Say NO to Homophobia

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In response to the post Baba just posted, that's where gaydar comes in. Does that really exist?! I'm so curious, because I've gotten weird notions where I, like, see someone and immediately think they're gay or lesbian. Is that just wishful thinking or is there actually something that lets other homo/bisexuals identify each other? Someone should do a study on that.
^^^ Yeah, I was discussing it with a friend of mine. He's bi and his girlfriend tells him his gaydar is broken b/c she's better at "spotting" gay people than he is. :lol: But he's also of the opinion that at least 50% of the time, "gaydar" is just wishful thinking as well, strip. Interesting notion. I'd love to see them do some testing on that for sure! :)
BabaOReilly said:
My question would be this: As bi-sexuals, do you find that you are slightly more attracted to one sex more than the other?

I suppose that's a silly question, since everyone's probably different.

Everyone is different, as you said, Baba. Last year, I emerged from under a cloud of being in love with someone (a guy) for the past ridiculous number of years. While I was both involved with him and in our on/off phases (I swear, we had this idiotic Joey/Dawson thing going on for seven years!) I still noticed attractive women (and men), but I was so smitten with this guy that the attraction never went passed the 'noticing' phase.

Before that (the pre-cloud era ;) ) it sort of fluctuated. I didn't go out at night thinking "I must find a hot girl to hook up with", and the following, decide on the opposite. When I was attracted to someone, I was attracted to them, no matter what gender they were.

More recently, however, I am finding myself more attracted to women. I have a (stupid) crush on a girl I work with, and am definitely noticing attractive women a lot more than I am attractive men. But that's just me.

edited to add
stripforensics said:
To me, guys (ideally) are hard with angles, while girls are soft with curves. Get what I mean? I can't apply what I like about a guy to a girl and vice versa.

Exactly. The things I'm attracted to in a man is entirely different from what I'm attracted to in women. I love feminine, curvy women. I like men with beards & glasses. Although, intellectually, I'm looking for the same things in both genders.
This is semi-offtopic. But kinda not. Whatever.
There's this teacher that everyone hates at my school [but I don't know why, I think she's funny :)] and she's a lesbian. Most people use that as to reasons about 1] Why she's so terrible and 2] Why I like her so much. *rolleyes*
But anyway, my friends were talking about her. One said "She's the most bitter, evil lesbian ever."
And my other friend said "Except Lia"
It was REALLY funny at the time. Especially because somebody just pushed me out of their way for the third time that day and I had just threatened to castrate them if they did it again. :)
Seriously, this whole "looking gay" thing is such bull. I mean, apart from the neon tattoo we all have on our foreheads, you really can't tell us apart from all the straight people.

honestly, that whole thing on raven's shoes had me so mad. i would like the book on what is considered lesbian clothing, gay clothing, and what is *STR8* as they refer to it in my school.

I like men with beards & glasses. Although, intellectually, I'm looking for the same things in both genders.


whoa, who gave me a cough?:lol:

i'm so glad eveyrone keeps posting here. its so successful, better than i imagined it would be. we're getting this out there, its usually on page 1! i'm happy for everyone!

*gives hugs all around*
On the subject of "looking gay:" That is something that has always set me off. I know some fairly effeminate and very straight men. On the other hand, I know one very girlie (and freaking adorable) lesbian. True gender, to me, is fluid, and should be dictated by the individual. In other words, I'm as feminine or as masculine as I want to be. The mental images we often have of what a man should look like or what a woman should look like are nothing more than social constructs.

As I said earlier, I had spike hair in high school. It was the 80s, I was in a band, and it was the "hip" thing to do. Currently, my hair is actually pretty long. I occasionally wear skirts, but by and large, I prefer comfortable jeans or track pants. I'm interested in so-called "guy" things, like comic books and sci-fi, but I'm also interested in so-called "chick" things, like clothes and interior design. I'd like to think that I'm a pretty good mix of feminine and masculine traits.

BabaOReilly said:
My question would be this: As bi-sexuals, do you find that you are slightly more attracted to one sex more than the other?

I suppose that's a silly question, since everyone's probably different.

That's an interesting question. I find that for me, sexuality is fluid. There are times where I'm more attracted to men, and there are times where I'm drooling over women. Lately,I'm moving closer to the center. I notice both men and women, and I think less about gender. But I truly think that I could easily wake up one morning and find myself attracted to one gender more than the other.
Aw, thanks, beautifulview :)

I was first wondering if I was gay or not when my whole strange JF obssession started. Haha, I have pics all over the computer, it's kind of funny, actually. Hey, I can't help it if I feel attracted...can you say 'sexay'? :p

And something I've always noticed was that I always, always, ALWAYS paid more attention to the women on movies or television. I always just stared at them...for the longest time. I got so absorbed in watching them and then afterwards, they were on my mind for hours...days...weeks...months, even, it was strange. That's what happened with Jorja ;)

Haha, whenever I see a pic of her I just wanna squeeeee :D :lol:
Man, so many posts.. where to start..

