Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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While we're at it... Might as well just spike EVERYONE's coffee! :devil: :devil: Including the editor and wardrobe department! :lol:

I mean, why hesitate? Why don't go all the way? Then we could conquer the worldddddd MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

*cough* Sorry. Wrong movie :lol:

You're very welcome, kissmesweet :) I love that pic. Greg looks like he's about to pull Sara into a hug :D
We're gonna need a lot of Sandle spiking, we'll set up spies everywhere, in the writer's home, the editors workplace, the president's offi-...i mean...hehehe :D it'll be a spiking jamboree! what fun we will have :p new episode tonight, maybe we can spike a few people before it airs for good luck ;)
... or I could always use my voddoo :devil: I mean, if all the spiking doesn't work... ;)

New episode? YAY!!! I hope we're getting some Sandle scenes tonight. STAY POSITIVE PEOPLE!!

Hmm. We might as well spiking the President's coffee too. Or the President of CBS. Because if we have, then we're one step closer to conquering the world!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA!!!

Oops. Wrong movie again :lol:
:( No Sandle scenes this last episode, though it was a good one. Maybe now that their done with the Keppler storyline they'll focus back on the team. Mainly, Sara and Greg. :devil:
Well, this wasn't really a Sandle scene, but I found it hilarious when Sara kept backing away from Grissom. I think the dumpster diving was just an excuse, she didn't really look like she wanted to go near him. ^_^
Wouldn't it have been nice if Greg popped in and said "A real man wouldn't mind."? .. even though it didn't seem like Grissom really cared that she smelled.
Hi guys. :) Wikipedia has some site now for CSI. They have ship pages and of course there is one for Sandle! :D Click me for Sandle love! :p The bad thing is that anyone can edit the page, so someone could erase everything. :eek:

I'm not sure of the name for the next episode, but in the promo I saw, Greg was walking up to Sara talking about the case, so they work together at some point! :)

^^Oh and LOL at LUCKEY! I would have died from laughter if that happened.. I can just see him *popping* in! :lol:
^^ Yay! Awesome spoiler! Thanks. :) Love your icon by the way. Absolutely adorable!! :D
7x06 - SARA: "I'm the one who turned the music on."
7x06 - GREG: "Lucky for us."
Awww, I love looking at the S/G episode guide. It makes me smile all over. 7.06 was fantastic. :) Sara defended him! TAKE THAT, GRISSOM!

Well, actually. I like Grissom, but he's ALL WRONG FOR SARA!! Sara/Greg all the way...
Greg looks like he's about to pull Sara into a hug
Awwww, speaking of hugs. I'm rewatching 4,20. The aftermarathon hug was so cute!
Glad Wikipedia has finally had the sense to create CSI ship pages :rolleyes:. And a Sandle one at that :lol:. Was the list of top Sandle moments put up by anyone here? If so, thankyou in advance :D!

Oh, and thanks for the link, sandersidle :D. I'd have probably gotten lost in the big world of Wikipedia :lol:

Wouldn't it have been nice if Greg popped in and said "A real man wouldn't mind."? .. even though it didn't seem like Grissom really cared that she smelled.

That would have been nice. Very, very nice :D Even though I haven't seen any Season 7 episodes after B2K Parts 1 and 2, it seems as though Grissom and Sara's relationship is not progressing as quickly as Sara would like. In fact, I don't think it's going all that well...

At least we have some idea that the two will work together and (hopefully :rolleyes:) talk in the upcoming episode. It's titled 'Monster In A Box' according to CSIFiles Episode Guide :D
Oh I made the Sandle page there. :p Well there was already a Sandle page, but I wrote the stuff. I know the top part sucks but I was in a hurry. :p So I added in the list of moments. I snagged it from here, I hope you don't mind. ;)

Thanks kissmesweet!! I love your banner! :D
i love the "back away from grissom" i was laughing so hard like "HA! BACK OFF GRISSOM!" hey for all we know her and greg could have fallen in love during the time he was gone and we just didn't see :) now saras staying away from Grissom so she can come up with an excuse to dump him :D yessssss i have had some positivity cookies today can't you tell :)
Oh, we can definately tell, GregsLabRat :D. But there's nothing wrong with an overdose of positivity cookies. I mean, you can never be too positive :lol:

hey for all we know her and greg could have fallen in love during the time he was gone and we just didn't see

Supposed Sandle luvin! Gotta adore it :D Sometimes the writer's do like to hide things though, and bring it out in a later episode, so who knows ;)

I know the top part sucks but I was in a hurry

sandersidle , I really like the beginning of the Sandle page on Wikipedia. I couldn't stop myself smiling when I read it, because it was so truthful and cute :D I couldn't have done it better myself :D
ugh i read an interview on the GSR page and one of the producers said

"Grissom has a greater understanding of his feelings for Sara [Jorja Fox] when he returns. He's so excited to see her but she's less excited to see part because she spent the day in a landfill. But later we are going to see them in Grissom's apartment"
um. ew. :eek:We kinda don't wanna see that EVER again. I mean EVER. TBTB are being kinda harsh to us aren't they? :confused:
GregsLabRat said:
"Grissom has a greater understanding of his feelings for Sara [Jorja Fox] when he returns. He's so excited to see her but she's less excited to see part because she spent the day in a landfill. But later we are going to see them in Grissom's apartment"

no, not again :(...I won't wanna speak ill of GSR here coz it's not so civil but..."see them in Grissom's apartment"?! :mad: *Jue bashing lots of pillows, again* ok calm down...

ok..Grissoms apartment you say? So...well, maybe it would go something like this *positivity imagination flow...* :

Knock knock
Griss:*opened the door* Sara! Come in...
Sara:*serious face* No I rather not.
Griss:*raise eyebrow* Sara?
Sara:*same old serious face* Am just here just to tell you that I realised we aren't meant to be together, it's a mistake from the start, and I won't let it continue as a mistake. We are over, goodbye. *turns and leave*
Griss:Sara wait!! *wanted to go after her but realised he can never catch up with Sara in full speed mode, he sighed and closed the door*
yeah I know I am bad, but isn't TPTB equally bad? *sobsob* can't help it, especially after "see them in Grissom's apartment", how can one still be in normal mode? *tears and throws all pillows out the street :mad:*

P/S:eek:k, after a good night's sleep Jue's now in a more stable state, edited the "script" coz still felt bad with the *personal attack on legs matter*, well, sort of. :rolleyes:No matter how much I am gonna dread that upcoming scene, we Sandles cannot lose our manners, still a civil batch. :D
We gotta stay positive, jue, and we gotta stay sane too :lol: Pillows are at risk here!

I hope we get to see them spend some time together in the next episode. Wouldn't it be nice to just witness a little flirty moment between them like in season 3, back when Greg was a lab rat? I mean, it wouldn't need to be this whole big Sandle scene, just a little smile or wink would make me happy :)...Wouldn't mind a whole big Sandle scene though :p

yeah I know I am bad, but isn't TPTB equally bad? *sobsob* can't help it, especially after "see them in Grissom's apartment", how can one still be in normal mode? *tears and throws all pillows out the street *

They are bad, jue. Very bad, and we need to sort them out ;). So let's pick up those pillows, dry those eyes and spike some coffee! I'm so evil :devil:...

Woohoo, 100 posts at last! :D
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