Say NO to Homophobia

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GreyWillFade said: was like I was afraid of the word before or something :lol:
I had that too!!! In a way I still have trouble saying it out loud, so I rather say that "I fancy girls as well as guys" instead of saying "I'm bisexual".. dunno why really.. it's not like I'm in denial..

When I came out to parents:
My mum: "so you're a lesbian"
Me: "Uhm.. I fancy men too!"
My mum: "Ahh thank god, you're bi"
Me: :rolleyes: "Forget it, i'm not giving you grandchildren."
jenakapt said:
Well I 'came out' to my mom and one of my sister's the other night. My sis was cool with it while my mom I think was in shock, she then broke the silence with "oh does that mean you can stop dying your hair and getting you eyebrows done?" ............. eh WTF? One hell of a stereotype there! I just looked at her and said "what?" and she said "well now you don't have to look good for guys?" Ahhhh!! I just wanted to scream, who says that? And mum I've been gay all this time! So I have been dying my hair for me cause I like it, not for anyone else!

Then the next day I was at the doctor and long story short he said 'the pill' (a contraceptive) would aggravate the condition, and I was like "That's fine" :)lol:) but when we left mum said "when you find a boyfriend you can go on it anyway!" Eh Your not in denial by any chance are you?????

Sorry just had to get that off my chest! Why won't she listen to me?

Your mother just need some time to get used to the idea... ;)
Why afraid? Lesbian. Bisexual. Homosexual. Gay. In a way, it might also be a label really but it's just a term. They're used far too often where I live.
Dolphin I kinda understand that, I do. But why should it be that "earth shaking" plus it just hurt to hear, knowing she was techinally dismissing my feelings and who I am!

Thanks though, I understand she does have to!
Hey Jess, welcome! :D *waves*

Weeelll, the other day I went to a therapy session (*cough*) and the old guy who prescribes me meds asks about my social network. I told him that I don't want to go back to my old friends for my own reasons- reasons I didn't reveal to him (because I don't trust him ;)). Anyways, one of those reasons is that since I'm still trying to figure this out, if my friends ever found out they would totally flip out. The people at my old school are...close-minded. Very close-minded, and it's a school at a church, so even the teachers would probably look at me funny. And the principal is a preacher, so that doesn't help :rolleyes:
aw qtr, that sucks. ps... i hated my shrink too

anyhoo, my school is making progress! the group of friends i hung out with in 6th grade (they were closed minded) dissapproved of saying "she's so pretty..." but i changed friends, and now every other word out of their mouthes is "she's so cute/arodable!"

granted we were talking about Natalie Portman, and she is just so adorable!
^ See, the entire school almost was watching a movie one time with Kate Beckinsale in it, and one girl in my class leans over to me and says, "She's really pretty" and then I just nod and she says, "But I'm not a lesbian, I just think she's pretty." :rolleyes:

Edit: OMFG! :lol: I just posted this bulletin on myspace:

Alright, peeps. There's some people who were making a big deal about the song Jorja Fox wrote entitled 'Satellite' (go to to listen) because it's about falling in love with a girl. Guess what? Those people better start harassing me too, because I wrote a song about falling in love with a girl, too! HA!

PS: I originally wrote the song for a story of mine, but I ended up liking the song a lot more than I first thought, so I decided that I am going to finish writing it.

:lol: And afterwards, my sis replies (which I expected her to), but she replies with something I didn't think she was going to put:

" there something I need to know about you? Like, are you in "the closet?"

Much love...peace to da sista"

jenakapt said:
Dolphin I kinda understand that, I do. But why should it be that "earth shaking" plus it just hurt to hear, knowing she was techinally dismissing my feelings and who I am!
Thanks though, I understand she does have to!
I don't know why... I don't understand, you're no different from other people... maybe because its a "taboo thing" to some people...
^ yay goooo qtr's sister, w00t! weeee I am really hyper, that is very good news qtr. hyperness is being drowned by my stupid paper but happiness always brings hyperness back. weeeeeee *runs off to make brownies for my stupid math class*
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