Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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i've seen CSI AYAY a while ago. it's funny.

i hate my internet service coz it's dial up and slow. and i'm trying to watch the John Mayer video.

20 day left
pabzi said:

was doc dancing in the morgue or was that my imagination?
LOL yeah I love that part.. Doc was pretending like he was rockin' and playing the guitar while Danny Bonaduce is on his autopsy table. :lol:
does enyone here know what song it is in the season 7 spoiler clip. the one where they use season 6 clips. it can be found at the GSR homepage
This just gets better and better... sweet anticipation... I really can't wait! And as pabzi said HODGES!!! I'm gonna watch that vid over and over again. CSI: Ay Ay is hilarious so I'm watching that again too.
CSI: AY: AY: was funny, thanks for sending. OMG I just realized that YouTube is working...OMG I wonder if I can watch the John Mayer one now...Ahhh I hope sooo

*goes to try*
I loved the John Mayer video! I am totally out of the music world, so I never heard the song before, but I really liked it. It got me so, SO psyched about this season. I wasn't sure, but now I'm pretty much sure that this is going to be one of the best seasons.

I'm going to watch it again. Excuse me.

ive just watched the music video for season 7

the body on the bed has to be grissom and it certainly looks like its sara opening the curtains

what is any one elses take on this
During lots of pausing and rewinding through the middle of the John Mayer music video (pause at 2:01 seconds in; 3:29 seconds remaining, it seems that Brass is awarded the Medal of Valor for his work in Way to Go.

"Each day, officers risk their lives to protect American Citizens and communities. To honor that commitment, Congress passed the Public Safety officer Medal of Valor Act of 2001, which created the Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor, the highest national award for valor by a public safety officer."

For more information, go to this site.
yes but who is he giving it to. its kinda like he doesnt want it?? and i dont no if it is grissom on the bed or not
Sandersgal4lyfe said:
During lots of pausing and rewinding through the middle of the John Mayer music video (pause at 2:01 seconds in; 3:29 seconds remaining, it seems that Brass is awarded the Medal of Valor for his work in Way to Go.

"Each day, officers risk their lives to protect American Citizens and communities. To honor that commitment, Congress passed the Public Safety officer Medal of Valor Act of 2001, which created the Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor, the highest national award for valor by a public safety officer."

For more information, go to this site.

I saw that too. And then the scene with Brass getting a tattoo. In the same area where he was shot? Very telling of his character.
OMG that was so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! what if it was catherine in the bed........hmmmmmm...... just a thought...i love john mayer!!!! way better then k fed..... so sad!!! greg is such a hottie!!! ok sorry kinda
Could be Catherine too, spiolers read she wakes up in a hotel bed...she does ask Sara to process her.
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