him to leave it, because he thought that his character could become something important. Its been a really long road for him, and when he finally gets somewhere, hes not going to sign his thing and leave the show?! I mean.. come on.. I don't think anyone is that stupid.

As someone (I think Destiny )mentioned, sometimes it has nothing to do with them wanting to leave the show.. we just may not know that he signed or whatever. So.. I really think we should just stick to the spoilers and like.. leave the worry of death alone until there is real reason to fret.
Why would it automatically be Greg? Sara has shot him down lots of times over the past six seasons, so why would he suddenly be a threat to GSR?

In my opinion, Grissom / William doesn't make the show. It's about the whole CSI team, not just one person. The whole team is important.

Also, where did you get the spoiler that someone on the team dies? That's not a part of any I've read.

csi is turning into a really rediculous soap opera, not really worth watching.

If you think that, why are you here?

"Now it's just not the father and daughter (GSR) but mother and son (CatNip)"...

so we'll see what happens.

So in your mind's eye two close friends who have been through a lot and have known each other can't dance and go out and have a good time?

Nick and Cath have always had a great friendship and if you are in this thread then don't forget Catherine tries to encourage Nick to flirt with some blonde.

As you said just sit back and relax......I think its so funny that most fan message baords composed of the 'dedciated/obessed" come on we POST on fanboards are always so negative.
That was one of the rumor that last years, it say one of the CSI in the lab will be killed off but it didn't say who the person will be killed off.

Nick and Catherine was a good friend, Catherine is very protected of Nick since overload.
I think Nick will be getting a girlfriend, the one that Catherine tells him to go after when they are dancing. And as far as Greg, other than the spoiler, I'm not sure anyone knows anything past that, they may not do anything after that inquest is over, it may go back to business as usual, Greg out in the field, he may stay in the lab, there may be some lingering effects, like when Nick was hesitant in going in that bunker in Season 6.
I can wait to see..or wait for the spoilers..:) like everyone has said, Eric stayed with the show, this season is going to be a big Greg season, why have that and then leave? But time will tell and we shall see, until then, let's all just hope for some really great spoilers.
Well what I want to know is, where is Grissom in all of this mess involving Greg's inquest? You'd think that as his supervisor, Grissom would be there backing Greg up and protecting him. So where the heck is Grissom?

I am just loving all of the Greggo spoilers being released. I'm so excited about this new season!
Some more spoilers about Greg's inquest from the Black Tie Affair board:

The hair that was torn out of Greg's scalp in Fannysmackin will play a part in the inquest. Nick will show a photo of Greg's piece of hair and scalp while he is testifying.

Poor Greg has trouble sleeping during this whole ordeal, but Sophia, who experienced something similar last year in "A Bullet Runs Through It" gives him advice.
Laci said:
snickergeek said:
nick'll get a new g/f...

I read most of the spoilers in this thread. But maybe I'm missing something... Nick getting a girlfriend? Hmmm... not that I mind the idea.

I'll volunteer to play her if they don't go Catnip or YoBling lolol <g>. *drool*
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