Season 10 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Pt 3

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To clarify myself (and to reassure Smokey that I harbor no ill will toward any particular character), I have no issue with Ray himself nor the actor portraying him. My issue is with the presentation and delivery of said character.

You were fine. :) That was my point...that no one has yet crossed the line in their discussion of the character and shouldn't be accused of doing so.

I really feel like most people here agree...the introduction of Ray as a "newbie" was a poor decision, but now the writers have to make it work somehow while also making the most of a big name actor. Most people like the character, they just feel like his role was handled wrong, and now they want the "newbie" (sorry, but he still is) doing a lot of the major work, and that doesn't make sense. But that's the way it's going to have to be.
He is a level 2 now and his medical experience does give him a leg up over other characters in that respect (though Greg would hold an advantage with chemistry, Nick in regards to law enforcement and Catherine with shaking her ass in five-inch heels :lol:). Indeed, I find his character the most enjoyable when he is involved in the medical aspects of a case.


.............oh, wait, what were you saying? :lol:

But seriously, guys, we are assuming here that Marg isn't gonna resign...nothing is set in concrete. Who knows, they may offer her a ton of money to hang around and stay on the show. Either way, it could make for an interesting storyline. Who's gonna step up and be the boss? I can't see them making Ray the boss when he's the newest to the team.
Ok, I'm going to have to put my two cents in.:lol:

I don't think they will make Ray the supervisor. They would put Nick in charge and no, I'm not saying that because he's my favorite character.:shifty:

George has said if they brought Ray in and made him the supervisor, that wouldn't have worked for him. I think he speaks for all of us when he says that. No, it wouldn't have worked for us either. :thumbsup:

In all seriousness, I don't think (ok, I hope) tptb are not stupid enough to put Ray as the supervisor. Knowing the fans would have a fit over it.

Knowing George the way I do :lol: he would not take that laying down :lol:

It wouldn't be Greg, because Nick would make supervisor before him. I can't see Greg as a supervisor anyways, but only for CSIs. Now if he was in charge of the labrats, that I could see. However, I prefer labrat Greg over CSI Greg so that could be clouding my judgment. :lol:

Having said that, Ray becoming supervisor before Greg would be wrong. Now if this was the real world, senority and next in line has nothing to do with who gets promoted. :thumbsup:

Nope, don't think it would be Sara either. After her history: insubordination, suspension, DUI, leaving without notice, couldn't handle it anymore, I don't see that promotion happening.

So I say let's put Super Dave in charge and that will solve everything. :D
Moving in a different direction :cool:,
The recurring character, Nate Haskell, is played by Bill Irwin. He is yet another actor showing up on CSI who has deep roots in the theater, like Billy Petersen and Gary Sinese.
Bill Irwin is very well known in modern American theater. Comedy is really his main focus and his Off-Broadway play, Harlequin Studies, shows how serious he is about funny. He was also the subject of a PBS "Great Performances" broadcast, Bill Irwin, Clown Prince. A short Playbill interview is at Send in the Clown. :alienblush:
YouTube has lots of stuff, including a clip from a Cosby show, called "Bill Irwin clowns around". Just put 'Bill Irwin' in the search box.
There's a bunch more out there so dig a little if you're interested.
I think he is getting a lot of kicks out of being a TV villain. :devil:
Unless Doc J. kill the others in the season finale i can't see any logical reason Ray being the supersomething :p I hope Marg will stay and Cath will go on being the only female team leader of CSIs.
He is a level 2 now and his medical experience does give him a leg up over other characters in that respect (though Greg would hold an advantage with chemistry, Nick in regards to law enforcement and Catherine with shaking her ass in five-inch heels :lol:). Indeed, I find his character the most enjoyable when he is involved in the medical aspects of a case.


.............oh, wait, what were you saying? :lol:

All of Marg's fans were drooling when the remark was made!:guffaw:
To clarify myself (and to reassure Smokey that I harbor no ill will toward any particular character), I have no issue with Ray himself nor the actor portraying him. My issue is with the presentation and delivery of said character.

Yes, Desertwind, you are correct. He shouldn't be considered a newbie any longer and I apologize for saying as such. He is a level 2 now and his medical experience does give him a leg up over other characters in that respect (though Greg would hold an advantage with chemistry, Nick in regards to law enforcement and Catherine with shaking her ass in five-inch heels :lol:). Indeed, I find his character the most enjoyable when he is involved in the medical aspects of a case.

