Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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Yeah It is his music video, though CBS put it on Youtube...18 hours ago!! How did I miss this before! lol

And Mel23, nope I didn't see that one, but I would love to :D. If you find the link, could you post it?

wow.. ok, so yeah.. i am positively certain now that Sam is shot.. completely sure. :)... oh wait.. i guess that should be a :(

oh.. and the little i saw Greg... LOVED IT!!'s the first video that's sort of left me...well...speechless. I didn't get the audio, though. Who's the person lying naked on the bed? Is it a db or one of the CSIs?
Wow. Uh, Catherine crying and covering her face in the shower. Almost saw the same thing on Third Watch. So.. yup, she definitely gets raped. :(
well... maybe not actually. its possible that this is after Lindsey gets kipnapped or just because she knows there is a possiblilty that she has been raped. It wont be after Sam dies because from what i understand, the episode ends with Sam dying
Poor Cath =[ I'm gunna cry. And omg, poor Lindsey =[ I'm gunna cry. Omg K-fed on CSI =[ I'm gunna cry. OMG poor Greggy =[ I'm gunna cry alot. Omg, I'm crying alot now. The lab just exploded and Greggy was in the hospital all messed up and sad. I'm seriously crying, no joke over here. I cry alot. I cried during Grave Danger to. It made me sad. Alot makes me sad when it comes to CSI. It's quite sad that I treat the show as if it's real life...
I actually tell people "If I die, call Vegas."
And then they go "Why?"
And then I go "Call the Las Vegas Crime Lab, one of the best in the country. I want them to investigate my death."
And then they go "Oookay..."
And then I go "Actually, can I kill you leaving no evidence, call Vegas, meet everyone on the team, have Greg fall in love with me, get married, have a kid, and never get caught for the crime??"
And then they go "You're a wacko."
And then I go :D

I'm psychotic. Hahaha, it's kinda funny. :p
I agree with eszmanda_luver. Just because Cath is in the shower cryng doesn't automatically mean she was raped. She could have been, but we saw just one scene and we don't know what happened before that.
darx2mint4 said:
Thanks for posting that!!!

Have you guys seen this one:

It is Catherine in the car crash, (lindsey gets whiplash...she is played by Kay Panabaker) and Sofia is laughing, Sam Braun slaps Catherine..and Brass gets a tattoo!!!!!!!...ahh just watch it...i'm soo excited!

*Gasp* I LOVE John Mayer, and I love that he's gonna be on CSI even more... :D I'm SO excited for the season opener (especially Greg :p)!
Could be she would be crying in the shower from a what could have happened scare.
:lol: Thanks for the vid. I loved it.

"Let's make love. I brought tequila." :lol: I'm going to be thinking about this for the rest of the night.
i didnt like the second clip but i loved the first one. HODGES!!!! i think that cath crying in the shower could have been anything, getting raped, or is the second episode when sam dies and this is for the first, right? also, brass allready has 1 tatoo i think so maybe hes getting the dye refilled, but then again, maybe he is getting another tatoo.
was doc dancing in the morgue or was that my imagination? cath and nick dancing :)
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