Say NO to Homophobia

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Man, if you're a gay single male, Vancouver is the place for you. SO many hot gay guys here, it's crazy. :)
I'm half gay myself, I have my own religion, and I'm probably the most perverted person on this board. So yeah, I'm all for the tolerance bit.
Interestingly enough, though, I don't like rainbows...
Anyway, my friends all know I'm bi (I let them know, and if they freak out and start quoting "thou shalt be-eth casteth into Hell-eth... eth" things, they are not my friends anymore. I get quite a lot of that.
My big problem with the general intolerance of society is simply that it's so pointless. If I grow up and have my own country (which may or may not be the United States), it's going to be law that you CAN NOT use religion as an excuse to screw with other peoples' lives in any way- this country was founded on free religion, damnit! This would include saying "Gay people are bad because the Bible says so" and "Hey, let's kill people in the name of our super-special made up Satan." And if you want to marry your lesbian lover in a church, go ahead, as long as it's fine and dandy with whoever will be marrying you. Religion is probably the biggest factor in the way of gay acceptance.
To the people who tell me the Bible says that being gay is bad, I reply, "Really? Show me the passage." And the reply is almost inevitably, "Well, I don't know where it is. That's what <person> says." (By the way, I'm genuinely interested in this... if anybody knows where it says that, let me know.)
I think the Constitution should be amended to include "Nobody's going to make any laws in our awesome (love my country, hate my government) country that abridges anybody's hetero-or-homo-sexuality, m'kay?" Or something to that effect.
I think three-quarters of our lunch table is gay. (I say this because some of us (like myself) are half gay.) I actually have a crush on a gay guy (which sucks), his name is David and he's so sexy. He's dating a half-albino male stripper with blue hair and red eyes, <dodges the adult content rule as it goes whizzing by at the speed of light>. Anyway, in the photo, his hands are really big. David isn't really like, "AHAHAH! Ohmigawd, like, yellow is SUCH a good color on you!" He's more like, "Damn, you can actually pull off the worst clothing color in the history of existence." He has this awesome black pleather (he loes animals) trenchcoat that I WANT so bad.
So yeah, I love sexually tolerant people. Yay!
P.S. Kiera Knightly is hott. And I want Grissom.
To be honest, I've never been fond of the term "tolerance" when it comes to being accepting of a differing sexual orientation.

To be tolerant puts the person doing the tolerating in a position of power over the other person. As in, "I don't agree with it, but I can tolerate it", or "I'm clearly better than you, so I'll let it go because I'm such a great person." Bleh. I don't think its about tolerance so much as understanding and acceptance as not wrong, just different.

But still, if tolerance is the best someone can do, then it's better than nothing! :lol:
We have two different definitions of tolerance. :lol:
I see it as such:
tolerance. noun. to consider a person of different beliefs, sexual orientation, bubble gum flavor, shoe size, etc. equal to oneself.
OK, I can dig it then. As long as there's equality, it's all good. :D

I guess I've just seen the other kind far too many times.
i was flipping through the television today and i caught the colbert report, and im not sure exactly what was going on but i got a good idea. he had a clip from 60 minutes (i think) where this guy was saying that for every older brother a guy has, it increases his 'chance of being gay' by 1/3. so steven colbert says according to this man, he should be 233% gay, as he has 7 older brothers :lol:
people like this should not be given the time of day with their crazy, and stupid in my opinion, ideas. honestly, you dont have a 'chance' of being gay. i believe, it just happens.
Partially surprised yes :). Just add that to the list of 'Things I know About Jayne'.

Ya know what? I've been on this thread for some time now and it all seems to collaborate with the things I watch on television. Just a few days' back, I watched this show called 'Rescue Me' based on the brave fire-fighters who helped out during the 9/11. It was an episode about gays. And then, when I went out to the living room yesterday after working on the comp, the news was showing something about 'Homophobia'. I say, is this all coincidence or what! :lol:
Ahh! Now I'm scared- alright, the other night, I had a revelation (I think, anyways). I was lying in bed and I thought about it. I was thinking and thinking and now I became more and more sure that I might be gay or at least bi. Now, I thought about it the next day and something made my stomach turn- my dad's family.

Alright now, I don't want to get into it that much, since I could speak volumes about my dad's family, but his family is catholic, so god forbid someone's gay (no offense to anyone that is catholic). Anyways...they already treat us like trophy grandchildren anyways, I'm not even so sure that they really love us, but...if they were to find out about my sexuality (if I am gay/bi) then...I'm scared to find out what they would do or say! :(

My aunt (my dad's sister), though I never liked her in the first place, made a comment the last time I saw her at Christmas. It bugged the hell out of me. I wear Birkenstocks- hell they're comfy shoes! I just asked her if she liked the shoes to start conversation, and she replies with, "No, they're too lesbianish for me." WTF WAS THAT??? I was seething with anger! The next time I see her I'm going to say, "Like my shirt? Oh, I'm sorry, it's probably too lesbianish for you, huh?" :mad:
Oh! Your aunt said that? How could someone determine something a person wears is lesbianish or not? That sounds absurd. Even if it was, I wouldn't have said that if I were your aunt :rolleyes:. I'm glad that you finally figured out what you are but I think your aunt had no right to say that. :(
I know! Gosh, I hate that aunt... :( I'm glad someone agrees that what she said was stupid! I mean...god only knows what she would do if they found out.. :(

I'm still not completely sure, but I'm almost certain I am. That feeling was soooo strong when I was just lying there and I was like, "Okay...okay, so..." And I asked myself a bunch of questions. It was an awesome feeling, really :)
It's better than nothing right? Okay, so you'll go with that for now. You're progressing and that's a good sign. You don't have to think so much though or else it'll become a habit :lol:. It's an awesome feeling eh? *throws flower petals at QTR* :D
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