Say NO to Homophobia

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well my advice works for the second gf too lol so if you ar elike grissom you are "emotionaly unaivalable" ? :lol: well take your time to say what you feel but tell her first you are sorry after your bitchy moment ;)
You know what, I'll write out what I want to say and send it to her or something. All right, it's probably not the best idea, it'd be better to say it to her face to face, but if I do that I'm definitely going to leave something out.

Wish me luck <3
Hey peoples, for those of you in the Vancouver, BC area, I believe the gay pride parade/weekend is coming up August 5th so don't miss out! Hopefully the great weather we've been having will continue throughout the summer, and it will be another fantastic weekend. ;)
I'm sorry I acted weird after I kissed you at Lexi's. I felt guilty, because I didn't (and still don't) feel like I'm good enough for you, and I was worried I forced it on you or something. When I get guilty, it switches into anger and depression, expecially because I take the anger out on other people. Even though a lot of the time I try not to show it, I have horribly low self esteem, and when it's high, it's only momentarily. I have a lot of 'me' problems to work through, and I never meant to take any of it out on you. I really do like you.

If you didn't notice, (because sometimes people don't and I make mountains out of molehills on a regular basis:rolleyes:) then feel free to ignore this message.

I didn't get a chance to proofread it before I sent it, or else I would have been nitpicky and spent all night perfecting it. Eeek.
i think that's good :) pretty good, but i guess she will want talk to you face to face then, so i hope you are ready to talk to her ;)

Good luck to you Lia
Good luck, Lia! :) <rock on>

Yeah, I'm in the middle of my own little dilemma... There's this one girl I reeeaaaaalllly like, and we're really good friends. And I kinda want to date her... and yet she says she's straight, but I think maybe she might not be. I kinda, like, don't know what to do. If she really is straight, then I'll respect that, but if there's a chance that I can make that kind of move without completely destroying our friendship, I'd like to take it. Can anyone help me, or is this one of those "on your own" things?
Crysthala said:
Can anyone help me, or is this one of those "on your own" things?
You're never on your own in this thread ;)

Wow, tough situation you're in. First I have a question, does she know you're bi/gay? If she doesn't.. what I would do is just look for more physical contact.. and I mean by that that for example when you two are on the couch, let your leg 'accidentally' touch hers.. see how she reacts to that. I wouldn't immediately tell her that you like her that way, because that might push her away and may even ruin your friendship. It's just an idea, I'm not an expert, at all!! But it's one of the things I did some years ago to find out whether someone liked me. That person scooped a tad away from me on the couch.. unconsciously, so it didn't do anything bad to our friendship :)
for the first time of my life, i agree with Jayne :D don't tell her your feelings for now and take your time to build something with her...if she is straight, well it doesn't mean it's the end except if she tells you "i'm completely staright, ther eis NO WAY i would go out with a girl" but so far she doesn't tell you that, so go :D but slowly huh ;)
i just told my friend i'm bi. she belives me and is thrilled because she is too. my other friend doesn't believe me. how should i get one of my friends to believe me?
Let her/him get used to the thought Imperfect. Give 'm some time. One advice I can give you is don't repeat yourself time after time by telling you're bi, because that gets annoying, trust me :p I have a friend and in the beginning he was like: "Ohhh my name is W and I'm gay" and he said that about every single day.. and I was like "yeah! I KNOW!" :rolleyes: Your friend will realise sooner or later that you're serious about it, you can't really force the thought onto someone, in my opinion.

Now.. I've got this date coming up at the end of the month.. but I have no clue how to tell my parents haha.. I know, I came clear to them few months ago, but still, it seems so weird telling them. Dad knows about her existence now, but honestly, I don't know whether he also knows about my feelings towards her.. mum has no clue whatsoever, well she was away for a while, came back last night, but she still hasn't commented about the sparkles in my eyes :lol: Aarghh, I must tell them!! *tells self* "stop postponing this!"
OK i will come clean and i will be honest but dont hate me i am the one that does not believe that imperfect is bisexual! its just that like out of nowhere she was like im bi! and i really thought she was kidding but now i just need to get used to it!
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