Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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Sandle signs! :eek: :D

Sadly, I haven't had any lately. But, I will be sure to look out for some.

Ewww, Hank the Skank. I blame him for the fact that Sara and Greg aren't together yet. Because of him Sara was upset, and when Sara is upset Greg is upset. So there can be no Sandle cheeriness [is that a word?!] when Sara and Greg are upset. Boooo Hank! But then I again, I blame Hank for everything.
LUCKEY008 said:
Nice pictures Silhouette, they're so cute. Which episode is the last picture from?
I think it's from Unbearable... Not sure... but yes they're so cute :D

Sadly I haven't had any sandle signs lately :( Or maybe they're everywhere and I just miss them? :rolleyes:

I really really miss Sandle :( It's been a while since the last time I hear they have a scene together (or is it just me?) I miss them working together. I miss the flirting. I thought with Grissom gone for a while... *puts head down* man I need positivity cookie so bad
Oh poor Silhouette :( I hope this batch of positivity cookies I baked in cooking today help *Hands over batch of cookies to Silhouette* :D

I really really miss Sandle It's been a while since the last time I hear they have a scene together (or is it just me?) I miss them working together. I miss the flirting. I thought with Grissom gone for a while...

It's not just you, Silhouette :). I miss the Sandle interaction too :(. Sandle moments always brighten up my day and to have less and less of them...*sigh* It's kinda depressing...
*takes cookie* Awww thank you :D I'm feeling a little better. But still... it IS kinda depressing :( What's up with TPTB nowadays? We have a lot of Sandle in S5. And now it's... scarce...

Oh wait. I need to be positive *takes a huge bite of the cookie* I'm not giving up on them, I swear :)

Oh, I forgot to tell you that there was an Eric Valentine Project in the Eric thread (thanks to labgeekluvr :)). She asked me to turn my Sandle manip into a valentine. Now I was thinking... Other than 'Happy Valentine's Day, Eric' I also wrote "We hope Greg would get his 'valentine' too... we know he hasn't given up on Sara yet." :D So I hope that maybe when Eric sees it he would know that we DO still support Sara and Greg (cause it wasn't just me... labgeek also made one that is Sandle). Like a little 'encouragement'... Who knows that he'd talk to the writers again... (well I'm just one person so maybe it's too much to hope for ...but I bet he gets a lot of letters, and there must be a few that is Sandle, so I'm just one among them... but maybe each one would help... well a girl can dream ;)) We know how much he's a Sandle shipper at heart, right? :)

So don't give up!! *takes another HUGE bite of the cookie* Mmmmm delicious :D
YAY! That's so awesome. I'm sure Eric will be totally happy with that, since he's such a Sandle shipper. :D
Hey, no problemo, Silhouette :D. You are too right, we gotta stay positive. Who knows, we might get a Sandle moment Thursday that'll even make Ecklie cry with happiness...I'm kinda betting a lot there aren't I? :lol:

Now I was thinking... Other than 'Happy Valentine's Day, Eric' I also wrote "We hope Greg would get his 'valentine' too... we know he hasn't given up on Sara yet." So I hope that maybe when Eric sees it he would know that we DO still support Sara and Greg (cause it wasn't just me... labgeek also made one that is Sandle). Like a little 'encouragement'... Who knows that he'd talk to the writers again... (well I'm just one person so maybe it's too much to hope for ...but I bet he gets a lot of letters, and there must be a few that is Sandle, so I'm just one among them... but maybe each one would help... well a girl can dream ) We know how much he's a Sandle shipper at heart, right?

Of course we know Eric is a Sandle Shipper :p. I mean he pretty much created it, didn't he? He was the one who told the writer's 'I think Greg Sanders has a crush on Sara Sidle', so Eric is a big part of who we have to thank for such a wonderful ship :D.

