Super Dave...
Now who would have seen THAT coming????
:lol: That would be a shock.
Nooooooooooonot my Super Dave! He's my favorite lab rat!
Ok, it would be a shock, but nooooooooooooo!
I know who it is, I do, I do! It's Lindsey!! Lindsey is the serial killer. They think its a man, but it's not.
Alright, I really don't know if it's her, just throwing that out there. :lol:
NO!! NO! NO!! You've all got it wrong!!!
It's Hodges! Hodges is the serial killer!
Sara will walk into the morgue and find him gleefully clapping over his lastest victim. She tip toes out. Wonders why in God's name she ever came back. Then grabs Nick and Greg and they all do football tackle on him.
Then she wipes her brow, says, "My work is done."
Pulls her cellphone out and says into it, "Beam me up Gilbert."
And away she disappears into the night..
Then as Nick walks out of the Lab, Mandy grabs him, bares her fangs and sinks her teeth into him.
As he lays there, bleeding she finds Greg and does the same..
Thus, we now know..the lab rats are vampires..:rommie::rommie: and are now turning the CSIs into vampires as well, soon the whole LVPD turns into vampires and now we have CSI: Vampires..
And the CSI movie feature Grissom and Sara trying to figure out how to turn their friends back into humans..but doesn't work as they too become vampires.
Okay I have no idea where that came from..must run off and write a fan fic..
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