Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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I never thought of myself as a Greg fan until I found the Sandle thread

here is a picture or two--some of you I'm sure you have seen but to remind you guys again on how good they are together


from Iced


again from Iced
Yay! Coffee and cookies, my favourite! Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

I love reading Sandle fanfiction =) .. My favourites are by Emmithar, Jenny and Kegal (I'd post the link, if I knew how). I read more on the computer than I do real books. Which is really harsh on the eyes.
Welcome to the sandle thread Luckey008 *hands positivity cookies and Blue Hawaiian* :D

Thanks for the cap hhunter :) Love Iced, one of the best sandle episodes ever. I think its such a great episode, not just because they work together and the chemistry is undeniable, but also because the subtleties in this episode are so nice, and they learn so much about each other :)

And the first picture is great. Kind of looks like he's checking her out, and shes trying to pretend she hasnt noticed :)

And maybe TPTB are giving us little Greg and little Sandle becasue theyve got another great sandle moment planned? I have faith they'll give us some sandle soon :)

And will go read all the fics posted when i get back :)
*eats positivity cookies* I feel so much better. Thanks, Hestia! :p *hugs* Woot. I've been in a such a Sandle mood... *correction*... I've been so Sandly lately. :)

Thanks for those photos, hhunter! Iced is one of my favorite Sandle episodes. I always get so happy when I watch it.

And I agree, Nicki, that photo where he looks at her is so sweet. I always use it for my Secret Glances graphics. Speaking of graphics... I made some Sandlish graphics recently. I'll post them here later today.
Soooo, I got a new computer for Christmas, and I finally got internet for it. So I guess this means I can go on TalkCSI more? I feel bad cause I definately forgot about you guys for like a month. :( But now i'm back, hopefully for good this time. :D

Awesome fics posted, I've read most of them, and I was reading the ones that I didn't read yesterday.

Nice Sandle pictures too. Sandle always makes me happy. :D
Hey guys... I thought I'd introduce myself over here to you all. I'm gregisamazing and I am a huge Greg/Sara shipper. I write fan-fictions of them of course... And I'm in the Greg/Sara project going around collecting Sandle quotes ect. :D
Yeay Hollie's back! Am glad you're back for good :)

And welcome gregisamazing *hands positivity cookies and blue hawaiian* And i totally agree with your screename :)

Look forward to your graphics SaraStar :)

I was rewatching the Fannysmakin clip with 'that sidle scent' and realised that alot of their memorable scenes have got to do with the senses. We have Teh Sidle Scent, and then the "a real man wouldnt mind" came because of the "you smell like death" comment. And then when Greg made Sara laugh when he accidently tasted decomp juice "Grissom would have tasted it on purpose". And i'm sure there's more, but thats all i can think of right now :)
Wow haven't been in here for ages... But I think it's time to de-lurk :D

Welcome to gregisamazing (I like your name, he IS amazing :D), LUCKEY008, and everyone else new!! Welcome aboard and have some Sandle famous Positivity Cookies :)

Nicki that's a good point. I think there's a connection. Maybe since the beginning Greg already loves Sara's scent. So when one day he passed her in the hall and she smelled... like death (his words, not mine :lol:) he just had to comment :D But it's just sweet how he's like 'I still love you even if you smell like death.' :D :D A guy like that is hard to find :lol:

No wonder Greg always seems to stand close to her. It's 'that Sidle scent' ;) :)

Hmm since I seem to have abandoned this thread for a while... I'm gonna post some pics just so you all won't get mad at me :p

I wish you would really really kiss me

Tell me you don't feel his longing *sigh* :)

(credits: eric szmanda web)


He put his hand on her arm! :D :D :D

hollie!!! Good to see you're back :D
Welcome back, Silhouette :D. We've all been wondering where you were, and thanks for the pics. I love them! And yes, I definately can see the longing in his eyes :lol: Let's hope he gets what he wants soon enough. :D

Nice catch, CSIangel17 . There's been a lot of 'scent' moments in the Sandle-World. The 'you smell like death' comment is classic Sandle love that we don't really see now that Greg is out of the lab...Least we have nice, big moments to make up for it, yeah? :rolleyes: :D

Do you think the 'I saw everything' comment from 4x4 is a 'Sandle Sense'-Oooh, is that a new word for the Sandle Dictionary?-moment? Because, she saw everything and seeing is a sense. Grr, me and my rambling sessions :p. I gotta find a doctor to cure me of it...*shouts to the writers* OR MAYBE A MAJOR SANDLE MOMENT OR TEN WOULD HELP ? ;) *Whispers* I still got that Spiker...Beware Writers, beware... :lol:
We missed you. But if my excellent mood is a sign of things to come, well, then Sara and Greg should be rounding third right Two snow days, a John Mayer concert and a new Sandle fic to a sign, be a sign, be a sign.
wow i missed alot, so yeah i like the sandle senses thing going, and welcome all the new people who i am too lazy to scroll back up and see...i feel bad now :( yay cookies! :p i made some with my little brother today and we had yeah i had to put sandle on some of them :D i'm thinking it would actually be better if next week, when griss is back there will be a lot of sandle scenes, it shows that they are in love even in the presence of grissom! :devil:MWHAHAHAHHA
and i have more Sandle foreshadowing!
I was riding my skateboard, ok, and i fell off of it because i ran over a sandal :rolleyes:, and the bruise i got on my knee is in the shape of a heart. Beat that people, that's real foreshadowing i tell you! ;)
Nice pictures Silhouette, they're so cute. Which episode is the last picture from? .. I haven't seen it before. Too bad we don't have a taste sense for thoes Sandle Senses, Sabser.
Oh, yes we do, LUCKEY008...Just not the one we all hope for :rolleyes: I think CSIangel17 pointed out that in one episode, Greg and Sara were draining the trunk of a car, and some body soup went in Greg's mouth (ew)...So, I guess that's our taste...Who knows, we might get to see the type of taste we've been waiting for :devil:...

Wow, nice Sandle sign GregsLabRat :D! You really have a heart shaped bruise? Kind of a lucky, but painful, moment :lol:

Wow, some nice Sandle signs happening, aren't there? Maybe something will happen. Well, it's a good thing I support the ship that doesn't give up hope :lol: If we did, who knows what we'd be doing right now! Probably throwing rocks at nearby walls but anyway...he's to more Sandle signs *Holds up mug of blue hawiaain and takes a sip* Ah, freshly spiked coffee...
Sabser said:
Do you think the 'I saw everything' comment from 4x4 is a 'Sandle Sense'-Oooh, is that a new word for the Sandle Dictionary?-moment?

I'll add it right away. :)

Woot, Bully For You was on last night here... I love that episode so much. The 'You smell you death' scene is Sandlove. :) I didn't pay attention to the following scenes for like five minutes, because I was going crazy over that Sandle moment. :lol:
An aargh, I hate Hank. He's not a real man. ;)
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