Say NO to Homophobia

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JayneEmilysRealm said:
I told a friend that I was gay, and he was rather surprised (he doesn't know me that well yet) but he responded well and all of a sudden he says: "well, so actually you have some kind of a mental abnormality." Me: "What?" He: "well like you like girls, and that was never really the intention, so something in your mind must've gone wrong!" Me: "Don't go all Freudian on me! I studied Psychoanalysis, I know what Freud thinks! And what do you mean, it was never the intention?" He: "For you to like girls." Me: "Why not?" He: "God created man and woman for a reason and never wanted homosexuals." Me: "But I don't believe in God.. I believe in the Goddess and she wanted me to be gay.. she actually wanted everyone to be so!!" He: "Huh? How do you know?" Me: "Because I created her." And then I walked off.. gawd, naive people in my life.. I ditch those.

He was a retarded person!

I believe in God and I don't think homosexuals "have some kind of a mental abnormality". They're just people like me with a different orientation.
Holland is a quite cool country, when we're talking about homophobia. The most people can stand gay-people and that really rocks. In Holland you can marry eachother when you're gay and there's the Gay Pride.
He was a retarded person!

I believe in God and I don't think homosexuals "have some kind of a mental abnormality". They're just people like me with a different orientation.

well i don't think that you can say "he is a retarded person", i think that everyone got his own opinion, and we have to respect it even if it's completely ridiculous...btw he thinks this way cause, IMO, he is really religious, and everybody knows that, in every religion (and that's probably the only thing that can join them), Homosexuality is considered as a bad thing, God punish that etc.... that's why he talk like homosexual are a mistake of Nature , it's absolutely scandalous but heh it's what he thinks, and a looooooooooot of people think this way, that's how the world rules today, and yeah it sucks.

and Jayne i got a question for you: did he actually ask you if you were gay or you had just say that in the conversation?
sissi59100, I desagree with you.
I'm catholic and know there´s a lot of peolple who still think gays are freaks. How can that be, if God said we should love and respect each other?!? If he thinks Jayne have a mental abnormality, his retarded. It's like saying black people are inferior people. I sincerely wish that he could open up his mind...
Dolphin said:
sissi59100, I desagree with you.
I'm catholic and know there´s a lot of peolple who still think gays are freaks. How can that be, if God said we should love and respect each other?!? If he thinks Jayne have a mental abnormality, his retarded. It's like saying black people are inferior people. I sincerely wish that he could open up his mind...

well since you are a catholic, in your religion homosexuality is considered as something really wrong right? i didn't say that it's normal to hear him saying that Jayne has something wrong cause she is gay, i said IT LOOKS normal to him cause he probably have a religious education that put in his mind that homosexuality is a hug mistake of Nature, you can believe in God, follow a religion and be tolerant, and you can believe in God , following a religion and think it's wrong....God said to respect each others, true but respect goes for all parts, which means gay, pro gay and anti gay, and i personnaly think it won't help gay people if everytime somebody said something about gay, you said "you are retarded", you should show him that gay people are just like us, but with a good talk and not insulting him.

I'm sure he will open his mind soon and i think that if Jayne talks to him more , he will probably change his mind
Dolphin said:
I didn't meant to insult him... but he realy needs to open up his mind... ;)

lol i know it wasn't your goal ;) but i just wanted to show that when both part are completely locked, and there is no discussion possible, nothing will change and it could get worse then ....So the best way is the dialogue, and try, and i repeat again "TRY" to show them that love still love, whoever is implicated on the relationship....Love is a human concept, we are all human so all capable of love ;)
It's truth, we should try to explain our view to those people, but sometimes it's so hard...
I used to think (when I was young) homosexuals were freaks of nature (I admit, I did thought), but I realize on my own that I was wrong...
Mental note: think twice before open up my mouth! :rolleyes:
Dolphin said:
It's truth, we should try to explain our view to those people, but sometimes it's so hard...
I used to think (when I was young) homosexuals were freaks of nature (I admit, I did thought), but I realize on my own that I was wrong...
Mental note: think twice before open up my mouth! :rolleyes:

lol well who didn't think that? sometimes the place where you live , the people around you saying that gay people are freaks etc and then you start thinking they are , but, fortunately, you grew up and start to think by yourself, and that's how you can change the world :D my parents are homophobic, really homophobic but i'm not, that's weird lol you know my best friend was really homophobic, it was horrible, until the day she noticed that if she was homophobic, it was cause she was repressing her gay sexuality, now she is with a girl and she is happy, so iam for her
All of us who like Jorja out there *yes, girls, this is for you ;)* should just send this to George W Bush--


