Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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haha i like that idea Jue, *Sends scene off to writers* maybe they'll get the hint :p well i just had some positivity cookies and i watched Nesting Dolls with greg wanting to help Sara OH SO much :D...but then Grissom at Sara's apartment... :(yea. Still I miss the old Sandle love, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LOVE!? :confused: i think i need more cookies...
I've missed out on so much... :(

As of RIGHT NOW, I'm listening to Carrie Underwood singing "Desperado," on the Grammies/Grammys and I'm fixing to get off of the computer cuz of my mom. (She wants to check her email... :rolleyes:)

Love all of the Sandle pics!! *and I truly think Desperado is a Sandle song, but I don't have time to post the lyrics in the Sandle songs thread* I need to go, my mom wants to get on. ¡Adios! *ducks back in to give cookies to GregsLabRat*

YES! *Eats cookies* this is so funny because I actually have cookies and milk next to me... :eek:oh well! :lol: oh wow, i just listened to Desperado and that is SO a Sandle song :cool:*sighs* i love this song...
I almost forgot about tha debate thread... I should definitely pay it a visit, among other threads.
So it looks like I missed seeing Silhouette and hollie. *sigh* Well I'm glad to see their back, in any case. Hi girls!
I had to drag myself from bed... I don't like having a cold. :(

There's mixed positivity and gloominess in here. Hmmm, very puzzling. Oh don't be so sad my dear sandle-shippers, we can talk it out (if anyone wants to talk about it, PM me. I am up for listening). Besides, I like to think that in the long run, in the future, Greg and Sara will end up together and they'll realize how much love they have for each other...

By the way, I remembered Silhouette's list of top thirty moments and I've been colecting screencaps here and there. I managed to identify a previously unidentifiable scene. :p
#24: I don't remember the episode but Greg walked into a room Sara was in, and he waved and smiled at her. It's just so cute!
It was Sounds of Silence, season 1. If anyone has a acreencap of this scene or can make one, please, please, PLEASE PM me the pic(s)!

Thank you. :)

Parting words:
From almost kissing eachother, to showering together, to hand holding, Sandle is The Ship. (gotta love that quote ;))
Rhonda, noted and thanks for reminding. We do get carried away once in a while.. ;)

So...since we are civilised batch over here, let's focus on the positivity side of Sandleness. Allow me to carry on with my script (part 2), focusing on the right couple :lol:

Sara:So, I've told him.
Greg:You did?
Sara:Yeah, not a big deal anyway *shrugged*
Greg:*shaking head* no, it's a big me.
Greg:come here, I've got to reward my girl.
Sara smiled and leans closer...
smuck~ this is not so much like a shipper pic coz you can't see who's who, but oh well, do you think the *cough* other guy *cough* would have wear a purple shirt like this one? *grin*

gotta go, in case I goes on and got carried away again :D ...gonna pack my wardrobe:rolleyes:...

Hestia, do get well soon, we need your presence here! :)
Whoa I have missed a lot. My computer broke... I hate it when my computer doesn't work. :( Anyway, here I am. I'm happy to see we're back to being positive... we must be the most patient and optimistic shippers ever. *SANDLECHEER FOR US* :) Even though it's very hard to stay positive sometimes *points to spoiler about Grissom/Sara* ... Uuhh nevermind. *eats positivity cookies*

I love the Wikipedia page! The description of Sandle is perfect. I agree, Hestia, that part you quoted was awesome. Great job, Katie!

I gotta say I looooved that scene in Sounds of Silence. Because he only waves at her! :D
Welcome back, SaraStar :D Good to see you again *Hands positivity cookies to SaraStar as a welcome back present*

I gotta agree with you too, Hestia! That little introduction on the Sandle page is spot on. Almost kissing, check! Hand-holding, check! All the Sandle moments, check!

If only we could take out the 'almost' from 'Almost Kissing' :lol:

Oh, I loved Sounds of Silence because of that little moment. Like I mentioned before, just something small like a smile can make us really happy, and that's a good thing! Let's stay positive, people :D! *Hands out cookies to everyone*

Oh, and I hope you feel better soon, Hestia. I've got a cold too, and I think I've had it for about three years :lol:
Thank you! :) *eats more cookies* This thread always cheers me up. I'm not feeling so good at the moment (seems like everyone is getting ill *hugs Sabser and Hestia*), but coming here makes me feel so much better. :)

And yeah it's true that little Sandle moments can make me totally happy. The secret glances and this quick wave he gave her... awww <333.

And let's take the almost out of almost kissing! ;) Because... <333.

And another manip I made awhile ago. Kiss me.
This will be posted in all the active shipper threads.

There have been lots and lots of newbies to TalkCSI and the Shipper Threads so I thought I would direct everyone to the Shipper Central Rules so those new to Shipper Central, please make sure to read them in their entirety. Thanks

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SaraStar said:
And let's take the almost out of almost kissing! ;) Because... <333.

And another manip I made awhile ago. Kiss me.
Aww, that's very sweet! :D

It's really a pity that there are so few Sandle moments. Sometimes I think it's only the Sandle fanfics that tide me over. :rolleyes:
Yayy.. these manpis are really great, its just our bad luck that it had never happened... YET! (of course)

And you're right! If everybody would decide to stop writing new and new fictions i would feel... that something is missing from my life, and i wpould think that Sandle never could be canon or what...
but i always tell myself we need positivity!:D

and i really disappointed in the writers that they didnt write Sandle scenes for the time when Grissom left. Maybe we should send them some Sandle positivity cookies and talk to Eric to convince the writers that we NEED more Sandle! :D
I think there might be a bug going around the Sandle shippers, because I am most definitley sick I hate being sick, you have to stay home and do NOTHING i can't take that! I need to feel productive!

Eek! SaraStar your manips have made my day :D by the way does anyone else think that maybe this weeks CSI will have any kind of Valentine's reference in it? Becuase we all know Greg would so get her a valentine, :D aww with a little bear or something too :p
AHHHH, Sarastar! Your little manips are amazing and it's put a giant smile on my face!
Glad Wikipedia has finally had the sense to create CSI ship pages . And a Sandle one at that . Was the list of top Sandle moments put up by anyone here? If so, thankyou in advance !
Wow, yeah! Aweeeesome! I'm so happy!
I can't find the link anywhere! Can I please have it???
Thanks kissmesweet!! I love your banner!
Awww, you're welcome and thank you!
hey for all we know her and greg could have fallen in love during the time he was gone and we just didn't see
Yep, that's the way I'm looking at it!
We gotta stay positive, jue, and we gotta stay sane too Pillows are at risk here!
haha, :lol: That cracked me up!
Happy you guys liked the manips! :D Sandle is my favorite fandom to make graphics with, so I'll have more up soon.

And I was thinking... since we're all ill, there has to be some kind of cause of that. Perhaps it's the fact that there's so little Sandle lately? :lol: So if the writers want us to get better, they'd better put some huge Sandlove into the next episodes. ;)

OMG! It'd be awesome if Greg got Sara something for Valentine. That's a great idea, GregsLabRat! *crosses fingers*
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