[Catherine then] sees the world according to Sara Sidle and realizes something about leadership and about the team.
:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:HAHAHHA. Seriously. No.
I actually love the line, "the world according to Sara Sidle". It has a nice ring to it.
As someone mentioned earlier, I think it may be more of Sara coming in and giving an outsider's perspective. Maybe she helps Catherine figure out how to better balance her personal life with her work in order to avoid burnout. Sara should have some insight into this, especially since she feels that now she can return to the job, even if it is temporary. Assuming that Sara is happier in her personal life, it may make the job more tolerable. Maybe Catherine learns to delegate more, and that is how Nick comes to be promoted to whatever position he is promoted to.
Maybe the season opens with Catherine overworked and exasperated with lack of Lindey-time. Lindsey is going off to college soon, and Catherine may feel that she has missed a lot of her daughter's growing up and wants to spend more time with her. This would go along with the 'family' theme of the season.
I would actually like that, as ambivalent as I am about Sara coming back.
I love the idea of Catherine getting some more expertise, because it seems the experiment in Season 5 did not work out so well for her. I'd also like to see her get some of her humanity back, as when the show first started, she came across as nicer and more human. Some of the stuff that went down, like with the reverse forensics, the "Leo" guy from
1,000 Days on Earth etc, made me feel like she lost some of that. I don't know if her head got big becoming a supervisor, the personal stuff she'd been through with Sam Braun, Eddie Dying, Lindsay's transformation into All Teen Rebel, or whatever.
I'd also love to see Nick get promoted in whatever capacity. He deserves it. He's proven he is the rock of the team. Tough when he has to be, human always. I also want Sara to be there when he does get it, because she was so wrapped up in getting it, and I got the impression that Nick was completely unattached to it. I so want to see her reaction.
As far as the Ray thing goes, I didn't see any episodes after Grissom left, as I had class on Thursday nights, so I really can't comment on that. If they did make him "Super Supervisor Ray" right away, that's lame.
Mainly, for this upcoming season, I want Balanced Screentime for all, especialy the people who have been there since Season 1 and haven't left, I want plausible plot lines that don't mess with the Canon of the show (like moving Nick's b-day from August to February,), and no more cast additions, unless it's Louise Lombard coming back to play Sophia. I also wouldn't mind Wendy going from Labrat to CSI. Then they could bring back Mia to be DNA tech.