The reason I would find the show unwatchable in the outside chance that Ray is made the lead both as a character and in his position is due to the destruction of credibility. I'm willing to suspend disbelief over many things the show has done over the years. However, in regards to the politics of the show, I cannot. At least not in this situation. Perhaps I have grown too "clingy" to the old gang and thus resist any change that would ultimately be perceived by myself and possibly others as an injustice toward them. Yet when I ask myself the question of if Ray was brought on as Grissom's actual replacement - as in a CSI level 3 with about equal experience as the new supervisor - I find the answer being that I wouldn't have minded as much.

So, my point is that when TPTB decided to bring Ray in as a level 1, they made the decision to make him the low man on the political totem pole. For him to jump forward from a level 1 to shift supervisor in only a period of two years is extremely unlikely. And that is something I can't get behind.

But this is only my opinion which reflects the viewpoints of only one person... me.

:lol: No problem Preator I just don't want you to leave, I enjoy you opnions, and ideas, & I'm with you on how the show has changed. But, I wanted to reiterate on the shows who one of the main characters is also the star and the boss. The now defunct 'Without A Trace" with Anthony LaPaglia aka Jack Malone. He was the star and the boss as well. and there's "Medium" with Miguel Sandoval as Devalos, also the boss and one of the main characters on this show. Then there's "Cold Case" with John Finn as Boss, [that's what they call him] as a major character who's in many scenes. On who will be the surpervisor, I think Ray is to low-key, mellow, laid back, and soft spoken, kind and sweet. I can't imagine him shouting orders or bossing anyone around. Plus, he doesn't know the team that well..yet.. There is a difference on the show having a star as the lead and the star not being in charge of the team. On Nick, he knows this team inside out and backwards. He's seen their bad sides, their good sides, and is strict, without being obnoxious. :klingon:He's kind and sensitive, and has bonded with all of them. They listen to him and are in admiration of his personaility traits. I wished he was my boss:thumbsup:
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There is absolutely no way they are going to make Langston supervisor if Catherine leaves the show.He is in the crime lab for only one and a half years and I can't imagine him act like the boss.Nick could be a great supervisor as he is a CSI for over 10 years.If the writers decide to put Ray in the supervisor position they will lose the respect from many fans of the show.(I hope Catherine doesn't leave anyway).
Greg would be great as an assistant supervisor!!!
I just recieved my new TV Guide in the mail- dated May3-9, and another short twist on the season finale 5/20~

"It's going to be very dangerous for at least one of our CSI's", says exec. producer Carol Mendelsohn of the season closer~

For the May 6 episode, the CSI's reopen a cold case. "It's a story that's very personal to Captain Brass", says CM. The final two installments in May have the team nipping at the heels of serial killer Dr. Jekyll-and questions are raised about Langston's involvement, they know him well enough to know that he wouldn't be capable of killing anyone. But there is some suspicion.:confused: Mendelsohn promises more twists and turns before the season is over:"Dr Jekyll won't be a problem anymore but there will definitely be a "cliff-hanger"~
I just recieved my new TV Guide in the mail- dated May3-9, and another short twist on the season finale 5/20~

"It's going to be very dangerous for at least one of our CSI's", says exec. producer Carol Mendelsohn of the season closer~

For the May 6 episode, the CSI's reopen a cold case. "It's a story that's very personal to Captain Brass", says CM. The final two installments in May have the team nipping at the heels of serial killer Dr. Jekyll-and questions are raised about Langston's involvement, they know him well enough to know that he wouldn't be capable of killing anyone. But there is some suspicion.:confused: Mendelsohn promises more twists and turns before the season is over:"Dr Jekyll won't be a problem anymore but there will definitely be a "cliff-hanger"~

A BRASS storyline!! :eek: Sweet! He hasn't had one since... he got shot (?) Wow. I'm looking forward to that one if it is indeed an episode for him. It may not be the Greg-ep I want but I do enjoy the other characters getting some luvin'.

I bet Jekyll will be dealt with (probably killed) and the cliff-hanger deals with Haskel then. Which is fine since I like him.
wow.. brass got a story *jaw drops* wow, i'm impressed, i certainly didn't expect that one this season :)

now tptb, there's another you could do...

wow.. brass got a story *jaw drops* wow, i'm impressed, i certainly didn't expect that one this season :)

now tptb, there's another you could do...


Uhh..given the spoilers that were lurking about blood..maybe Greg fans should breathe a sigh of relief he's not front and centre..that's not always a good thing..:eek:
I don't think they are linking Brass with Jekyll here. The May 6th episode is Lost and Found, which is the one about the investigation into the woman who may have something to do with her family's death. Doctor Who is part one of the two part season finale, which airs May 13th and 20th respectively.

It's about time we got a Brass episode. =)
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