Say NO to Homophobia

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Oh hello everybody :). My name is Natasha and I am a bisexual. This place is the main reason why I joined because I can't find any other websites that talked openly about such topics. I am very glad to find you all :).

Here is my story as all of yours have inspired me so much :):
I have been a bi since I was 15. At first, I don't know because there was a girl in my class who I lik very much but I was afraid to tell her. She is not very pretty but I find her attractive from the inside :). Each day, I find that this feeling grew so I ignored her and didn't talk to her. Until now, we are just good friends and it really hurts me sometimes when she talk of boys so easily. I realized she is not exactly like me :(. I am a swimmer and boys have come up to ask for number but I always say "I'm taken". I just broke up with my ex[she left because she though the relationship was not going no where]. It's sad but from your stories, I know I am not alone. Thank you :).

*Sorry for my English is very poor.
JayneEmilysRealm said:
Is it just me or are teachers hot nowadays!
*takes days to realise that Jayney herself is a teacher* :lol: :lol: *drags Casper to flirt-thread* :D
*pulls away* You're a teacher!? *covers face* I keep forgetting I'm sorry! Nono, can't come. Out of bounds!

[again] Natasha :D. That is a sad story. Why would your partner think that the relationship was going 'no where'? I think relationships always go 'somewhere' :p.
Oh no. She thinks that we only go together but never really look like couple. She is actually really nice girl but a little pushy(she is forceful). I am the type who don't like busy places but she wants to go to busy places. It's like we are opposites. She also don't like swimming which I find very queer and unexplainable. She was not like this when we got together. We parted ways after a six month relationship. Not so long :(.

Thank you again for welcome :).
Six months eh? Not bad compared to some of the relationships I've seen *pffhh*. Yeah, you two seemed like complete opposites of each other. I think you can find someone who you can share common interests with. Things are usually smooth sailing.

Geez, where is everyone? Abandoned ship and went to live in the Cath/Sara thread? :lol:!
beautifulview said:
nic, your story inspired me! i'm so glad you worked thru that. *pats you on back!*

my story of day... well, i am still in the library, and there is a school club meeting going on. so i'm on the computer, and the club is Gay-Straight Allicane. the guys next to me stary saying "i'm not going to join some gay club. if you're in it you're probally gay" its people like those that make sexual orientation such a taboo subject in my school.

That's really too bad! My lil brother has decided to take on my school. He has made shirts that says "I don't hate, Why should you?" Him and like 5 ppl wore the shirt to school and my brother was called to the principals office three times in one day. The principal asked him if he was gay asked him if our mother was out of the closet and a bunch of other stuff.

Well a week before someone threatened to slit my brothers thoat and it took the principal 5 days to talk to the kid who threatened him. So, my mother, her wife and I all went to the school to see what all went down. What ended up happening is the principal more or less said that if he's gonna be supporting that type of thing than he's gonna have to deal with the threats-- so my mother told him that she wasn't speaking to him any further without talking to her atterny.

Another thing was that a group of girls said that if he was going to wear that, then they were going to wear a shirt with quotes from the bible as to why homosexuality is wrong-- and yet my brothers shirt only said "I don't hate, why should you" it said nothing about being gay or anything like it-- he ment it in the broad sence- it still really makes me mad- but i gave my mother kudos for doing a job well done.

We ended up going to the superintendent and she took care of the whole mess- my brother and a large group of ppl wear those shirts once a month! It amazes me how grown up my lil brother is- 15, and yet he seems so much older!!!!

You are all amazing people for Not Hating!!! :D
Your story really gripped me Nic. It makes me sad and so friggin' mad! I don't really have a long reaction to it; just letting you know that I'm thinking of you during these during these hard days/weeks/months.. the whole struggle. I consider myself to be lucky when I read your story actually.

I believe not hating is just so much easier than actually hating.. because one needs explanations and good arguments. Let them bring it on why it is "EVIL" to be gay or bi?!
That's insane! :eek: Do you mind me asking where bouts this took place? Holy crap. How could any principal act that way?

