Say NO to Homophobia

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quoth_the_raven said:

My aunt (my dad's sister), though I never liked her in the first place, made a comment the last time I saw her at Christmas. It bugged the hell out of me. I wear Birkenstocks- hell they're comfy shoes! I just asked her if she liked the shoes to start conversation, and she replies with, "No, they're too lesbianish for me." WTF WAS THAT??? I was seething with anger! The next time I see her I'm going to say, "Like my shirt? Oh, I'm sorry, it's probably too lesbianish for you, huh?" :mad:

You know, I'm cranky this evening anyway, but that really ticks me off. "Too lesbianish?!?!" What? Is there a handbook that dictates what lesbians are supposed to wear? And does the "lesbianishness" of the clothes come down a notch for us bisexuals? :mad: Grr! I don't blame you for being angry.

Anyway, I'm girlier now than I used to be, but when I was in high school, I used to have short, spiked hair, and I wore a leather jacket. I used to get comments, too. People can be so mean. Be yourself, hon.
Spiked hair! That's awesome! I've tried getting that harstyle but it just won't stay up you know :lol:! Darn this lousy hairspray!
Raven I'm so sorry to hear this- it's very dissapointing to one when a family member says rude stuff like that- my aunt flat up asked me if i was going to turn out like mother and be a lesbian- i was like 13 at the time, so i said no- but her and i are really close- her kids are like my own and i hate the thought of comming out to her, only b/c i love her and her kids sooo much.

I do have to admit though that over x-mas my grandmother bought a pair of Birkenstocks and was like "hey grams, you joining us lesbians of the family" it wasn't to hurt her- it's kind of an ongoing family joke- who's gonna come out of the closet next. But I hate how some think lesbians and gay guys should look a certain way. I love my girly side- but i can handle mud like a man! And i don't think i could pull off the short hair look- even though i do have my fav leather jacket- but that was more of a scully/mulder thing than it was a lesbian thing!
Yeah the short-hair thing.. I don't think I can pull that off either.. the decision to get it into the Catherine Bell-hair-cut when she was on JAG was already huuuuge for me :lol: I think I'm more the girly bisexual.. I just love being a girl, but I have to say that I'm more of a tomboy, I'm the one who always have to get rid of the spiders in the room and I can sleep in a room that has mice :lol: Och student times :)

When I first came out of the closet to my best friend (we were 15) the first thing she said was: "The moment you starting to wear dungarees I will have to shoot you, you do know that right?" Heh.. I said it was okay, cuz I won't wear them anyway. Then 5 years later I told other friends and they said exactly the same thing :lol: Are dungarees lesbian clothes or something :confused:
Neh, if I see a girl/woman wearing dungarees, I wouldn't think she is a lesbian. I'll actually find it really cute :lol:. Anyway, having one of those butch hair-cut like the lead singer of The Cranberries ain't so bad. :rolleyes:.

Here's a rumour about lesbians where I live:
If you see a very beautiful[like a totally hot chic ya know] girl, there's a possibility that she is a lesbian. Don't ask why because I don't know :D. Same for guys I believe.
Yah, QTR, do your best to keep it from your family, but if they ask you? Don't lie. Trust me. You feel horrible. If your dad's family flips out, well so be it. F[censored] them. Be who you are, no matter what, because those that mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. (I forgot who said that. But I figured I'd go Grissom on ya anyway.)
Me? I have a weird sense of style. A REALLY weird sense of style. But I don't much care what I look like, as you would know if you saw me... :lol:
:lol: Birkenstocks being too lesbianish? Now that's funny, seeing as those and all the other identical clogs are so damn popular. I guess just about every girl in my school's a lesbian!

That must make me a lesbian, too! I'm a bi guy who has clogs from American Eagle that are identical to Birkenstocks but cheaper, lmao. I must be a lesbian!

