Say NO to Homophobia

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Whoa Nicole, that is just plain awesome. Over here, my whole doggone family is straight.
Me, I'm straight too but uh...I tend to like older women :lol:! Okay, I know this is not the place to talk about it!
Anyway, I'm glad you found the thread where you can feel comfortable to be who you are. :D.
Enjoy posting :).
^^^ Yeah, that's probably why they were disappointed, onlynic. A friend and I were talking about how we would be slightly bummed if we had kids and found out they were gay- but only because they would have to face so much discrimination. I'm sure that was all it was for your mom- she was just worried about what you're up against out there in the nasty old world.
I can't remember whether I told this already or not, but when I first told my mum, I was 18 I believe, I asked her not to tell anyone yet and literally 5 minutes later my brother walks into the room and goes like: "so, you're bisexual eh?" Honestly I didn't talked to my mum that entire day! :mad: At that period of life she thought it was just a cry for attention or something, but finally, after like 4 years she starts to realise that I might actually have been serious about it all.. I'm more attractive to women, though looking at guys is not a punishment either. My exbf still doesn't know, which is most awkward I believe, because at the end of our relationship thing had definitely changed between us.. I took distance etc. and he's like: "Haha, I probably turned you into a lesbian" :rolleyes: Dude, he had no idea :lol:
Since we're all sharing...

I'm bi, and honestly, I'm not sure how my family would react. I tend to keep my social life out of view of my family. I was a Senior in college before I brought my friends home to meet the aunt with whom I was living. My mom met my friends the day I graduated. So yeah. I keep my social life fairly out of view. Anyway, one of my friends is openly gay, and my aunt and cousin accepted him just fine. I think most of my family would be okay with it, but there are a few who would probably try to "talk me out of it." :rolleyes:

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, partially because I had a convo with my cousin recently that gave me a heads up about how she feels about it (not thrilled). Although I keep my private life fairly quiet, I might, by some twist of the universe, meet someone I'd want to share with my family...
Yay! Coming out stories!

I came out to my mom when I was 19 and I think it might have been one of the hardest things I've ever done. I think in some ways, it can be harder to come out as bisexual because you have to explain the "liking both" part.

It's been 10 years now, and Mom's only just starting to be able to casually talk about the idea of me having a girlfriend (although, it may be easier for her to do since I'm single at present and it's all hypothetical)

My friends were pretty much universally great when I came out to them. I called my best friend at the time and told him I had something to tell him - and he said "actually, I was just going to call you..." We came out to each other on the same day :) He had planned to tell me sooner, but he'd just broken up with another friend of mine and he was worried that, if I'd known, I'd have tried to get them back together again (hopeless romantic that I am :lol: )

About 3 months after I came out, another friend of mine (a girl) told me that she had feelings for me. We had a really brief relationship and she was my first girlfriend, but she refused to either admit that she was gay/bi or to ever come out to anyone (not even our close friends). We had to sneak around and, after all the trauma of coming out, I just couldn't go back into the closet like that, so I ended it. To this day, I'm pretty sure she's never come out, although I do know she's had a few relationships with women. My heart breaks for her that she cannot accept her own sexuality and she feels the need to hide it from the world. But it's her choice.
I think the problem is, most people are fine with homosexuality... until it "happens" to someone in their family. Friends or other people who are gay? No problem. But when it happens in your own family, that's a whole new ballgame. That's when you find out which people actually meant it when they said they didn't have a problem with homosexuality. ;)

One of my best friend's still shakes her head as she listens to her father say stuff like, "Oh, I met this guy who would be perfect for you..." or when his wife says, "Well, of course you would think so" when she says she heard Brokeback Mountain was good (I told her it was and I'm straight! :p ) They aren't openly hostile to her, but it's all the little things like that that get on her nerves. She thinks her dad means well, but he just doesn't get it. :p
Yay, well, my mom just told me that if I turn out to be gay or bisexual she'll still think of me as the same person and love me just as much :D Yay.

I have a question for you guys, though. How exactly did you find out that you were?
Angela[my friend's cousin] told me that it just came to her. She didn't know she was a Bi till she started having feelings for a friend of hers. She didn't let it out straight away though and it was really strange because she came to me for advise[is it written on my face that I could give good advise or something!!? :lol:]. She was afraid that she would be looked down on just because of her SO. I told her to wait a few days longer. If the feeling persist, talk to someone. Keeping this kind of things could be the death of you..
Now, she's happily dating a nice lass whom she have known for five years. Happy for her :D. How bout you lot?
Aw, that's nice :D

I've actually kissed a girl before (on the cheek).

What's bugging me is that my mom is telling me that I'm too young to know yet (and I know I am, but..) and it's just bugging me soooo much because I don't know! Urg, it's irritating!
Take your time quoth. You're young right so you have a lot of time to figure that out. You will sonner or later. It usually hits you when you least expected and when you do, you'll know that you're not alone at it :D. You've got friends here ;).
I found out I can have feelings for women too when I was 15. I was badly seeking attention from one woman teacher.. seriously, my knees started shaking, my heart started beating.. I had all the symptoms. So I told my best friend and she was like: "YAY! That's so cool!" I think it was one of those periods in the Netherlands when it was really cool to have feelings for the same sex. She even said she wished she could have feelings for women too haha. But anyway, after about 2 years (yes I was badly infected with my love for her, mainly because we hung out a lot, I visited her regularly) and we both left school and both moved away, the feeling ceased. Then I started to date several guys, not serious though, but then of course, I met my new teacher and I started to show the same symptoms all over again; after a while it appeared she liked me too, but nothing ever happened between us.

I do like men too you know, but they just don't give me that extra special feeling (read = weak knees and heart pounding) :lol:
Hmm, Angela was a lot like that. She's actually very pretty and guys never ceased to hit on her. Then she told me there was a guy in school who told her he liked her and she was dating him. [This was before she had a girlfriend]. But she said there were no sparks! :lol:! I laughed because the way she put it was hilarious: "I..he..we go on dates but Casper, there was nothing about him that makes me all squishy and I don't feel like I'm in love at all!"
:lol: :lol:! Ay Angela. Funny!
Hahah yup that sounds like me with my exbf.. I had the best of times and consider him my best friend.. but no sparks whatsoever.. and I still don't understand why not, because he's the best guy a woman can dream of (though way too romantic for me), he's got it all.. even his parents.. man I would've married him just so that I would get his parents as my in-laws :lol:

I think in some ways, it can be harder to come out as bisexual because you have to explain the "liking both" part.
Yeah I've experienced that. People seem to understand when someone is homosexual, but they find it harder to grasp bisexuality. A friend of mine once explained (while they were talking behind my back about my preferences) to other classmates that I fancy people, not sexes. That was well put I think.
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