I'm a high school teacher (although not currently teaching). I have a friend who, though bi-sexual is currently dating a woman (who has also become my friend) and all the staff know he's bi and it's not a problem. He says there are gay kids in his school (they're in Washington State, I'm in Vancouver) and while he's certain they get razzed occasionally, generally it's a pretty safe environment. The school policy is about respecting EVERYONE'S inalienable individual rights and also has a strong non-bullying policy. Maybe that pricipal should send a note to your brother's school... :p

Seriously, that's shocking to me in this day and age. Is it a Catholic school or something? Cuz seriously, I don't get it.
It's a public school in pennsylvania. Threats and bullying is nothing new in this school. The kid who threatened my brother was suspended only after my mother contacted the superintenden about the principals behavior. I personally think the kid ended up getting punished so that the principal didn't. Don't get me wrong, the kid needed punished, but at first he was told that it wasn't proper behavior- or somethin like that- and then the next day he was suspended and the school called the police. I mean tell me they didn't put all that on the kid, so the principals but was saved.

The school runs on small town politics- but what ppl haven't realised yet is that my mother and her wife own two very respectible businesses in the town and have very high conections- well, i have higher conections then they do, but you get the idea, right?

I just wish there was more i could do to protect my brother. But life is hard and we all have to deal with it.

I appriciate everyones support and I know my brother would too!!! :)
nic, do you guys have a GSA or something to that effect?
you should campaign to start one, and if anyone gives you a problem, just walk away. they're probally not worth it. and call ACLU if the school gives you a problem. its against the law to ban one club from opening based only on nieve-ity of people.
Kids being bullied is nothing new here also. Once there was a boy who was called a..I think it was fagot or something and got beaten. I'm swimming instructor at a nearby swimming pool and the kids are also so rough. I have to separate them and put the bullies in the kiddy pool haha!
The local school doesn't have GSA or anything like it. And i'm no longer in school- But i will mention this to my lil brother, he may be interested in it. And you also made me think about our local college- i know they have some sort of GSA, perhaps someone in that group will be willing to help us out!

Natasha I love that you put the bullies in the kiddy pool- here the kids getting picked on would be the ones to go to the kiddy pool.
:lol: The kiddy pool! Serve them right.

Ya know, I wish I was somewhere all of you live. I'd really like to help you all out. I don't care if people think that mixing around with gays make them think I'm gay as well. You're nice people and that's all that matter. So, addresses please :lol:.

Over here, people don't accept homosexuals easily. Believe me, I talked to my dad a few days back while we were watching the news on St Patrick's day or something. It went something like this:

Me: Are you homophobic?
Dad: *taken by surprise and thinks for awhile* No, it's actually a common thing here.
Me: Would you encourage homosexuality?
Dad: I can't really say I encourage but there a some places that pro homosexuality. All the clubs and bars. Some are specially for homosexuals.
Me: Really? Do you think that's bad?
Dad: I won't say it's bad but I could say that it's not really healthy for the youngsters that come out into this world.
Me: *nods and strums guitar*Hmm, true.
Dad: Why do you ask me these questions?
Me: I just wanted to make sure that my parents are not homophobic.
Dad: You have homosexual friends?
Me: Yeah and they're awesome *smiles*

:lol: He thought I was aspiring to be a reporter or an interviewer! I loved asking questions. That was fun :rolleyes:.
:lol: Cool interview there Casper! Actually pretty great thing to bring it up as conversation with your dad. I should do that. My dad isn't homophobic.. I hope.. he'll be in big trouble if he is! :lol: but my brother David's neighbour is gay and my dad and I were in the car once after visiting David and bumping into his neighbour.. conversation went like this:

Me: "It was nice of Chiel to drop by, don't you think?"
Dad: "Yes. Did you know that he is gay.. but he is nice though."
Me: *sighs and looks out window* :rolleyes: He doesn't mean it that way, he just doesn't know how to say it differently.

I grew up in a city that was popular for its gayness in the 80s and 90s in the East of the country. Gay people moved to our city from all over the country and I think that is why it became so easily accepted where I live.. it's just normal. In the 80s it was like 50% of the population was gay or something :)
Okay, so going to Jayne's place would be out of the list. What about the rest of you? Need a straight to help out with eradicating homophobia? Dang, I wish there were more people who could accept you lot.
After graduating in July (*crosses fingers*) I'm going back to teach at secondary school and I'm seriously thinking about putting up some information campaigns then, cuz even though it may not look like it here, but at some schools it's still a huge issue.

I taught at a highly Christian school last year, and it was a good thing that I didn't have to apply for the job - I was placed there through some agency - because they do not allow non-believers nor homosexuals to teach at that school.. little did they know there was one teacher walking around who was a non-believer and bisexual :lol: The kids did find out that I didn't believe though and that caused major trouble with some parents (which to some extent I can understand because there is a reason why those kids are going to a highly Christian school) but man, I would not know what may have happened if they found out the other aspect *wipes forehead*
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