Poor Cath =[ I'm gunna cry. And omg, poor Lindsey =[ I'm gunna cry. Omg K-fed on CSI =[ I'm gunna cry. OMG poor Greggy =[ I'm gunna cry alot. Omg, I'm crying alot now. The lab just exploded and Greggy was in the hospital all messed up and sad. I'm seriously crying, no joke over here. I cry alot. I cried during Grave Danger to. It made me sad. Alot makes me sad when it comes to CSI. It's quite sad that I treat the show as if it's real life...
I actually tell people "If I die, call Vegas."
And then they go "Why?"
And then I go "Call the Las Vegas Crime Lab, one of the best in the country. I want them to investigate my death."
And then they go "Oookay..."
And then I go "Actually, can I kill you leaving no evidence, call Vegas, meet everyone on the team, have Greg fall in love with me, get married, have a kid, and never get caught for the crime??"
And then they go "You're a wacko."
And then I go
I'm psychotic. Hahaha, it's kinda funny.