Silhouette, one person can make a big difference, and I think, since everyone who is involved in the Valentine's Day gift project has worked so hard, he might just think about it, you know, use it as proof that people out there are still hoping that Greg and Sara can find happiness in each other. So, who knows, your comment may be just the thing that makes Eric talk to the writer's once more. They've listened once, I hope they listen to him again. :D
hi all, watched #504 CROW's FEET today, wanna add a little sandle scene into the listings created by TricKarnival :)

Somewhere near the mid part of the show, Greg was using the computer to check the match for the blue feather, Sara came in, and Greg was asking her how come he's not involved with the interrogation thing.

Sara replied, "Greg, you still have the solo to complete, and, technically, you're still a trainee, but you're doing a great job."

Think Sara's trying to comfort and encourage Greg, and she say it in such a genuine and from the heart way, that makes our usual hyper active Greg just smiled gently and said "thanks".

And...they stared at each other for a moment, before Sara leaves. Awwwww, that moment was so intense! :eek: I even thought he/she's going to do something about it, a hug? A kiss? :D but yet....*Jue bashing lots of pillows* why did she have to go look for Gris after that, damn :mad:

anyways, here's the updated list:

1x08 - SARA: "He's toying with us."
1x15 - GREG: "You want a valium for her?" SARA: "I heard that."
1x20 - Greg needs to see Grissom and waves to Sara.
1x22 - SARA: "You're nuts. You know that."
2x04 - GREG: "A real man wouldn't mind."
2x10 - GREG: "Just because you got passed over, don't take it out on me."
2x11 - GREG: (to Catherine.) "Do you think Sara would ever go out with me?"
2x11 - GREG: "So I was thinking. Maybe we could take our break at the same time. Later this shift. Together."
2x11 - GREG: "Sara and I were just going out for dinner."
2x11 - SARA: "I could really, really just kiss you right now."
2x13 - GREG: "When you say 'jump', I say 'how high?'"
2x16 - GREG: "Sex is physical. Is that sport?" SARA: "Not to me."
2x18 - SARA: "You're really good at what you do."
2x18 - Sara defends Greg.
2x21 - GRISSOM: "You already shared this information with Sara?"
2x21 - GRISSOM: "You and Greg are out ahead of me."
3x01 - GREG: "What's he got that I don't got?"
3x01 - GREG: "You'll get your answer when I get mine."
3x03 - GREG: "Well, it's raw... and it's definitely skin."
3x05 - GREG: "Swami is here to reveal all your DNA secrets."
3x17 - GREG: "I have some information that could bring us even closer."
4x05 - GREG: *gestures to Sara to call him.*
4x10 - Greg's perfect teeth.
4x15 - GREG: "You're my witness."
4x20 - The after-marathon hug.
4x21 - Greg carries Sara's field kit in addition to his own.
5x02 - SARA: "I heard you finally lost your virginity."
5x04 - SARA: "Greg, you still have the solo to complete, and, technically, you're still a trainee, but you're doing a great job." GREG: "Thanks."
5x05 - MIA: "Sara said you didn't lose your virginity until you were 22."
5x11 - GREG: "Are you checking up on me?"
5x11 - SARA: "Feel like celebrating after shift? I'm buying."
5x11 - Sara is the first one Greg hugs when he passes his proficiency test.
5x13 - SARA: "Mr. Straightedge."
5x13 - Greg asks Catherine how they can help Sara.
5x14 - GREG: "I'm a good listener."
5x16 - GREG: "This is just like a dream I had once."
5x19 - SARA: "Really? Gosh, I saw everything."
5x21 - Greg pretends to smother Sara with a pillow.
5x23 - Trophy condoms. xD
5x23 - The Infamous Explodapotty.
6x01 - SARA: "Technically, that makes you a cannibal."
6x01 - GREG: "And the student becomes the master."
6x05 - Gold Stars.
6x13 - Greg's sandwich.
6x22 - SARA: "Greg, don't you have a birthday coming up?"
7x04 - GREG: "I know that Sidle scent."
7x06 - SARA: "I'm the one who turned the music on."
7x06 - GREG: "Lucky for us."

my stupid updated WMP still can't capture screen caps, anyone so kind to capture that intense moment? awwww *Jue's melting again :lol:*
jue said:
my stupid updated WMP still can't capture screen caps, anyone so kind to capture that intense moment? awwww *Jue's melting again :lol:*
Actually I captured it once. There are the caps:



Aww I love the Sandle moments! And the screen cap is soo... :D!

