Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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and the rampart blowing is going to be so great!!! did theyshow a promo last night during csi? oh my god sept. 21 cannot come fast enough!!!!!!so who did sam braun slap???? cath or someone else???
Yes, the Rampart is one of Sam's casinos.

Regarding who is lying naked on the bed, I thought it was Catherine and that it was also her standing there opening up the curtains with the bed comforter draped around her. I figured it had to do with the spoiler about her waking up in the hotel room after being slipped a drug. I might be wrong though.
margalicious said:
Regarding who is lying naked on the bed, I thought it was Catherine and that it was also her standing there opening up the curtains with the bed comforter draped around her. I figured it had to do with the spoiler about her waking up in the hotel room after being slipped a drug. I might be wrong though.

i agree that its cath.........i makes sense w/ the spoilers......yeah.
Cherryxoxoxo7, Sam Braun slap Catherine in the face. I saw the preview on the clip, I said myself, whoa, why would he slap Catherine in the face for? What did she said to him to cause him to slap her? I guess I have to wait 'till Sept. 21
Yes, its Catherines episode.. or episodes really. Its all about her so, she is the one in the bed, and the one slapped by Sam. But, he gets his. I personally don't think that death is a worthy punishment for a slap.. but hey, to each his own right?

And might I say, Greg looks pretty darn buff (flashlight scene) Yeah, I paused on it (3:08/3:29 to be exact) And DANG! I always thought his body was fantastic.. but he went beyond expectations on this one. And I love it ;)

Oh, and there is another video on youtube.. it has Doc singing and shows some clips, one being of Greg and.. Warrick maybe (sorry, was only looking at Greg) dancing. Its adorable. I love his moves. And doc can sing pretty well.. who woulda thunk it?
Mayby she acused him of kidnapping Lindsey? I wondered that myself.

BTW-Who is that getting punched?
in the john mayer video is it grissom who accidentally fires the gun at the scene? im hating this i live in the uk and have to wait another 5 to 6 months before season 7 you guys ll have to keep me posted *weeps*
What!? Ok... I did not see anyone punch anyone and I didn't see Griss shooting a gun. I did see a guy get shot (right before you see Cath crying.. I know thats a lot in this vid but whatev) And that is because the dude walked up and shot Sam and then started to run away and its Brass who shoots the guy. Thats what you see: the guys getting shot by Brass. At least, I'm pretty sure it said Brass.. I kind of forgot but I'm pretty sure its Brass. The only other possibility is that it was Griss. But either way it was no accident. Is that what you were talking about?
OMFG!!!!!!!! That video!!!! I almost peed my pants!!!!! Everyone's dancing!!!! I am still laughing over here in the midst of a hurricane!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

(Not the John Mayer one, btw!)

Ahhh, the power of CSI...
My year has been made, so honestly, I really don't care what happens on the show, as long as Doc Robbins SINGS!!
i mean when there is the dead body and warrick sara and someone else is in the room. we see a hand on the gun then it goes off and they all jump who has their hand on the gun???
Oh ok.. no i do not think its Grissom. I actually think it may be like Super Dave or something.. because whoever it is too skinny to be Gris and they also have thier hair pulled back, or not a lot of hair at all. I first thought it was Sara.. but then I think I see her in the background with Warrick.. so I don't know but I dont think its Gris
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