Ann, well that's where it started with me.. but I guess that differs from person to person. When I was fifteen - maybe even fourteen.. hell, maybe even younger, I always paid more attention looking at women.. and yes the movies-fase I had that (well still have that haha).. when me and my friends went to watch Oceans Eleven.. everyone (all girls) was like: "Ohhh look at hotshot Brad Pitt" me: "Dayum, look at that skirt Catherine Z Jones is wearing, she's looking hot!!"

BabaOReilly said:
My question would be this: As bi-sexuals, do you find that you are slightly more attracted to one sex more than the other?

At this moment I'm more into women, but I've had my men-moments too. Especially after breaking up with my previous boyfriend was another turn'round for me to realise how much I'd rather be with women.. don't tell him, it'll hurt his ego :lol: But on the other hand, I can be attracted to men just as easy.. it's the same as fogi said earlier:
The things I'm attracted to in a man is entirely different from what I'm attracted to in women. I love feminine, curvy women. I like men with beards & glasses. Although, intellectually, I'm looking for the same things in both genders.

Regarding whether I'm more feminine or masculine, I think I'm rather balanced between the two sexes.. I look like a real girl, but I definitely think like a man... Some of my close friends were rather surprised when I told them, they were like: "oh, but you don't look like one" :rolleyes: I love wearing skirts, but I hate make-up, I love watching 'Sex & the City' with my friends, but I hate shopping etc.
^ Oooh! I hate make-up, too! My sister used to drag me into her room and put make-up on me against my will! Haha, I was her little guinea pig...mainly because she didn't like putting it on herself but she thought I looked good in it. I hate make-up!!! But I also don't like wearing skirts, dresses, or anything that shows off my legs, really...I don't even wear shorts. Even on the hot days :p

Haha, I know what you mean, Jayne! Catherine Zeta Jones is so distracting! :lol: But I've also found that when I watched things like 'The Mummy Returns', Rachel Weisz can be very watched her all throughout 'Constantine' :lol:
'The Mummy Returns', Rachel Weisz can be very distracting
Ann, don't go to the photo-thread.. some people actually said that I looked like Rachel Weisz.. which is not true of course, probably just a picture of me reminded them of her :rolleyes:

Hey.. the skirt.. as long as it is below the knees.. I have those soccer-knees :( and soccer-calves.. but I can live with those.. the knees.. NOT!
I feel abnormal.. y'know, everyone's saying how they found out when they were 14-16 or so..
I figured out last year [when I was 13] that I was bisexual. This year, I realized that I'm really not interested in a romantic [or sexual] relationship with a guy.
Thing is, it's not even a NEW feeling. When I was young, probably 5 or 6, I actually did question being a lesbian. Buut.. I didn't really understand, y'know.. I thought that since nobody in my family was gay, that I couldn't be. Plus, I don't like the word "lesbian". I dunno. It makes me feel like I have a lisp or something.
I know, weird, right?
One whole day is too long too not check this forum!!!

Gaydar is a huge subject in my house! I can almost always tell when a guy is gay- even if he's not a "flamer" i'm not sure why i can tell, i just do. And when it comes to women, i'm the same way. I've mentioned to my mom from time to time that I think this person or that person is a lesbian and she's usually the one to find out if it's true or not or i'll see them in one of the clubs with there girlfriend.

The one thing that gets me is straight girls in a gay club. That totally messes up my gaydar, cuz like it used to b that pretty much only gay ppl went to a gay club, but now all the gay boi's bring there straight girls with them. I don't mind, but it's kind of hard to tell who i should/can hit on. And my mothers gaydar has got to be damaged- it's funny, she'll be like is she gay?? and the answere is usually " no way, but i sure wish she was" It's fun and interesting!!!

As far as the do i prefer guys more than women= i was actually really thinking about that the other day and so i went back and was looking threw my journals and i have found that during different times of the year i prefer different things. I'm guessing it's a moon and planetary alignment thing. March- the end of april i am attracted to both guys and women, end of april- nov i'm all for women and then i look at guys more- usually.

I don't understand why "most" lesbians date women that look like guys. I don't mean that to offened anyone! Like, my moms wife- she looks like a dude, and both of my aunt's girlfriends look like guys- i understand that it's about personality, but if i looked at all guys and went ewwwe- then why would i date a women who looks like a man???<- oddness to me!!! But, it's kewl- to each there own!
onlynic said:

I don't understand why "most" lesbians date women that look like guys. I don't mean that to offened anyone! Like, my moms wife- she looks like a dude, and both of my aunt's girlfriends look like guys- i understand that it's about personality, but if i looked at all guys and went ewwwe- then why would i date a women who looks like a man???<- oddness to me!!!

I don't know if "most" lesbians date women that look like me. Do they? Of all my lesbian and bi female friends, only one has cultivated a "butch" look. And I did have a teacher who dressed like that (first day of school, she told us not to call her, "sir"). But overall, I seem to see many more lesbian and bi women who have longer hair, etc.

As for my own tastes, I've noticed that I seem to like feminine women with a dash of innocence--like Naomi Watts.
I want to live wherever u live lament! I rethought that part- we live in a very redneck town- perhaps thats why most lesbians look so butch- and my mother does own a saw mill. I would love to see a few femme lesbians around here- get my blood boiling a bit.
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