The valentine is sucha cool idea. And I love the fact that Eric is a total Sandle shipper. It makes me love hi meven more! :D

Oh and I had a Sandle sign today. Well, for my brothers birthday party, that was a while ago, in like, October, I made my mom buy me some gold stars and when I was digging through my backpack to get my homework today I found them there. And I was talking to my friend, James, in SS and explaining to him about how Nick was molested by his babysitter and my one friends George overhead our coversation and was like, "CSI?" and I was like "Yeah! It's my favorite show." and he was like, "Me too!"
Make him be for Sandle like I've done to my friends! All I do is tell them the downsides of all other Sara shippings and the ups of Sandle. :devil: Foolproof, even Amy-proof (Trust me, that's work).
Me and my friend were talking about CSI today because my teacher mentioned watching a crime show the other night and were like "Did it have a cute looking guy with spiky hair?" :rolleyes: and he couldnt remember but it was too late because we went off on a Sandle rant and started dissing on Grissom and Keppler, :lol: i don't think we learned much that day. Plus this really cute guy was totally interested int he conversation so yeah... :)hahaha i guess that could count as a Sandle sign, were recruiting more people :devil:
thanks gregsandersfan, yeah that's the "moment"!! :D Look at those loving eyes, come on, what feelings other than love would you be possessing to have a look like that? Powerstobe must be blind to not have realise that, or have they? That's why they put Sara+Gris together at the end of S6? To create more tension? To create a big love triangle? oh well...whatever, just let the pair be together at the end, I don't really care about the "extras :rolleyes:" or "obstacles :rolleyes:" or any other thing that came along.

So Gris is back to the show soon? And the pair doesn't have much great scenes together for those epis? *tears more pillows :mad:*

and hey GregsLabRat, when your teacher said "Did it have a cute looking guy with spiky hair?", you should have answer, "yeah, a really cute looking one, coz his equally cute girlfriend tobe/wouldbe/shouldbe Sara helps him do the different hairstyle everyday" cool is that statement... :lol:
Awwwwww!!! I should watch Crow's Feet again then. Sara's saying "You're doing a great job." to Greg? Awwwwww (again) :D It's not the first time. I remember, it was in Season 3 maybe. Sara said, "You've done a good job, Greg..." and Greg looked up, opened his mouth to say something, but hesitated. Now I wonder what he would've said! But it's just adorable. Sara's proud of Greggo :D

Love the loving looks :) You SO can tell from the caps...

jue said:
So Gris is back to the show soon? And the pair doesn't have much great scenes together for those epis? *tears more pillows :mad:*
Positivity, remember, positivity! *hands cookies*

Sabser said:
Silhouette, one person can make a big difference, and I think, since everyone who is involved in the Valentine's Day gift project has worked so hard, he might just think about it, you know, use it as proof that people out there are still hoping that Greg and Sara can find happiness in each other. So, who knows, your comment may be just the thing that makes Eric talk to the writer's once more. They've listened once, I hope they listen to him again. :D
*snif* Thank you Sabser, you get me to believe again :) Would it be funny if Eric shows the writers the scrapbook (along with a huge box of Sandle-positive letters) and is like, "See? THIS is exactly why we need a big Sandle scene ASAP." And the writers are like, "You're right, Eric. We need Sandle scene! ASAP!" :D I'm gonna go to sleep with that image in my head. Somebody should spike the writer's coffee again. Hmm maybe we could ask Eric's help to do it :p

But, shhhh, you don't hear this idea from me ;)
ok, now that we have Eric on our side :p hahahha Sandle will prevail! We just need to spike Jorja's coffee so we'll have both of them pushing on the writers it's brilliant I tell you! mwhahahaha :devil: *cough* hehe and maybe while we're there spiking people's coffee we can just 'accidentally' slip some into William Petersens too :devil:
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