To clarify myself (and to reassure
Smokey that I harbor no ill will toward any particular character), I have no issue with Ray himself nor the actor portraying him. My issue is with the presentation and delivery of said character.
Desertwind, you are correct. He shouldn't be considered a newbie any longer and I apologize for saying as such. He is a level 2 now and his medical experience does give him a leg up over other characters in that respect (though Greg would hold an advantage with chemistry, Nick in regards to law enforcement and Catherine with shaking her ass in five-inch heels :lol

. Indeed, I find his character the most enjoyable when he is involved in the medical aspects of a case.
The reason I would find the show unwatchable in the outside chance that Ray is made the lead both as a character and in his position is due to the destruction of credibility. I'm willing to suspend disbelief over many things the show has done over the years. However, in regards to the politics of the show, I cannot. At least not in this situation. Perhaps I have grown too "clingy" to the old gang and thus resist any change that would ultimately be perceived by myself and possibly others as an injustice toward them. Yet when I ask myself the question of if Ray was brought on as Grissom's actual replacement - as in a CSI level 3 with about equal experience as the new supervisor - I find the answer being that I wouldn't have minded as much.
So, my point is that when TPTB decided to bring Ray in as a level 1, they made the decision to make him the low man on the political totem pole. For him to jump forward from a level 1 to shift supervisor in only a period of two years is extremely unlikely. And that is something I can't get behind.
But this is only my opinion which reflects the viewpoints of only one person... me.