Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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^^ I know! I can see Greg being really sad fiddling around with a dozen of roses he bought, then hesistantly putting them on Sara's desk.

OH MY GOD!! I'm gonna write a fic about that!
SaraStar and jue, I love your manips :D. With the lack of Sandle and this damn cold, I've been a little depressed :(, but luckily, manips and, like others have said, fanfiction have kept my spirits up ;). Of course the writers could help cure all of us who have colds or bugs or just lack of sandle sickeness by giving us a nice Sandle moment...hint hint :lol:

^^ I know! I can see Greg being really sad fiddling around with a dozen of roses he bought, then hesistantly putting them on Sara's desk.

OH MY GOD!! I'm gonna write a fic about that!

Thankyou, kissmesweet! A fic is just what I need right now. It's gonna be great, I know it :D!

Okay, so my friend from school, Jordan, he likes CSI and supports Sandle and he created a pic for me, which was very nice of him. Thankyou Jordan :D. So, i'll put it here, because he wants to know what you think. He says it bad, I say it's not, and yet, he doesn't believe me. I'm rambling again... :rolleyes:

Hey there Sandle lovers, just seen Fannysmackin' for the first time and oh my lord, that exchange between Sara & Greg, so cute. I think I just turned into a Sandle shipper!!

LMAO at those cookies. Love it.
he he he ^^ ams that episode turned me into a Sandle shipper too :)

I love the cookie box manip very clever :D

Greg is so absolutly adorable and so is Sara in her sweet kind loving way :)

they would be great not just at work but in real life too
**sighs** :)
OOOOOOOHHHH!! Just when I thought I was all alone! I was at the band chili supper cleaning up last Thursday and I was like, "Now, we gotta hurry. I can't miss CSI." and a friend of mine's mom was like, "No, we can't miss CSI." and I said, "I don't much care for Grissom and Sara together." and she was like, "Nah." and I said "I'd much rather see Greg and Sara together." and she said, "Yeah."

Yay me!!! Seekin' out the Sandle in a non-Sandle-icious zone.
Hi 19ams87. Since I haven't seen you around, I'll have to welcome you to the thread! But if you have been here before, come by more often, we have sandle cookies - just look at Sabser's pic (Very cute pic, btw. the cookies look delicious. :)) Oh and nice to see you around more often, hhunter!

Sarastar said:
(seems like everyone is getting ill *hugs Sabser and Hestia*)
Aww, thanks hun! I could use a hug, especially since it's going to be Valentine's day soon and I have no one to share it with!

Valentine's day always gets me kind of down, but trying to get over this darn cold gets me even more down. What a day! jue you're also a sweetie. Thanks for all the nice thoughts, everyone - I shall toss them right back at you and I hope everyone else who feels sick gets better soon!
I can feel the love.
(The wonderful manipulations and pictures of Sara and Greg might also be what's bringing the love. :lol:)

And I was thinking... since we're all ill, there has to be some kind of cause of that. Perhaps it's the fact that there's so little Sandle lately? :lol: So if the writers want us to get better, they'd better put some huge Sandlove into the next episodes. ;)
Agreed. We need voodoo dolls and round the clock e-mails to TPTB! I think they've gotten too accustomed to the spiked coffee... for all we know, all the alcohol is making them forget about all the good times between Sara and Greg, like this:
Wonder what they're lookin' at...
They look guilty in this one

And if anyone knows anyone who can cap that Sounds of Silence moment, please tell me! It would make me feel better (it might even cure my cold! ;)) but mostly it would help me with that sandle list (I'm close to gathering screencaps from virtually all the moments on the list! I just need that one, and a couple others...)
oh my gosh Hestia that second picture, haha they do look guilty XD

Yum, i'm loving those cookies, :p maybe we should buy a whole bunch and pass them out on Valentines day, or as I like to call it "S.A.D." (Single Awareness Day)

Single and ill on valentines day, the writers need to just take pity on us and give us a sandle scene! I'm not asking for a declaration of love (although that'd be nice) just a cute little scene :)
Hestia said:
And if anyone knows anyone who can cap that Sounds of Silence moment, please tell me! It would make me feel better (it might even cure my cold! ;)) but mostly it would help me with that sandle list (I'm close to gathering screencaps from virtually all the moments on the list! I just need that one, and a couple others...)

Here you are:

cap1 cap2 cap3 cap4 cap5
I love love love your fanfiction. :D I submitted a review. ;) Gosh, reading your fic makes me realise I should really update my fics... I've neglected them way too long. :rolleyes: *shame on me*

Thanks so much for those caps, gregsandersfan! :) It makes me happy to see them.

So happy Valentine's Day to all of you Sandlers! *hugs tight*
Nope Hestia, haven't been here before. I've never really seen the Sandleness before I watched Fannysmackin. But WOW, so good together I swear. So damn cute.

And apparently 40%ish of CSI viewers dont think Gris and Sara should be together. I'm one of them! Sara and Greg (or Nicky) and Gil and Cath. MUCH more realistic couples.
Yay! kissmesweet, I loved your fic. Valentines day is a very depressing holiday, and it made me feel better. :D

And I love, love, love the Wikipedia page. Its very cuteyful. Heheh.

And whaaa? Apartment? =[ TPTB are sooo unfair.

Oh, and, Happy Valentines Day! <3
kissmesweet great little fic I love it
I can totally see Greg being all nervous in giving Sara a gift , he's so cute

but what would Sara give to Greg? Music maybe? A DVD of his favorite movie?
and would he go vegetarian for her?
Just questions I'm throwing out there because I'm new to this ship :)
Hi everybody!
That Sandle site in Wikipedia it's so cute! Someone wanted link -
I checked out what other shippers have done and some of them added videos in their ships site (Sara and Nick). Maybe some of you know how to put the videos in Sandle site! That would be so cool!
I have seen some very good music videos in YouTube. I liked Sara and Greg- It have all good Sandle moments and very good song!
I have actually watched for the very first time Fannysmackin' video there and it was so good! Sara and Greg, and all that “Sidle scent” and Sara were there for him….. Ooooooo

edited to remove link to fan made video
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