Season 10 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Pt 3

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We saw the front of Brass' very unVegas-looking house in the second part of ABRTI. Never saw the inside though.
The season finale...all this supposed "blood shed by more then one CSI"... is this to take place in the lab as well? Cause for some reason, I thought I read somewhere, I think it was here, that there was suppose to another incident at the lab? Or am I completely out to lunch here..? :lol:
To continue the "if we see the characters' digs, bad things happen" argument, we have seen Brass's house -- when Grissom stopped by to tell Brass that he and not Sophia had shot Officer Bell.
DJRideout said:
The season finale...all this supposed "blood shed by more then one CSI"... is this to take place in the lab as well? Cause for some reason, I thought I read somewhere, I think it was here, that there was suppose to another incident at the lab? Or am I completely out to lunch here..? :lol:

I don't think you are out to lunch, :lol: I think it's supposed to take place in/around the lab involving Dr. Jekyll. Perhaps he comes after Ray and hence how Catherine gets involved. :confused:
That's the only way I can think of how 'more than one CSI's' blood will be shed. Perhaps Sara is somehow involved as well? Nick maybe too?
I don't remember hearing about anything taking place in the lab other than the shooting that is supposed to happen in Lost and Found, and that's the one that is the week before Doctor Who and second part of the finale. I think a lot of people are just assuming that everything is going to take place at the lab since Dr. J stole Ray's ID....

I'm hoping that the thing about finding where Vantann and Catherine stand in the finale is a good thing, and not a blow off of the relationship should Marg not resign with the show. Even if she doesn't resign, I don't see why they can't have her and Vartann live happily ever after (well, pending Catherine's fate...) So I'm assuming that means that Alex will be in the finale too.
Hi, I'm new here, but I'll try to make a business-based prediction:

Catherine dies or gets seriously injured (and thus - forced to leave), her place as the boss is taken by Dr. Ray. You just don't get an actor of Laurence Fishburne's reputation to play a secondary role.
Hi, I'm new here, but I'll try to make a business-based prediction:

Catherine dies or gets seriously injured (and thus - forced to leave), her place as the boss is taken by Dr. Ray. You just don't get an actor of Laurence Fishburne's reputation to play a secondary role.

hey Vikki Roxx welcome :)

as much as i hate to say it, you may be right

nick should be in charge if something happens to cath, of course i could see them making the great ray langston supervisor :scream::scream:

tptb probably have forgotten about nick's promotion at the beginning of the season, he should be supervisor next, then greg, then sara maybe?? then ray would be in charge, but nothing would surprise me at this point

and if they do make him supervisor i will STOP watching csi PERIOD
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I"m thinking that too Vikki Roxx, welcome by the way. :D
With all this stuff happening that she could decide to leave, or someone could tell her that it was her time to leave CSI. ;)

I'm hoping that if they do that, and Marg does leave, they tie up all the loose ends around her.

Such as;
Lindsey and her transition to college.
Her Mother, and a proper goodbye.
Grissom and another proper goodbye.
and Vartann... my hope is that she leaves with him or that he can convince her to leave CSI and run away with him. ;)

And if Marg does stay, perhaps its a good transition out of her role as the CSI supervisor. She can spend next season training Nicky and Ray to take over so she can leave properly.
Hm. While I do agree that something bad will happen to her, I don't think Cath will die or leave immediately after said bad thing happening. Marg has said before that she will stay through season 11. Perhaps whatever happens in the finale will set the stage for her eventual departure.
I think if Catherine/Marg did leave, then either Nick would become supervisor or they would bring in someone new....with supervisor...not like how they brought in Ray as a newbie and fast-tracked him to pro.

Even with some of the crazy things they've done with the show, they wouldn't make a newbie to the entire CSI field the supervisor.
I said that about Ray because he seems to be involved in a lot of cases lately including Dr. Jekyll.

Greg would probably be the best candidate for a promotion. Sara too if she stays around.
IMO the should have introduced Ray like they did with Rossi on Criminal minds.That way Catherine can still be the boss and Ray would not look like he learned in one day.

I can't even think about Catherine leaving so I hope all of you are not right.:confused:
I just thought about another option:

We know that Ray is going to be there in Season 11, BUT... maybe he will be there... staying at a mental institution? If it's really him as Jekyll (see the other thread) - he may be sent to a mental institution because of his SPD instead of prison and he may still be helping CSI crew from there as a medical expert. What do you think?
Hi, I'm new here, but I'll try to make a business-based prediction:

Catherine dies or gets seriously injured (and thus - forced to leave), her place as the boss is taken by Dr. Ray. You just don't get an actor of Laurence Fishburne's reputation to play a secondary role.

Exactly on Laurence Fishburne/Dr. Langston, he was not hired to hover around in the background. He's got mega experience from his last position, as a medical professional, and therefore is not dumb or blind to what's going on around him. He's just as adamant about finding the Dr. Jekyll as the rest of the team. I think it has to do with his bad experience from his prior job in the hospital and is bound not to let this happen again. I also remember Marg saying that S/11 will be her last, so I feel she'll still be around for some time to come. And, BTW welcome VikkiRoxx glad your here have fun:thumbsup:
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