Say NO to Homophobia

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Hey IlovemySNICKERS :D Glad to see your support!

Alright guys, I was soooo close to asking my grandma the other day what she would do if one of us was gay, but I didn't. I think I'm going to the next time I see her, maybe, because I'm getting the strong feeling that I'm bi.
quoth_the_raven said:
Alright guys, I was soooo close to asking my grandma the other day what she would do if one of us was gay, but I didn't. I think I'm going to the next time I see her, maybe, because I'm getting the strong feeling that I'm bi.
You're still young, Ann, but don't wait too long like I did; I can only say that it makes it harder to tell. I postponed it several times, but at one day I was like "I have to tell you something" and then I knew I had to tell them :p

Also, it may sound harsh, but I'm rather 'happy' that my grandma died some years ago, and not because I didn't love her or anything (though our relationship wasn't that good) but I just knew that she wouldn't be able to deal with it. She loved gay people.. as long as it wasn't relative.
Well I 'came out' to my mom and one of my sister's the other night. My sis was cool with it while my mom I think was in shock, she then broke the silence with "oh does that mean you can stop dying your hair and getting you eyebrows done?" ............. eh WTF? One hell of a stereotype there! I just looked at her and said "what?" and she said "well now you don't have to look good for guys?" Ahhhh!! I just wanted to scream, who says that? And mum I've been gay all this time! So I have been dying my hair for me cause I like it, not for anyone else!

Then the next day I was at the doctor and long story short he said 'the pill' (a contraceptive) would aggravate the condition, and I was like "That's fine" :)lol:) but when we left mum said "when you find a boyfriend you can go on it anyway!" Eh Your not in denial by any chance are you?????

Sorry just had to get that off my chest! Why won't she listen to me?
good to see you here ilovemysnickers! glad you are suportive of everyone as well as we are. welcome!

so, i was thinking about DoS (day of silance) and i thought of the quote...
So, you think the only way to make a differance is to win every battle?

now, granted that quote is from House episode DNR, but it still applies.

lesbian, gay and transgendered persons have put up so many battles for equal rights, instead of civil ceromonits, REAL marriages, and rights to adopt (let me explain, some agencies/mothers can be biased when it comes to "open" adoption-which i think is when mother picks parents). and though every battle is not won, their voices still are there, and thats the real goal, in my opinion. to raise awareness so that soon there can be change for better.
jenakapt said:
Well I 'came out' to my mom and one of my sister's the other night. My sis was cool with it while my mom I think was in shock, she then broke the silence with "oh does that mean you can stop dying your hair and getting you eyebrows done?" ............. eh WTF? One hell of a stereotype there! I just looked at her and said "what?" and she said "well now you don't have to look good for guys?" Ahhhh!! I just wanted to scream, who says that? And mum I've been gay all this time! So I have been dying my hair for me cause I like it, not for anyone else!

Then the next day I was at the doctor and long story short he said 'the pill' (a contraceptive) would aggravate the condition, and I was like "That's fine" :)lol:) but when we left mum said "when you find a boyfriend you can go on it anyway!" Eh Your not in denial by any chance are you?????

Sorry just had to get that off my chest! Why won't she listen to me?
I'm so proud of you jenakapt! Didn't you feel relieved when you told them, even though your mum's reaction wasn't the reaction you entirely hoped for?

And that whole denial thing, I think that's just a phase. My parents still talk about 'when you get a bf...'. Saddest thing about that is that they ignore my gf :( But anywhoooo.. that's really something you came out to them, I know how tough it can be.. I'm still struggling with telling my brother, because his reaction is most important to me. Again, jenakapt, I might have asked before or something in the slash thread, but what's your age again?

I think my parents should be happy that I'm not dating a guy because now they don't have to worry about the whole 'are you doing it safe?' aspect. And to me it's an advantage that I don't have to use The Pill, because I used to take it some years ago, but it made me into this emotional walking timebomb ready to explode.
The....pill? :confused: Uhm...nevermind. It must be something to do with preventing pregnancies.

Huuufff....... I've totally given up on making my friends understand that I'm not gay. *waves hand* Be that way then.
Jayne Yea it was kinda a relief........ at least now I can be more open and comfortable around them. I'm 16, 17 in a week! Woohoo!

CSIsMANIAC Yea the pill stops you getting pregnant
^ Forgive me Jenakapt but I thought you were older! :eek: Well, well. We are in the same age-range afterall. A Taurus! Hehe. Same here.

Nono, I don't take those pills! :lol: :eek:
I take pills, but not for birth control. I'm 14.. too young to have sex, period, and I'm not exactly at risk of getting pregnant ROFL.
It makes for a weird moment at the doctor's office when they ask what meds I'm on. Eshk.

The other day, this girl in my choir class came out to me and told me that she liked this girl and asked me for advice. It's like.. after all the things people have called me since I came out, just being able to help someone because of it makes it worthwhile. I mean.. I'm not that close to her, and she said she'd never told anyone before. And she said she trusts me because I've gone through that stuff.
Idk. I feel.. helpful?
Woohoo! Go the Taurus.............

sorry completely off topic but it had to be said :lol:

Lia That's so great that you were able to help her! As CSIsMANIAC said listening is a HUGE help
I think thats a really cool and that she feels she can trust you with something that is obvisouly a big deal (first crushes are hard as many people probably know ;))


I came out to some a couple of people recently and it was so weird when one of them made a joke and actually refered to me as a lesbian, I know it sounds odd but it was the first time and it felt weird but also kind of was like I was afraid of the word before or something :lol:
Hey everyone!! Just showing support since my two best friensd are gay men, and I'm totally over my all consuming crush on one of them. ;)
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