Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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i still think that greg will find out about gsr and his decision will be to tell someone or confront griss or sara...and this could lead to griss leaving for a while....that or *please God, no* sara gets pregnant and griss leaves to get away for a bit...
I don't think Greg will find out about GSR. I think it something, could be the one he couldn't face it like Play with Fire, could that or something else. Nick and Catherine will figure it out about GSR later or end of the show next years. I'm glad we get more Greg but don't get your hopes up for. Carol or the writer promise alot of thing and they've never delivered anything.
stand and deliver mabye we should hold the writers and shout that at them or not...! i think they must have short term memories because they say alot but then forget anyway my input i think Grissom would leave because of a case possibly to do with children if he thought he could have doen more or mabye did something wrong (ok so grissom and do soemthing wrong don't go together) nooo i need grissom it better be a really good guest star (mabye i should put myself up for it i could be grissom :devil:)
Remember in Greg thread when I used to say, if we're sure he'd be OK then by all means let him get hurt! Therefore he'd get a big storyline... that's how desperate I was :lol:

I wonder if one of the guest stars would be Jake Gyllenhaal... hmm... imagine him as a corpse he'd be shirtless :devil: hot corpse... rawr!!

Yeah don't mind me... I've had too much coffee :lol:
Laurensidle said:
stand and deliver mabye we should hold the writers and shout that at them or not...! i think they must have short term memories because they say alot but then forget...

I agree. Warrick's marriage, for example, was a story line that ran throughout the season with an occasional line here and there but it was never a big Warrick-centric story. That's how I think Greg's story line will go this season.

As for Grissom's sabbatical...I'm not a shipper--I don't care one way or the other about GSR; however, I do hope his reason for leaving isn't somehow tied up with Sara now that GSR is canon.
Yeah I'm with you. I think strong storylines will continue to make the show. I'm a little lost on the competition with Grey's-I live in Japan and CSI comes a different day from Grey's!
Hmm it's back-to-back here (CSI right after Greg's) so I get to watch both on the same night :D

I don't know what to think anymore about these whole spoilers... I've pretty much lost faith in tptb... just like Laurensidle said, they must have short term memory. Not to mention if they bring in new writers to the show. Hell... Goodbye Continuity! :rolleyes:
I read all the spoilers and i'm a little worried, but not that worried coz they're not confirmed... yet. anywayz, i live in the uk so the new season will be out in america before it hits here so i'll find out about most of the eps from here before i see them so i can decide whether to watch them or not. I don't think i'll be able to not watch them whatever happens. I've watched every single ep, even the season 6 finale, when i knew it had the GSR scene in (eugh! soz GSR fans but that scene still makes me gag!), so i'll wait and see, but if all this is true then i think csi will lose a large amount of it's fan base, which will not be good, especially since it's competing against Grey's in the US. If i was in the us i wouldn't be able to choose between csi and grey's i love them both! but that's another story. lol. anywayz, i'm just trying to stay optimistic, although this is going to be bugging me all summer! lol. so much for staying spoiler free this year! lol
I'm also hoping for the Warrick/Tina thing to get resolved. I really thought that something more would happen between them in the finale, but Im hoping that they either break up or make up on screen because I dont want to have to draw my own conclusion about what happened. :p
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