I guess this is sort of offtopic but is anyone else slightly offended by replacing 'retarded' with stupid, too?
Idk. It just irks me.
ok tonight i was on a walk and i saw this one guy that was wearing a pink shirt (not gay) was walking along and then there was this other goywho was across the street and he was all like nice shirt...faggot! i mean wtf! how can you be sooo mean. when people want to wear pink they should be able to without being judged. This brings me to another topic. have you ever noticed that guys are often more homophobic than girls? (no offence to any of the nice NON homophobic guys out there). beac ause i sure have! i think it is not because they actually feel that way but mabe they are trying to impress other guys who actually are against homosexuals or they may be trying to prevent themselves of being called gay. society has really turned people aganst homosexuals! it is definatly NOT fair! people see it as such a taboo thing. its like it makes every one uncomfortable...for some strange reason! and also thank you for startinf this thread...whoever did andf thank you to all the people who post here by doing so you are really showing some courage!!!


Wow, my friend started a whole discussion here :lol: I actually don't mind the word retarted, because IMO, regarding the homosexuality, he is in a way. I was rather offended and retarded in Dolphin's post was just meant as an offensive word meaning a stupid person, so it's just a synonym. But I can understand other people would disagree with me.

Sissi, it actually came up during a conversation when I told him. He asked how my love life was and such, and since I consider him a good and long-lasting friend with an open mind (dude, did I fall into that trap lol) I decided to tell him. And I'm quite easy in friendships.. acceptance is my main ground for friendship, so if one doesn't accept who I am then the friendship is practically over. But he did accept it, we talked openly about it.. but then when we said goodbye he started to get all 'ohh you have a mental thing going on there' :rolleyes:

Yeah Chelsea, a friend of mine used to be homophobic, but then it just turned out that he was gay.. it's what Freud would call: Projection or Scapegoating: "Cutting off what the super-ego perceives as 'bad' aspects of oneself (eg weakness or homosexual desire) and projecting them onto someone else 'over there' where they can be condemned, punished, etc.."
lol quoth :lol: that's not a bad idea lol but i guess it won't change anything , when GWB thinks something, he (almost never change), poor men lol i guess it's too late for him :lol:

I guess this is sort of offtopic but is anyone else slightly offended by replacing 'retarded' with stupid, too?
Idk. It just irks me.

lol actually that's why i reacted yesterday lol it's cause of the word, even f Jayne said it was a synonym of "stupid", whih i can understand, i just think it's inappropriate

Chelsea, where do you live hunny? cause sometimes i really wonder where those stupid guys can live, i mean here, in France , i've never heard something like that, never ever and that's weird.....And you know why? that's cause we just don't care, i mean it's their lives, they can do what they want and we don't think that insulting them (faggot is outrageous) will change anything: and i think that's the point lol see that man wasn't gay right but imagine it was another man who was gay....What will this insult bring him? Nothing, why? cause first well if he is actually gay , the man who insult him didn't do anything except saying it, which is not really a proof of intelligence since it was clear :lol: (it's confused :lol: )
People think homosexuality is a strange thing cause they are not actually, able to see it as love between twopeople, they still think man+man=wrong or women+women=wrong , they just need time to accept it and we should help them, when it's possible of course, understanding homosexual who are just like us ;)

oh and you said that women were more openminded than men right? lol actually there is something weird , most of people who said they accept homosexuality ,onlya ccept one side of it: sometimes girls only accept two girls together and when you talk about two boys, they freak out (and that's true ), same thing for boys, they only accept two girls as a couple and not boys.....i really think that boys couple are less accepted than girls couples. Do the test with your friends lol

acceptance is my main ground for friendship, so if one doesn't accept who I am then the friendship is practically over. But he did accept it, we talked openly about it.. but then when we said goodbye he started to get all 'ohh you have a mental thing going on there'

You know Jayne, your friend is hilarious: how could he imagine that you won't react to a such insulting remark?? lol that's weird too: i mean you talked wth him openly etc he accepted it and at the end he said you were mental sick? maybe he is the one having a mental abnormality :rolleyes: no offense huh? :p
Oh my friend has his own quirky abnormality.. and it's called borderline.. and I'm not refering to the disorder but just to the adjective :p

I think you're right there sissi, I experienced it too, that girls accept the thought of two girls together, but not two guys.. I mean, for me goes: I don't mind seeing two guys together, I think it is rather cute and such and of course I accept it and all, but it's just the thought of them uhm.. having sex is what pushes me off.. but I think that's because I myself cannot understand what's so great about having a sexual relationship with a guy :lol:
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