Say NO to Homophobia

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OKAY! I got in a major argument between my cousin yesterday...he's against gay rights (for religious purposes :rolleyes: I found out because he said a few parts in Brokeback Mountain bugged him because he's against gay rights). He thinks homosexuality is a fad or trend, and that God made men and women so the human race will keep thriving and living. OK, that's true (except for the part about homosexuality being a fad/trend)...but God made us the way we are. We were born the way we are; God made us. God loves everyone, gay and straight. He didn't seem to understand that. He said I wasn't smart enough to understand it (and then said I wasn't mature enough, that I wouldn't know anything about hormones...which I told him wasn't true because I went through puberty in fifth grade *:rolleyes:*), and he used the fact that he read the entire bible against me. ...I'm a baptized Christian, alright? But I still disagree with things in this religion.

I then asked him what he would do if one of us were which he responds "I would dance around and bang my head into the wall *laughs*." I told him to be serious, and he just said more stupid things :rolleyes:
Catherinesmyidol, congratulations for talking to your mother. She just need some time...
Anytime you feel like let it out, you can PM me. ;)

quoth_the_raven, I'm a baptized Christian too, and I desagree with lot of things in the religion...
Just because your cousin read the whole bible (that could take ages!!! :rolleyes:) doesn't mean he knows everything about religion. You just have to keep trying to open up his mind...
sandleissocute: your avi is hilarious lol

catherinesmyidol: you are welcome, at least you will always find a bunch of people here who will help you and listen to you ;)

quoth: tell me something? sometimes don't you feel like you were born on the wrong family? :lol: let me explain it: in my family i'm the ONLY one who isn't homophobic, so sometimes i just feel out of place lol the thing i will keep in mind about religion is: GOD made us, GOD love us, and being gay or not don't change what we are's not what it says in the bible, it's how he choose to interpret it. ;) So I would get quotes from the bible and interpret it in your own way- even when I was a christian, I still believed that homeosexuality was not a sin but an act of love that people couldn't help to show. That's why a lot of people at my church didnt like me, cos I had different beliefs to them even it was the same religion. :p

And Catherinesmyidol...damn, you're really brave to tell your mother! :eek: Just...brave.
I don't believe. Neither my family. I think in my family, nobody is against gay rights and neither are my friends. I think in Holland the most people accept gay people, mostly because a big/huge part of the country doesn't believe.
Jenna! Remember when I told you that I told my mom? She basically said Im not allowed to be gay cause "Im her daughter." If she loved me as much as she said she loved me she would have said "I accept you and I support you." Instead of saying "I will NOT support you and that behavior." So I know what your going through. Sweetheart, your awesome. And I support you. More than words can say!
RoosCSILover said:
I don't believe. Neither my family. I think in my family, nobody is against gay rights and neither are my friends. I think in Holland the most people accept gay people, mostly because a big/huge part of the country doesn't believe.

well i don't think that's the reason actually: people sexuality shouldn't have to be judge because of the religion , it's just an excuse from the antigay ...They are just afraid of change you know, thank god some people are able to be tolerant :rolleyes:
One of the reasons that Catholics , whether Irish or Italian , hate Gay people, is because of what the Church has inculcated into them....As if the priests are not guilty of some sin or another themselves, they must "clothes" it in a layer of hypocrisy!
The weirdest thing happened last night. I was at my friend Carissa's house with my other friend Lexi, and Lexi fell asleep. She talks in her sleep, and we were talking back to her. The first time, it was really, really funny [we were in Siberia or something, and I was a butterfly that killed Hitler.], but the second time, it was really.. sad. Right off the bat, she asked "Am I ugly?" We answered "Of course you're not ugly." and she kept saying how she should be able to protect everyone and how she's a failure. She's going blind, also, and she asked "Why am I going blind?"
Carissa said, "It's just one of your tests in life. Sometimes.. bad things need to happen to show us how good our lives are. You've had a hard life, Lex, so trust me; you're due for something amazing."
Lexi said "I haven't had a hard life. You and Lia have had hard lives. and Lia's going to have it even harder."
I asked why, and she said "Because she's gay. Nobody will look at her the same way and she won't have the same opportunities as everyone else. Everyone will tell her that what she is doing is wrong."

By the end of the conversation I was bawling. A lot of it was actually.. inspiring, somehow, but it was so sad. One line that killed me.
"You're an amazing person, Lexi."
"If I'm so amazing, why did Dad leave?"

Okay, so this didn't COMPLETELY have to do with homophobia. I guess I just had to say something to somebody and this thread seemed appropriate at the time.


Offtopic, I've got a girlfriend now, named Camellia. :)
awwe that is so sad Lia and yet so extremely true and by the way congrats on getting a girl friend!!

now then..when my brother first told my mom that he was gay she just said oh. and he was like what is that all and thenn she said well what did you expect me to say? you are still my son and i will always love you and then ge just said thankyou.
Once and for all, although I don't believe in God, if God hated gays he would not have created them :p

YAY for girlfriends Lia!!

I'm not sure about why Holland is so gay-loving actually, Roos. I don't really think it has to do with religion. I know several people who are homophobic because of bad experiences they've had.. they're not my friends, I tend to avoid them. Also I think homophobia is still pretty much alive here, but it's just not talked about, we just don't hear about it. I think it's just a personal thing here. My dad has gay friends, whom he loves and whom he protects etc and he's always like "I wish they just weren't that harsh on them" and all.. but when I told him, he reacted alright in the beginning, but he ignores it now.. and is still talking to other people like "when Jayne has a boyfriend" and "hurry up and give me grandchildren".. people laugh about the last one, but I just give him one nasty look. He knows so well my interest lies not with the laddies.
okay euh...i really don't know how to start lol i don't know what to tell you Lia...i don't know if i should be happy for you having a girlfriend( congratulations ;) ) or being sad because of your friend.....i think i can be both lol for your friend, i hope you didn't tell her that she talked when she slept i don't think she would be confortable with that, cause well she shared some secrets thoughts and feelings with you and your friend....i think the best way to hel her will be to give her your support and your love, she desesperatly need it, as you can see with her dad comment....God that's really really awful :(
anyway congrat's again for you Lia, hope you will be happy with your gf ;)

sandleissocute: waouh i'm glad your mom acted this way, that's better for your bro and for everyone..anyway i still think that there is a huge difference between lesbians and gay men, i mean sometimes, not always, parents are less against the thought of their son being gay than the girl...i know that's weird but that's what i cans ee around me
Sorry for your friend, Lia! But also congrats! I just want to ask y'all, because I have the idea there are more bisexuals here than gay people, what are you?
^i'm straight lol but most of friends are gay and bi, btw there were the big gay pride in here, i had a lot of fun :lol: what are you roos?
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