I'm bi. I have both feminine and masculine traits, but I'm not completely "straight-acting" but I also don't go as flame-y as the stereotype of guys who like guys, Makeup and purses and girl-pants ain't for me (and I'd never be that way). Sorry, but I'm a guy and I like dressing how I think a guy should look and what I think is hot. It's a turn-off for me if a guy is too feminine (or a girl too butch). But overall? It usually doesn't matter to me.

That brings up the issue of stereotypes though. I've got a ton of teen pop on my iPod and I love shopping for clothes, but get me into a sport and I can be competitive as the next guy. Stereotypes have become a little "certain" these days, if you know what I mean. Like because you do/like this, you're this.

Maybe that's why some people are averse to bisexuals - because they don't fit cleanly into homo- or heterosexuality. But people don't have to fit either extreme, and I believe the vast majority are in between.

Are there any fully gay people who can answer this - is it true a lot of the gay community dislike bisexuals? I've heard that before, but I've never been to an entirely gay situation. I've heard that a lot of gays just view bisexuals as people afraid to admit they're fully gay or fully lesbian. Is that true?

I know I'm bisexual because I want to remain open-minded. I'll admit I stray more towards guys, but women don't digust me and I certainly am not opposed to getting in a relationship with one. I just think it's easier - and a hell of a lot more fun! - to open myself to any opportunity.

Whoops. Sorry for the long post; they always seem so much shorter in the editing box :p
lament said:
What? Is there a handbook that dictates what lesbians are supposed to wear? And does the "lesbianishness" of the clothes come down a notch for us bisexuals?

What? You haven't received the handbook! :eek: I'll send you a copy. Lesbians wear dungarees, checked shirts, baggy, unflattering t-shirts, tank tops and skater shorts (and birkenstocks, obviously)

We bisexuals wear lipgloss :lol:

Seriously, this whole "looking gay" thing is such bull. I mean, apart from the neon tattoo we all have on our foreheads, you really can't tell us apart from all the straight people.

Sorry, my sarcasm-o-meter is cranked up to full tonight, and the whole concent of "looking gay" is a hot button issue with me.

Quoth, this is a complicated and emotional time for you. Figuring out your sexuality can be scary, but incredibly liberating, and you need to know that all of us here that have gone through it are here for you, support you 100% and are available to you if you need help, advice or a shoulder. Much love girl xx :)
For me, figuring out my sexuality wasn't scary because it just...happened. I don't remember the exact events, 'cause it was 3 or 4 years ago (the middle of 8th grade) and I don't remember freaking out or anything. I just realized I (really really really) like one of my guy friends :lol:
forensicsgirl said:
Quoth, this is a complicated and emotional time for you. Figuring out your sexuality can be scary, but incredibly liberating, and you need to know that all of us here that have gone through it are here for you, support you 100% and are available to you if you need help, advice or a shoulder. Much love girl xx :)

Thanks, guys. Really, it means a lot to me :)
My question would be this: As bi-sexuals, do you find that you are slightly more attracted to one sex more than the other?

I suppose that's a silly question, since everyone's probably different.
forensicsgirl said:
Seriously, this whole "looking gay" thing is such bull.

Urg, that is something that can set me off to. It's so annoying when people use that to prove a point. 'Well, he doesn't look/act gay'... what the *** do you mean? Really now...
BabaOReilly said:
My question would be this: As bi-sexuals, do you find that you are slightly more attracted to one sex more than the other?

I suppose that's a silly question, since everyone's probably different.
I'm more into guys, but it's a specific mindset. To me, guys (ideally) are hard with angles, while girls are soft with curves. Get what I mean? I can't apply what I like about a guy to a girl and vice versa. Overall I'm more into guys, but not completely, thank God.
Edited to add: Responding to sillie's post

It also goes the other way though. I mean, how do gay people look at someone and say, "Oh, he's gay." Especially when it's referring to people they don't know... i. e actors, musicians, celebs, etc.?
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