Say NO to Homophobia

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:lol:! I think Angela and you would make good friends! I'll go and see if I can find a picture..

Editted: Ah! Couldn't find her picture anywhere! :lol:! No worries. I bet she would have killed me if I did post it :p.
I find the same problem, that if your bi- whoa! Watch out- i just don't mind looking at guys and flirting with them, i just don't want to roll in the hay with them!

And Jayne I was sooo in love with my teacher- i even told her, b/c with my illness she went beyond the duity of a teacher and we go out to the bar and talk all the time till this day- needless to say that she's now married :(

^ that could sooo go under the confessions thread!!! :D

And you gals were right, my mom was just worried about all the hard times i faced. My step brother and i talked about wheather or not we would want kids- in the end we know we would do things a lot different and approach things in a healthier way- gay parents who refuse to come out even though the whole town knows, isn't healthy for a child. And my best gay boi- Zachary, him and i want to move to a larger city and if people are accepting him and i want to have a child- turkey baster style!!!! :lol:

BTW, u guys rock my socks!!! :D
It's not just you!!!! I see some of my brothers teachers and i'm like whoa- how do you learn, i'd be salvating all day long!!! Even college professors have gotten really hot- but i also find inteligence really, really attractive- not that i can spell what i find hot!!!!
What about 'D-R-O-O-L'. I bet that spells it :lol:!

When I was still in secondary school[= high sch], we had a lot of substitute teachers in one day and my oh my, those were happy, happy days! Every teacher that came in wore nice, tight skirts or/and low-clevage blouse! I mean, for crying out loud, I'm trying to study here. Not get all my notes soaked in drool! Uhhhmm :lol:! Not that I was complaining back then! They might be hot but very feisty! *rrrr*
Haha- the only bad part about that is, ur legally too young to umm, have any type of physical relationship with them- it's like grrrr!!!!!!!
:lol: Yeah, I was 15 when I had a major crush on this teacher but oh no--out of bounds! :lol:. Those were good times though. I always walk past the teacher's office and sneak a peek but it's always empty! :( :lol:!
Yup. I agree.
It's not really homophobia, but I hate the way people think it's a choice or that I'm going to hell because I'm gay.
It's like.. when did you choose to be straight, then?
Plus, I am christian. I know that God still loves me. He made me this way, how is it wrong?
And now.. a quote from Saved
"Why would God make us all so different if he wanted us to be the same?"


As for transgenders.. I'm not AGAINST them. I just find it confusing.. I mean, if they were male, you'd think that you'd call them "he" and "him". But the person is emotionally a woman, so they'd probably want to be called "she" or "her". Idk, I'm afraid I'll offend them if I use the wrong pronouns...
Is it just me or are teachers hot nowadays!
*takes days to realise that Jayney herself is a teacher* :lol: :lol: *drags Casper to flirt-thread* :D

I hate the way people think it's a choice or that I'm going to hell because I'm gay.
Some of my friends think I'm blessed that I'm bi, because I have extra choice now :D - they look at it from the cool point. However, I do have some naive 'friends' who believe I look at every man and woman on the street. As if they look at every single man that passes by.. well they do actually :rolleyes:
I think if more people stood up and told others not to put down homosexuals, then people would become more accepting. I was ashamed of my self in high school and my mother- my best friend and i had a party at my moms house and someone asked who the women was with my mother in the pictures- i was like, umm her sister- my freind, took me to another room and told me to tell the other girl the truth and that if she sayed anything, she'd totally have my back. Ever since then i tell it like it is.

But, i have to admit to calling things "gay", and i don't take afence when someone uses it in an ok way- like in meaning that something is backwards or different. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, but when my lil sis started useing the term, i thought that it was just disrespectful, until she explained it to me- now i'm kewl with it!
I was teaching English to a class of 12-year-old Dutch pupils last year and one of the shy boys came up to me and he said "Miss, what does gay mean?" so first I asked why he wanted to know and I kinda figured why when I looked over to some of the 'tough' boys who started to giggle (yes, boys giggle too!), so I walked over to them with the shy boy and asked for an explanation. They kept their mouths wisely shut. So then the boy asked me again and added that the other boys said that he "was gay".. and I said: "it means that you're happy and cheerful". Seriously, you should've seen the confused looks on those kids faces.. I've never LMFAO that much after class.. heh.. them stupids! I don't think they ever used the word 'gay' again! :D
That's awesome, JayneEmilysRealm . What a way to turn it around on the bullies!

My view on gay people is, they are just like everyone else except for the fact of who they are attracted to. They should be able to get married, share health benifits, have kids just like the rest of us. But unfortunately alot of people are ignorant. But we all know what ignorance is based off of...fear of the unknown.
Jayne I wish my school had teachers like you. My poor brother gets bullied all the time. It's so pathetic that kids have to get on his case- he's a sweet, caring person.

I say more ppl like Jayne !!!!:)
nic, your story inspired me! i'm so glad you worked thru that. *pats you on back!*

my story of day... well, i am still in the library, and there is a school club meeting going on. so i'm on the computer, and the club is Gay-Straight Allicane. the guys next to me stary saying "i'm not going to join some gay club. if you're in it you're probally gay" its people like those that make sexual orientation such a taboo subject in my school.
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