Say NO to Homophobia

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iluvEricSzmanda said:
I don't personally agree with homosexuality, but I would never be unkind or discriminatory against them (its kinda like hate the sin, not the sinner)I was taught that we should love everyone just like God loves us :)

*nods in agreement*
I am SO very P*ssed off right now.

Two women were just on an Irish TV show, talking about the fact that they were married under Canadian law and now want to change the law in Ireland so that their marriage is recognised and so that other gay couples can get married. Obviously, I support that 110%.

A woman in the audience (the nicest thing I can call her right now is a bigoted b*tch - I called her a lot worse a few minutes ago) - her response was that the two women didn't have "human rights" they had "minority rights", that if the law was changed so that gay people could marry, it would mean that she was no longer married (because she's married to a man :confused: ) and that people like that couple should thank their lucky stars that they have any rights at all.

How, in the year 2006, in a relatively forward thinking country like Ireland, do such out and out ignorant biogots still exist???? :mad:
Since when does being in the minority make you not human? Again, I would question whether this woman finished highschool or not.
Seriously, it's a total fact now.. I DON'T GET PEOPLE!! :mad:

I think I'm just find myself a nice lass, get married to her and move my arse over to (Northern) Ireland, just to annoy that particular woman who said that!
forensicsgirl said:
How, in the year 2006, in a relatively forward thinking country like Ireland, do such out and out ignorant biogots still exist???? :mad:

*coughs* Could it be something to do with *coughs* Catholic chruch?
They do have the most strict law when it comes to abortion, too.
JayneEmilysRealm said:
Seriously, it's a total fact now.. I DON'T GET PEOPLE!! :mad:

I think I'm just find myself a nice lass, get married to her and move my arse over to (Northern) Ireland, just to annoy that particular woman who said that!

Jayne, it was actually a Southern Irish TV programme. The North at least has civil partnerships now. The South has nothing, despite the gay community, particularly in Dublin, being HUGE (at least in comparison with the North).

Ducky, I totally agree, by the way - it is the Catholic Church holding back progression on this matter in the South. Ironically, the roles are reversed here in the North. The Catholic Church is somewhat more open to the gay community, Catholic politicians (Sinn Fein) are the ONLY political party that openly supports the gay community here, and it is the right-wing Protestant churches (particularly the Free Presbyterians) that are extremely vocal about their anti-gay beliefs.

I once got into a heated debate (read - argument) with a "Free P" (as we call them here) who told me I'd be damned not once, but three times over (she didn't like the fact that I'm not only bisexual, but also a Wiccan and a Feminist - to be honest, I'm not quite sure which offended her more...) :lol:
Jayne, it was actually a Southern Irish TV programme. The North at least has civil partnerships now. The South has nothing, despite the gay community, particularly in Dublin, being HUGE (at least in comparison with the North).
All the more reason to move to Soutern Ireland.. well no actually :( Come to think of it, my friend's uncle, who's from Galway, moved to the Netherlands so he could live with his partner without having trouble; it was totally not accepted by my friend's mother (his sister-in-law) and when I was visiting my friend's parents once, her mother asked me whether I had seen Seán sometimes, and I said yes, whenever I'm over in the west, I visit him. And she just stopped talking to me and walked away.. I was like WTF!!! And my friend also told me that she wasn't allowed to go over to visit him when she's over in the Netherlands.. well she does that, it's her fave uncle, but I mean, he isn't a rapist or pedofile, or whatever!!!! :mad:

*gets bucket of ice* I need to cool down a bit.
:hands jayne ice:

my cousion is a lesbian, and my other cousions are totally straightedgechristianshardcorehomophobic. they totally insult her when she's not in the room, but when she's in earshot, they are sweet as honey. :GRRS:
Yeah, its people like that who give us Christians a bad rep as being hateful unloving bigots

and yeah I'm waiting for my cousin to come out to our extended family cuz I have a feeling it will be quite interesting....being that most of our extended family is made up of Midwestern, traditional Lutherans who are hardcore homophobes.
I love the support in this thread! I don't even know where to start.

Lets see, i found out my mother was gay when i was in 3rd grade, my father told me when he was mad b/c i wanted to live with her. I of course didn't understand until i was about 12, when i started to like women myself.

That made things very hard for me, my mothers g/f used to hit me when i was little, so i thought that was how homosexuals acted. But, I now know i was very, very wrong. My mother and I are really close now, I came out to her when i was 17 and came out to my mothers family when i was 20 and my step brother is gay- he came out to everyone when he was 18 and my own lil brother came out this past yr- he's only 15. I also have two aunts who are lesbians. My father kind of knows about me and my brother, he got on my brothers case and told him no dating boys, so i had to have a talk with my father- he told me he would disown him if he was gay- about five minutes later he said he was wrong and i was right. I was rather impressed with him and myself for not flying off of the handle.

I don't like to label myself, I would say i like women more than men, but i find a guy who will catch my ear or my eye every once in a while, but at the same time i think of being intamate with a guy i turn into a nine year old "ewwww" haha!

I am a women who loves womens things. I have my skirts and i wear makeup and have long hair. I don't know why but some ppl tell me i can't be gay b/c i'm to girly. I've even had some lesbians tell me that i'm straight, which hurts my feelings. But I learned a long time ago to just let things go.

I love gay guys- I have a collection if you will. They love me, i'm there lesbian. We go shopping, we do each others hair and makeup- it's awsome! And most of them love the theater as much as i do and it's just nice to be around a male who isn't trying to get into my pants.

I think that about says it all for me- sorry it was sooo long!!!!

But, like i said at the begining, i love the support! :)
That's awesome that you have so many great friends, onlynic! I have been wondering for so long if I am bi or not, but I'm a tad bit frightened what would happen if my family found out that I really was. I know that they would all still think of me as the same person, I have an uncle who is gay (Coolest. Person. Alive. Period.).
BabaOReilly I know, when i tell people they are like whoa! But, the thing is, both of my aunts g/f's brothers are gay too- we could seriously have a huge gay family reunion!

I'm happy I found you guys too lament, i have a feeling this forum will become another part of my extended family!

Raven it's hard to tell how a family might take it- when i told my mother the first words out of her mouth were- "your not aloud to have kids". It was a huge slap in the face and she also held it against me and forced me to either lie to my grandmother or come out to her- i of coarse refused to be ashamed of who i am and told my grandmother. I've had many different reactions to comming out- most of which were really good. When i told my step sis, she was kewl with it and very supportive, even though she was only 16 at the time, and my brother was like "ya i know, no big deal" when my step brother came out to his mom we were out to eat- she looked at him and said "no gang banging you two" refering to him and me-- both of us looked at one another and went "ewww"! haha! But even she was a lil disapointed that her son was gay.

Odd right? A lesbian couple that were disapointed to find out that there two oldest kids were gay. I think that they knew the hard road we faced, but didn't realise that we had been going down that road our who lives b/c our parents were gay. I mean, small town= lots of talk and bullies. So, we were ready for what/still faces/d us.

and ya'll can call me Nic if ya want!
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